Friday, May 24, 2013

News: Sarah Ash's previous books get relaunched!!!

Official Author Website
Read Sarah Ash's Eclectic World Of Artamon
Read Fantasy Book Critic's interview with Sarah Ash
Read Suvudu article about Lord of Snow and Shadows

They say your first loves stay with you always and I found this to be very true in my personal life as well as my reading tastes. When I started reading fantasy, one of the first authors I happened upon was Sarah Ash with her Tears Of Artamon trilogy, it was a fascinating series about love, sacrifice, ambition and fate of the world (as is the case with most epic fantasy trilogies).

Since then I've followed her career with interest and read her follow-up duology to the Artamon trilogy titled The Alchymist’s Legacy. I also happened to locate and read her first three standalone titles that were almost out of print by then. This brings me to this most recent post of hers wherein she announced that, she is able to release her three previous books that were out-of print. Here’s what Sarah revealed in an email about all three titles and the folks who made this happen:

Read the blurb HERE
Order the book HERE (Amazon US), HERE (Amazon UK) & HERE (Barnes & Noble)

Moths to a Flame was my first novel to make it into print and onto bookshelves. It grew out of a short story that was published by David Pringle in Interzone (bows in thanks!) I was doing research at the time for an (unpublished) novel set around the corrupt court of the early Byzantine Empire and that, in turn, led to Moths. I’m so pleased that the good people at JABberwocky (Joshua Bilmes, Jessie Cammack, and Lisa Rodgers) have given it a new lease of life as an e-book – and with gorgeous new cover art by Marcelle Natisin. Marcelle has also done the atmospheric covers for Songspinners and The Lost Child. You can see more of her work at her website (a favourite of mine is her depiction of all seven Drakhaouls from The Tears of Artamon.)

Read the blurb HERE
Order the book HERE (Amazon US), HERE (Amazon UK) & HERE (Barnes & Noble)

Spoilt rich girl, Lia Maury, is one of my favourite characters in The Lost Child. Everything is going so well for her until her fiancĂ©’s tailor, Rahab, on the run from the law and accused of murder, hides out in her house – and uncovers some unpalatable truths about her past. Both are connected to a dark and ancient source of power – and they must flee to stop their secret falling into the wrong hands.

Read the blurb HERE

Have you ever been plagued by an earworm? That annoying fragment of music that plays and replays in your mind ceaselessly? And what would it be like if you could hear the music in other people’s minds – wouldn't it send you mad? Orial, the heroine of Songspinners, uses this unusual gift to help an injured composer – but her selfless act may sow the seeds of her own destruction

This e-book project would not have come to fruition without the help of my agent John Berlyne of Zeno Literary Agency in association with John Richard Parker and so a BIG thank you to them for all their hard work and zeal.

I'm hoping that this will lead to more books from Sarah especially the "vingt ans apres" trilogy to the Tears Of Artamon trilogy.

NOTE: Author picture and book covers courtesy of the author.


  1. Yes! I discovered her only after those books had been out of print and haven't been so lucky. That's great for her readers (and for her)!

  2. This reminds me that, among other things, I really do need to get back to reading the Tears of Artamon series. I have them all but only read the first one (one of the earliest reviews on my blog, in fact).


  3. @ Bibliotropic

    I hope you do give the Tears of Artamon series a shot as its one of my fav. ones.

