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Friday, January 18, 2019

Cover Reveal: The Glass Dagger by M. D. Presley (by Mihir Wanchoo)

Official Author Website
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The Woven Ring
Read Lukasz's review of The Imbued Blade
Pre-order The Glass Demon over HERE

Today we are glad to exclusively reveal the cover for The Glass Demon (#3 in the Sol's Harvest series). Author M. D. Presley was super kind enough to allow us to do the honours and this time, there's a new artist involved. Michael Shinde is the person who's done the spectacular cover.

Readers can also view the video cover reveal based on Matt’s Fantasy Cover Cliché Challenge.

So checkout the fantabulous cover by Michael Shinde below and the official blurb as well:

Official Book Blurb: Some Monsters Secure Our Safety.

Everyone fears a Render, those chosen by Sol to sever the bonds of life with their glass blades. And no Render is more feared than Graff, who single-handedly held the line at Stone Cleaver. Hundreds died by his hand during the Grand War, and hundreds more in the intervening years, despite Graff not spilling a single drop of blood. A relentless monster, Graff has set his sights on the child Caddie, and not even Marta can stop him.

And now Luca doubts if she even should

Their band shattered and original mission scattered to the winds, Marta must ally with old enemies as new friends betray her. Worse still, Marta now suspects something dark dwells deep in the child she now considers her own.

 Also as part of the release of The Glass Demon on 6th February, 2019. The books will be selling at a discount:

 - The Woven Ring will be FREE from Feb 2-6th

- The Imbued Lockblade will be $.99/p from Feb 2-6th

- The Glass Dagger  will be discounted for preorder of $1.99 until 2/6 ($4.99)



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