Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Winner of the Philip Palmer / Debatable Space Giveaway!!!

Congratulations to Karl Wehage (Canada) and Dave Graham (United Kingdom) who were both randomly selected to win a COPY of Philip Palmer’s debut novel “Debatable Space” thanks to Orbit Books US! For more information on “Debatable Space”, be sure to read the extract HERE, Fantasy Book Critic’s review HERE, and The Book Swede’s interview with the author HERE.

In other news, I was recently notified about this feature
HERE by Renay’s The Book Ninja called “The Geography of Make-Believe: A Fantastic Voyage of Through the Magical, Mythical and Mystical”. Incredibly original and fun, I highly recommend that readers visit the carnival, and not just because Fantasy Book Critic is a part of it ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoy the book, Karl & Dave! And thanks to Fantasy Book Critic for organising this comp...I tend to get my free books (esp graphic novels) by reading them in bookshops, which I know is SO wrong....
