Monday, July 15, 2024

FBC's Critically Underrated Reads


Here at Fantasy Book Critic, we are always striving to shine a spotlight on titles & series that have wowed us but for some reason haven't become as popular as they should be. Keeping this fundamental in mind, the FBC team (Lukasz, Caitlin, Shazzie, Matthew & Mihir) have compiled this list consisting of standalone titles as well series. 

We have linked them to the FBC reviews as well as reviews from other lovely blogs. So do checkout each and everyone of the titles mentioned below:

Standalone titles


Tales Of The Ketty Jay by Chris Wooding:

Retribution Falls

The Black Lung Captain

The Iron Jackal

The Ace of Skulls

The Acts Of Caine by Matthew Stover:

- Heroes Die

- Blade of Tyshalle

- Caine Black Knife

- Caine’s Law

The Borden Dispatches by Cherie Priest:

- Maplecroft

- Chapelwood


The Burningblade & Silvereye trilogy by Django Wexler:

- Ashes Of The Sun

- Blood Of The Chosen

- Emperor Of Ruin


The Chasing Graves trilogy by Ben Galley:

- Chasing Graves

- Grim Solace

- Breaking Chaos


The Codex Alera series by Jim Butcher:

- Furies Of Calderon

- Academ's Fury

- Cursor's Fury

- Captain's Fury

- Princeps' Fury

- First Lord's Fury


The Dagger and the Coin series by Daniel Abraham:

-        The Dragon's Path

-        The King's Blood

-        The Tyrant's Law

-        The Widow's House

-        The Spider’s War

The Dark Profit Saga by J. Zachary Pike:

- Orconomics

- Son Of A Liche

- Dragonfired


The Detective Inspector Chen series by Liz Williams:

- Snake Agent

- The Demon And The City

- Precious Dragon

- The Shadow Pavilion

- The Iron Khan

- Morningstar


The Eternal Sky trilogy by Elizabeth Bear:

- Range of Ghosts

- Shattered Pillars

- Steles Of The Sky

The Ex-Heroes series by Peter Clines:

- Ex-Heroes

- Ex-Patriots

- Ex-Communication

- Ex-Purgatory

- Ex-Isle


The Godsblood trilogy by Phil Tucker:

- The Empire Of The Dead

- Trial Of Kings

- The Valley Of The Gods


The Great Hearts series by David J. Oliver:

- The Great Hearts

- A Game Of Gods

- Shadowstrike

- Apotheosis

- Imperator

The Hollow Gods trilogy by Rebecca Levene:

- Smiler’s Fair

- The Hunter’s Kind

- The Sun’s Devices


The Ithelas Series by Liane Merciel:

- River King’s Road

- Heaven’s Needle


The Lotus Kingdoms trilogy by Elizabeth Bear:

- The Stone In The Skull

- The Red-Stained Wings

- The Origin Of Storms


The Macht trilogy by Paul Kearney:

- The Ten Thousand

- Corvus

- Kings Of Mourning


The Odyssey Earth series by Rex Burke:

- Orphan Planet

- Twin Landing

-  Star Bound


The Otherland saga by Tad Williams:

 - City of Golden Shadow

- River of Blue Fire

- Mountain of Black Glass

- Sea Of Silver Light


The Poison Wars duology by Sam Hawke:

- City of Lies

- Hollow Empire


The Risen Kingdoms series by Curtis Craddock:

- An Alchemy Of Masques And Mirrors

- A Labyrinth Of Scion And Sorcery

- The Last Uncharted Sky


The Shattered Sigil trilogy by Courtney Schafer:

- The Whitefire Crossing

- The Tainted City

- The Labyrinth Of Flame


The Sol's Harvest series by M.D. Presley:

- The Woven Ring

- The Imbued Lockblade

- The Glass Dagger

- The Shattered Sphere


The Tears Of Artamon trilogy by Sarah Ash:

- Lord Of Snow And Shadows

- Prisoner Of The Iron Tower

- Children Of The Serpent Gate


The Texas Pentagram series by Raymond St. Elmo:

- As I Was On My Way To Strawberry Fair

- The Stations Of The Angels

- Letters From The Well In The Season Of The Ghosts

- To Awaken In Elysium

- In Theory, It Works


The Thieves Of Fate series by Tracy Townsend:

- The Nine

- The Fall


The Tide Lords series by Jennifer Fallon:

- The Immortal Prince

- The Gods Of Amyrantha

- The Palace Of Impossible Dreams

- The Chaos Crystal


  1. Mercedes Yardley’s Pretty Little Dead Girls is one of many of her stories I’ve loved. No one will go wrong starting there ;)

    Range of Ghosts was incredible. Great call on those.

    I’d nominate The Bloodsounder’s Arc by Jeffrey Salyards and a new one in Dragonblood Assassin by Jaime Castle and Andy Peloquin.

  2. Thank you for dropping by and for your recs. We agree about Yardley's book.
