Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Winners of the Michael Chabon + Chelsea Cain Giveaways!!!

Congratulations to Sabrina Williams (North Carolina), David Wettengel (MA), and Peggy Lipson (California) who were all randomly selected to win a copy of Michael Chabon’sGentlemen of the Road” thanks to Del Rey!!! “Gentlemen of the Road” came out yesterday so order your copy HERE and look out for my review of the book next week :)

Congratulations also to Dawn Miears (Oklahoma), Kevin Grey (Virginia), Debra Le (Texas), Theresa Lucas (California) and Jason Gallant who were all randomly selected to win a copy of Chelsea Cain’sHeartSick” thanks to St. Martin’s Press!!! For more information on “HeartSick” check out Fantasy Book Critic’s review HERE.

Happy Halloween!!!

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