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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spotlight on April Books

This month we are featuring 42 books. There are probably twice as many new sff and related releases this month but we are limiting ourselves to books that will be reviewed here or are similar with such. For the full schedule of April titles known to us, you can consult the Upcoming Releases page.

The release dates are US unless marked otherwise, though for books released in the UK and US in the same month but on different dates we use the earliest date without comment and they are first edition unless noted differently. The dates are on a best known basis so they are not guaranteed; same about the edition information. Since information sometimes is out of date even in the Amazon/Book Depository links we use for listings, books get delayed or sometimes even released earlier, we would truly appreciate if you would send us an email about any listing with incorrect information.

Sometimes a cover image is not available at the time of the post and also sometimes covers change unexpectedly so while we generally use the Amazon one when available and cross check with Google Images, the ultimate bookstore cover may be different.


"1636: The Saxon Uprising" by Eric Flint US April 1, 2011. Baen. (SF)
“Sea of Ghosts” by Alan Campbell. UK April 1, 2011. Tor UK. (FAN).
“Among Thieves” by Douglas Hulick. UK April 1, 2011. Tor UK and Roc (US) (FAN).
“Rage” by Jackie Morse Kessler. April 4, 2011. Graphia. (YA).
“Betrayer” by C. J. Cherryh. April 5, 2011. DAW. (SF).
“The Shining City” by Fiona Patton. April 5, 2011. DAW. (FAN).


“Alien in the Family” by Gina Koch. April 5, 2011. DAW. (SF).
“Element Zero” by James Knapp. April 5, 2011. Roc. (SF).
“City of Fallen Angels” by Cassandra Clare. April 5, 2011. Margaret K. McElderry. (YA).
“Red Glove” by Holly Black. April 5, 2011. Margaret K. McElderry. (YA).
“Faerie Winter” by Janni Lee Simner. April 5, 2011. Random House Books for Young Readers. (YA).
“Huntress” by Malinda Lo. April 5, 2011. Little, Brown Books for Young Readers. (YA).


“The Dragon’s Path” by Daniel Abraham. April 7, 2011. Orbit. (FAN).
“A Kingdom Besieged” by Raymond E. Feist. April 12, 2011. Harper Voyager. (FAN).
“Camera Obscura” by Lavie Tidhar. UK April 7, 2011. Angry Robot. (STPK).
“Infernal Devices” by K.W. Jeter. UK April 7, 2011. Angry Robot. (STPK/ R).
“Morlock Night” by K.W. Jeter. UK April 7, 2011. Angry Robot. (STPK/ R).
“The Unremembered” by Peter Orullian. April 12, 2011. Tor. (FAN).


“Hybrids” by Whitley Strieber. April 12, 2011. Tor. (SF).
“After the Golden Age” by Carrie Vaughn. April 12, 2011. Tor. (FAN).
“Akata Witch” by Nnedi Okorafor. April 14, 2011. Viking Juvenile. (YA).
“Odin's Wolves” by Giles Kristian. UK April 14, 2011. Bantam UK. (MISC).
“Santcus” by Simon Toyne. UK April 14, 2011. HarperCollins UK. (MISC).
“The River of Shadows” by Robert V.S. Redick. April 19, 2011. Del Rey. (FAN).


“Eona” by Alison Goodman. April 19, 2011. Viking Juvenile. (YA).
“The Black” by D.J. MacHale. April 19, 2011. Aladdin. (MG).
“Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti” by Genevieve Valentine. April 25, 2011. Prime Books. (STPK).
“Retribution Falls” by Chris Wooding. April 26, 2011. Bantam Spectra. (STPK/US 1st).
“The Alchemist in the Shadows” by Pierre Pevel. April 26, 2011. Pyr. (FAN/US 1st).
“The Noise Revealed” by Ian Whates. April 26, 2011. Solaris. (SF).


“Ember & Ash” by Pamela Freeman. April 26, 2011. Orbit. (FAN).
“Heaven's Needle” by Liane Merciel. April 26, 2011. Pocket. (FAN).
“Burn Down the Sky” by James Jaros. April 26, 2011. Harper Voyager. (SF).
“Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel” by Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris. April 26, 2011. Harper Voyager. (STPK).
“The Hidden Goddess” by M.K. Hobson. April 26, 2011. Bantam Spectra. (FAN).
“Theories of Flight” by Simon Morden. April 26, 2011. Orbit. (SF).


“Future Imperfect” by K. Ryer Breese. April 26, 2011. St. Martin’s Griffin. (YA).
“The Dark Zone” by Dom Testa. April 26, 2011. Tor. (YA)
“The Last Four Things” by Paul Hoffman. UK April 28, 2011. Michael Joseph. (FAN).
“Embedded” by Dan Abnett. UK April 28, 2011. Angry Robot. (SF).
“Hamlet’s Father” by Orson Scott Card. April 29, 2011. Subterranean Press. (Novella).
“Subterranean: Tales of Dark Fantasy 2” edited by William K. Schafer. April 30, 2011. Subterranean Press. (ANTHO).


Liz said...

Wants them all!

Thanks for an EXCELLENT blogpost.

Argh. Suffering from too many wants now.

I hate/love you guys!

Teril said...

Oh that was a great spread!
Thank you.

Jamie Gibbs said...

Sea of Ghosts was a damn good read, and so far Among Thieves is proving to be excellent. Hmm, seems I haven't got enough books though :P

Diane Fordham said...

Congratulations on your blog. Well done! My novel, DREAM KEEPER, is due to be released in a few months time. My publisher in the US has set up a site where it is available at a pre-release price. I am hoping in the future I will be fortunate enough to have my novel reviewed by you. I will be definitely following your informative blog. Thanks again!

Elfy said...

Blast those writers and publishers! They're going to continue to keep my wallet thin. So great stuff coming out, this is really turning out to be a stellar year for SFF.
By the way love the site's new look.

Unknown said...

Wow. Some titles I'll definitely have to check out further. Always love these monthly posts, even though they cause my wish list to grow like a Peep in a microwave.

P.S. - Digging the new design for the blog. Pretty.

Robert said...

Thanks for the comments everyone! April is definitely a great month for new releases :D

Jamie, be sure to let us know what you think of Among Thieves. It's probably my favorite fantasy debut of the year so far.

Diane, thanks for the heads up regarding your novel. We'll let you know if we're interested in covering it...

Elfy & Rabid Fox, glad you like the new design!

ediFanoB said...

Great SPOTLIGHT!!! From the 42 presented books I ordered copies of
- Among Thieves
- The Dragon's Path
- Infernal Devices
- Morlock Night
- The River of Shadows
- Phoenix Rising: A Ministry of
Peculiar Occurrences Novel
- The Hidden Goddess

I know what I will do during my holiday end of May...

Michael Brock said...

A nice post, i had watched your blog for years, amazing that you adding fresh contents day after day, reall good staff


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