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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Rest In Peace, Anne McCaffrey (1926-2011)

It’s been years since I last read an Anne McCaffrey novel, but her Pern stories have always held a special place in my heart. So it was quite sad to hear of the author’s passing yesterday, especially considering what she meant to science fiction and fantasy. Anne McCaffrey was a pioneer of the genres. Not only was she the first woman to ever win a Hugo or Nebula Award, but her book, The White Dragon, became the first science fiction novel to reach the New York Times' Hardcover Bestseller List. In 2005, McCaffrey was awarded the 22nd Grand Master Award by the Science Fiction Writers of America and was inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame in 2006. In short, Anne McCaffrey will be sorely missed, though never forgotten...


Alexander Knight said...

She was indeed one of the greats! She will be sorely missed.

Annie Perriment said...

Anne McCaffrey is one of the few authors whose paperbacks still grace my shelves after dozens of moves and book collection purges. Her Pern books are quite good. In addition I consider the cover art on Dragonsong and Dragonsinger to be among the most beautiful I have ever seen. But it is her book Crystal Singer that still captivates me to this day. It is one of the few books where I really WANT to live that life, to be that person. Decades after first reading the book, I still want to be a crystal singer. Thank you Ms. McCaffrey for creating Ballybran, the Heptite Guild, and Killashandra.

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