Tuesday, October 16, 2007

News + Updates

PS Publishing has launched their new Webstore HERE and in celebration of its launch, 50% off the cover price of all pre-2007 book titles (back-issues of Postscripts magazine are not included) will be available until the end of November 2007, that is while supplies last so don’t miss out! Meanwhile, in support of Alison Croggon’s YA fantasy series Pellinor, there’s now a comprehensive website that readers can check out HERE. If you haven’t heard of the series here’s a blurb from Tamora Pierce (Protector of the Small, The Circle Universe)—“An epic fantasy in the Tolkien tradition, with a strong girl hero who is entirely believable in her struggles to master herself and learn the secrets of her identity. I couldn't put it down!" According to this press release HERE, Solaris Books has acquired the world mass market rights to Brian Lumley’s latest Lovecraftian story collection, The Taint and Other Novellas: Best Mythos Tales Volume One, which will be published in late 2008 with a second, as yet untitled volume, to be published the following year. Hey, I’m a fan of Lumley and I love Lovecraft so this sounds like something to look forward to :). Solaris also has an EXTRACT to “The Blood King” (January 2008), the sequel to Gail Z. Martin’sThe Summoner”.

Around the blogosphere, A Dribble of Ink has an interview with Mark J. Ferrari (The Book of Joby) HERE, the Fantasy & Sci-Fi Lovin’ Book Review interrogates Nathalie Mallet (The Prince of the Golden Cage) HERE, Fantasy Debut has a load of stuff going on including giveaways for “The Book of JobyHERE and Amanda Ashby’sYou Had Me At HaloHERE, Gav’s Blog has a UK competition for a copy of Jeff Somers’The Electric ChurchHERE, Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review reviews Naomi Novik’sEmpire of IvoryHERE, Grasping for the Wind covers Terry Pratchett’sMaking MoneyHERE, Neth Space is a father!!!, Of Blog of the Fallen has a wonderful review of Neil Gaiman’sFragile ThingsHERE, SciFiChick checks out the new Stars: Death Star novel HERE, The Bodhisattva has a very comprehensive review HERE on “Night of Knives” by Ian Cameron Esslemont, The Book Swede is hosting a US-only giveaway for Mayer Alan Brenner’sCatastrophe’s SpellHERE, and The Genre Files explores some interesting topics such as the quality of fantasy. Last, but definitely not least, I haven’t said enough about La Gringa’s The Swivet, which is an excellent blog run by someone with a lot of experience in the book industry (publicity/marketing) and is a tremendous asset to publishers, authors and bloggers alike. She does a great job of staying on top of the latest book reviews, interviews, genre acquisitions and much, much more, so be sure to bookmark The Swivet if you haven’t already…

In Fantasy Book Critic news, I have so many books to review that I’m not even going to try and list of any them here. However, if you are curious about what I have to read, you can check out my ‘Review Pile’ on the Fantasy Book Critic Myspace page HERE which is pretty comprehensive, and there’s also an index of all of the books that have been reviewed (77 at last count!), authors interviewed and other articles that have appeared on the website. Speaking of interviews, I have a bunch for you in the near future. Already completed are Q&As with J.V. Jones, R.A. Salvatore (by David Craddock), Kristen Britain and Joel Shepherd, and I’m waiting on answers from Catherynne M. Valente, Wayne Barlowe and will also be interrogating Charlie Huston, David Keck and many others. So, starting tomorrow, keep your eyes peeled! Finally, you may be wondering, who the heck is David Craddock? You may or may not remember, but a while back I was trying to get a feature going for guest reviewers. Needless to say, that idea didn’t pan out, so when the opportunity arose for Mr. Craddock to contribute to Fantasy Book Critic, I was pretty excited, especially because of his background—pursuing a Bachelor Degree in English at Kent State University; wrote professionally for IGN, Shack News, Gameworld Network, Played To Death Magazine, et cetera—the fact that he’s a huge fantasy fan, and an aspiring novelist. So I hope you’ll give Mr. Craddock a warm welcome and I think you’ll be extremely pleased with what he brings to Fantasy Book Critic


  1. Thanks for the link love. That's a whole lot of stuff going on!!!

  2. Thanks for the mention; I noticed a sudden surge in visits from here!

  3. yo rob what happinin? how's the house and the fam?

    looking forward to all those interviews!

    i was so bummed yesterday cuz the stores didn't have GODS DEMON. i opted to order it online...should come tomorrow or friday.


  4. Robert, the link to th emyspace to see what is coming up isn't loading.

  5. Theresa/Tia, you're more than welcome :D Everyone has shown me plenty of love before so I figure it's about high time I return the favor ;) Plus, there's some great stuff going on with other blogs :)

    Reanimated, good to hear from you! Sorry the store didn't have a copy, but I'm glad you're getting "God's Demon" anyway. All is good here. Been super busy. Wife working 14-hour days this week, trying to pottytrain our son, etc. ;) With the house, we're pretty much settled in. Had some plumbing issues at the beginning which resulted in major water damage to the ceiling, but everything is finally fixed, we got the backyard landscaped and so on :D

    Calibander, I just checked the link and it seems to be working for me. My best advice is to just give the page time to load because there's a lot of content on there...
