Saturday, November 3, 2012

SERIES NEWS: The Jesse James Dawson Series by K.A. Stewart (by Mihir Wanchoo)

Official K.A. Stewart Website 
Read FBC’s Review of “A Wolf At The Door” 
Read FBC’s Review of “A Devil In The Details” 
Read FBC’s Review of “A Shot In The Dark” 
Read FBC’s Interview with K.A. Stewart
Read "El Chupacabra" (short story) by K.A. Stewart 

A few weeks ago I had posted about how Robert V.S. Redick’s fourth book was shunted at the last moment from hardcover to trade paperback. While this decision was shocking, the fans still get to read the fourth book and that's a good thing. Yesterday author Kari Stewart announced that Roc has declined to extend her Jesse James Dawson series. Here’s what she has posted on her blog:

Well, the sad news is, Roc has decided that my sales aren’t good enough to continue publishing the series. They’re not even good enough to consider a digital-only option. So, the JJD series with Roc is ended.” 

“First, I have NO intention of leaving Jesse in this state. I need three more books to finish up the series the way I want to. I’ve already started writing book 4. My intention is to look into self-publishing the last three, possibly funded with a Kickstarter project early next year. I’m still researching all the details and such. There would be quite a bit involved with publishing this book the way I want to see it published, and the way I think you all deserve to see it published.”

So, since I have no official deadline, and no one to answer to, you guys are now my conscience. My goal is to have Book 4 written (and titled) by April 1st (barring any unforeseen circumstances which I shall discuss below). After that, I’ll need to really start putting things in motion regarding a Kickstarter project, rewards for contributors, that sort of thing. (cover design, editing, ISBN numbers, the list goes on and on.) I’ve learned a lot in the last few months regarding all that goes into self-publishing things the right way, and it’s way harder than I ever realized. Makes me appreciate all that my actual publisher does even more.”

Read more about in her blog post about the future path of the series and in that regards, the following information can be considered extremely pertinent. In my previous interview with the author, she had mentioned that she could finish the series in six books (if required) of which three are already published. Here’s what she had said about her overall series plan:

Theoretically, I could finish the series in six books. The first four books will stand as I have them in my head. The last two books will always be the last two books. However, between four and what is currently five, I think I have some wiggle room to add more stories, if they're willing to let me…”

Now of course with Roc parting ways with the author, it will be up to us fans to support her even more than we did earlier. I’ll be keeping in touch with the author and making sure that whatever happens in the Jesse James Dawson universe (books four, five & beyond), I’ll be sure to keep readers and fans abreast of it all.


  1. It is indeed sad to hear such news. Reminds me of the fate of the Godslayer chronicles by James Clemens aka Rollins.

    Though I havent read any of the books by Stewart so far, I am sure to correct that soon.

  2. Please keep us posted! I have no idea how these things are done, but I would be more than happy to kick in the price I would pay for a book anyway for the promise of a digital copy. I literally just finished Wolf and came looking hoping to find a potential publishing date. WTH is wrong with publishers like ACE and ROC? They continue to print garbage (resisting naming names), while dropping good series like Jesse and Blackstone. Idiots, freaking idiots.

  3. This has now made me very sad indeed.
    While i like a good story (in any medium it exist)
    as for the written word I have trouble finding writing styles that dont feel like a chore the read through.
    With "a devil in the details" right from page one i was hooked.
    (Just happened to find a copy laying around in the barracks and read the first chapter, now i have my own)
    Just started reading "a shot in the dark" and i have "a wolf at the door" at my side already
    I love this set and am edger to read it all
