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Saturday, June 27, 2015

News: Skyborn by David Dalglish, One Good Dragon Deserves Another by Rachel Aaron, The David Gemmell Fantasy Awards shortlist, Twelve Kings by Bradley Beaulieu, The Death of Dulgath kickstarter by Michael J. Sullivan

Orbit Books are no slouches when it comes to amazing books and equally amazing artwork for those titles. Previously they have showcased their brilliance with the cover art for David Dalglish, Rachel Bach/Aaron, N.K. Jemisin, Joe Abercrombie, etc..

So I was very pleased to see them continue their trend with the release of cover for Skyborn. Tommy Arnold provides the artwork and the cover design is by Kirk Benshoff. Plus here’s the blurb for David Dalglish's next:

The last remnants of humanity live on six islands floating high above the Endless Ocean, fighting a brutal civil war in the skies. The Seraphim, elite soldiers trained for aerial combat, battle one another while wielding elements of ice, fire and lightening. 

The lives of their parents claimed in combat, twins Kale and Breanna Skyborn enter the Seraphim Academy to follow in their footsteps. They will learn to harness the elements as weapons and fight at break-neck speeds while soaring high above the waters. But they must learn quickly, for a nearby island has set its hungry eyes on their home. When the invasion comes, the twins must don their wings and ready their blades to save those they love from annihilation.

I’ll be of course reviewing it and I can’t wait to read this new trilogy from one of my favorite authors.

Rachel Aaron recently posted some exciting news that the second book in the Heartstrikers series is nearly done except for a round of copy edits. One Good Dragon Deserves Another is up for pre-order on Amazon and looks to be released on August 1st. Checkout the amazing artwork above by Anna Steinbauer. Here’s the blurb for it:

After barely escaping the machinations of his terrifying mother, two all knowing seers, and countless bloodthirsty siblings, the last thing Julius wants to see is another dragon. Unfortunately for him, the only thing more dangerous than being a useless Heartstriker is being useful one, and now that he’s got an in with the Three Sisters, Julius has become a key pawn in Bethesda the Heartstriker’s gamble to put her clan on top. 

Refusal to play along with his mother’s plans means death, but there’s more going on than even Bethesda knows, and with Estella back in the game with a vengeance, Heartstriker futures disappearing, and Algonquin’s dragon hunter closing in, the stakes are higher than even a seer can calculate. 

But when his most powerful family members start dropping like flies, it falls to Julius to defend the clan that never respected him and prove that, sometimes, the world’s worst dragon is the best one to have on your side.

I LOVED Nice Dragons Finish Last and for all those who yet to read it (what have you been waiting for?). The first volume is currently on sale for $0.99 so buy your copy pronto and find out for yourself why I love Rachel Aaron’s books so much.

The David Gemmell Awards For Fantasy are possibly the only awards that truly feature the whole of international fandom. Recently the DGAFF committee released the shortlist for the Legend, Ravenheart and Morningstar awards.

Here are the shortlist nominees in each category:

  - Half a King by Joe Abercrombie (HarperCollins)
 - Valour by John Gwynne (Pan Macmillan/Tor UK)
 - Prince of Fools by Mark Lawrence (HarperCollins)
- Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson (Gollancz)
- The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks (Orbit)

 - Laura Brett for The Slow Regard of Silent Things 
 - Mike Bryan for Half a King 
 - Jason Chan for Prince of Fools
 - Sam Green for Words of Radiance
 - Jackie Morris for The Fool’s Assassin

 - Traitor’s Blade by Sebastien de Castell (Jo Fletcher Books)
 - The Mirror Empire by Kameron Hurley (Angry Robot)
 - The Godless by Ben Peek (Pan Macmillan/Tor UK)
 - The Emperor’s Blades by Brian Staveley (Pan Macmillan/Tor UK)
 - Age of Iron by Angus Watson (Orbit)

The voting is open from June 1st and goes all the way till July 17th. Be sure to get your votes in for your favorites. I’ve already voted for my choices and I can't wait to see who wins.

Recently Bradley Beaulieu showcased the UK cover art for his upcoming epic fantasy Twelve Kings. It sports a slightly different title for its US release, namely Twelve Kings in Sharakhai.

While both are visually stunning, I find it’s one of those rare times when the US cover outdoes the UK one. I’ll reviewing this one in August and if the pre-release buzz is any indication then this book might be in the running for all the best fantasy lists at the end of 2015. All interested readers can pre-order Twelve Kings In Sharakhai over here.

After Orbit books released the omnibus editions and prequel books of the Riyria chronicles. Michael J. Sullivan recently went the Kickstarter route for the 3rd prequel The Death Of Dugath. After only 3-plus weeks, the campaign has well blown out its original goal and now been funded at little over 182%.

Here’s the blurb for the story:

Three times they tried to kill her. Then they hired a professional. She hired Riyria. When the last member of the oldest noble family in Avryn is targeted for assassination, Riyria is hired to foil the plot. 

Three years have passed since the war-weary mercenary Hadrian and the cynical ex-assassin Royce joined forces to start their thieves-for-hire enterprise. Things have gone well enough until this odd assignment to prevent a murder. Now they must venture into a forgotten corner of southern Avryn—a place whose history predates the First Empire. 

As usual, challenges abound as they try to anticipate the moves of an unknown assassin before it’s too late. But that's not their only problem. The Countess of Dulgath hides a dark secret she's determined to keep hidden. Then there's the little matter of Riyria's new employer...the Nyphron Church.

Take a peek at the various levels that are available to be a backer and be sure to join in. 



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