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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Welcome to the new Fantasy Book Critic!!!

It’s been over four years since I first started Fantasy Book Critic. Since then, the website has grown and evolved in ways that I never imagined. For one, what began as an outlet for a single person’s opinions is now a venue for many different voices. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg :) Considering all of the changes that the website has undergone over the years, we decided it was time to come up with a new look. Something a little more sleeker and more organized, but still unmistakably Fantasy Book Critic.

So thanks to Anton, the awesome designer from GameSiteTemplates, Cindy, Liviu, Mihir and everyone else involved in the template’s installation and indexing FBC’s content, we are proud to introduce the new Fantasy Book Critic!

To ensure greater organization, the new website now offers links to individual pages indexing Fantasy Book Critic’s vast amount of content, including Book Reviews, Interviews, Monthly Spotlights and much more. We’ve also introduced a new feature: a comprehensive list of Upcoming Book Releases that extends from April 2011 all the way through December 2011 and beyond. FBC’s contact information and Review Policy can be found under the Contact Us section, while details about the website and the individuals who make up Fantasy Book Critic can be found in the About Us section. Finally, we are in the process of updating our Blogroll so if you have a website/blog that you would like us to add, please leave a comment below or email us HERE.

From all of us here at FBC, we hope you enjoy the new Fantasy Book Critic. Thank you for your support and much love & respect...


malazan said...

Looks great!I like the new banner and blue is my favourite colour.Keep up the good work guys.

Cindy said...

Thanks :)

Nayan said...

the new look conveys the "fantasy" theme very beautifully. Keep up the good work guys.

Dennis Sorensen said...

The new design looks great, guys!

I've been reading FBC for quite a while now, and I think this is a good time to thank you for exposing me to so many new great novels and authors.

So, keep up the good work! FBC is definitely one of my favorite places for online book reviews.

Kraan said...

OH, very neat and cool new site!

Kraan said...

Very neat and cool new site!

Anonymous said...

Very nice. I only wish you would reconstruct upcoming releases page to something more readable. Maybe table. Sortable if possible.

Valashain said...

Looking good!

Have another look at the review index, there's a could of places where a break is missing. For Abercrombie for instance, two of his books appear on the same line for me.

I'd love to be added to the blogroll.

Val's Random Comments

Skandalouz said...

Looks much better! Great banner!

Cindy said...

Everyone else: Thank you so much :)

Thanks Val! I fixed the review section thing. Robert is handling the blogroll so I will make sure you are added :).

Anon: We will look into the readable factor. However, we will have to take time and such into account. The current table took some time to construct. I have a few ideas to work on it.

Anonymous said...

The new site looks fantastic! Excellent work, and it's still my favorite place to read about new and upcoming F/SF releases.

The review index is a huge help - but any chances of installing a search function as well?

Anonymous said...

love the new design guys

Anonymous said...

Love the new look! :)

ediFanoB said...

I like your new design a lot and thanks for all the improvements.

Well done!!

Anonymous said...

This is awesome!! Love the new look!

Jamie Gibbs said...

I love the new look. I'm more than a little jealous, hehe.

Anonymous said...

I love the new design! It looks great.

Kat Hooper said...

It's pretty!

SQT said...

Loooove the banner.

Jacob @ Drying Ink said...

Great new look - congratulations. The list is very useful too. :) I'd love to be added to the blogroll as well if possible! My link's


M. R. Mathias said...

Cool guys. Are the links to the old reviews and posts and stuff still the same?

Liviu said...

The reviews are there sure; we still need a few tweaks and a few additions like links, blogroll, but they will come in the near future; after all the review index and all such took a while to be implemented...

Every month we will try to have the usual focused spotlight with the books we like and plan to review and with similar ones.

As before FBC is an evolving site with the main goal of presenting the books we love and appreciate and ocasionally the ones we thought and hoped were as above but did not quite work out for us.

Bryce L. said...

Wow, absolutely love it. Nice work.

Epertase said...

Looks very good. Not that it was bad before but it's better now. Fantastic. Love your blog, BTW.

Cindy said...

There is a search function available at the top of every blogger ;). It will allow you to search out the keywords, titles, and authors that you seek :)

Robert said...

Thanks for the comments everyone! We're really happy that you like the new look :D Just please note that the Indexes and new features are a work-in-progress and that we'll be doing our best to improve them as much as we can. Thanks for all of your support and we hope you'll continue reading FBC!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, and I don't miss a thing from the "old" version, so far at least. Looks great, reads great.

I rely on FBC for the majority of my fantasy reviews and purchasing of books in the genre, so this is an important and useful (and costly at times) blog for me.

While I'd love to be on your blogroll, my blog is a hash of book reviews of various genres, comments on my home and garden, what I'm buying, my library shelves (new!) and such I'm not sure if it would be of sufficient and continuing interest. If you think it would be, then thanks! If not, I understand.

Thanks for all you do, FBC is a wonderful blog and resource.

Lindsay Buroker said...

Looks great, guys! Very "fantasy" :D

RobB said...

Subtle changes, but everything looks great. I like the linkbar at the top, which makes it much easier to find reviews and such.

K.C. May said...

Looks terrific! At first I thought I'd clicked the wrong link. Heh. I really love the new design!

K.C. May said...

The new site looks terrific! I *LOVE* that banner. Awesome job!


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