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Monday, September 1, 2008

SPOTLIGHT: Books of September 2008

Welcome to the September 2008 edition of Fantasy Book Critic’s monthly SPOTLIGHT which covers everything from fantasy and science fiction to horror, thrillers, YA, and more. Previous spotlights can be found HERE. Well, I knew it would happen sooner or later, but I finally broke the three-digit barrier with One Hundred and Three titles featured in this month’s spotlight. A little scary yes, but highlights include new releases from such major names as Neil Gaiman, Neal Stephenson, and Terry Pratchett. Other noteworthy authors with new books out this month include Gene Wolfe, Kage Baker, Brad Meltzer, Jonathan Carroll, Charlie Huston and Mercedes Lackey. There are also plenty of exciting sequels like the latest Dune and Runelords novels; the US debuts of Toll the Hounds and Last Argument of Kings; S.M. Stirling’s The Scourge of God, Sweetheart, Cyndere’s Midnight, and Christopher Paolini’s latest offering. Speaking of children’s books, keep an eye out for Ignatius MacFarland: Frequenaut!, The Stowaway by R.A. Salvatore and his son, and the newest volumes in the Leven Thumps and Spiderwick Chronicles series. I’m also looking forward to Michael Marshall’s The Servants, Handling the Undead, The Sacred Book of the Werewolf, The Two Pearls of Wisdom and several intriguing debuts including The Painted Man, The Gone-Away World, The Sweet Scent of Blood, Banquet for the Damned, and The Way of Shadows… (NOTE: Unless stated otherwise, all release dates are for the US. Also, Liviu C. Suciu provided valuable assistance with the September 2008 Spotlight):

The Painted Man” by Peter V. Brett. UK Release Date: September 1, 2008. Touched by the demon plague, Arlen leaves the safety of the wards to discover a different path… Her future destroyed by betrayal and a lie, Leesha becomes the guardian of dangerous knowledge… Orphaned & crippled in a demon attack, Rojer takes solace in the arts of a Jongleur, only to learn that his unique talent gives him power over the night… Together, these three young people will offer humanity a last, fleeting chance of survival…
Official Peter V. Brett Website
Order “The Painted ManHERE
Read Reviews via Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review
Read An Interview with Peter V. Brett HERE
NOTE:The Painted Man” is the first volume in Peter V. Brett’s Demon Trilogy and is a fantasy novel to watch. Not only is Harper Voyager extremely excited about the book, but rights have already been sold to North America, Germany, France, Japan, Greece, and Russia with many other countries showing interest. The North American edition, known as “The Warded Man”, is currently scheduled for publication March 10, 2009 via Del Rey Books.

Last Argument of Kings” by Joe Abercrombie. Release Date: September 1, 2008 (US Debut). The end is coming. The king of the Union lies on his deathbed, the peasants revolt, and the nobles scramble to steal his crown. No one believes that the shadow of war is about to fall across the heart of the Union. Only the First of the Magi can save the world, but there are risks and no risk is more terrible, than to break the First Law… “Last Argument of Kings” is the concluding volume in Joe Abercrombie’s The First Law trilogy…
Official Joe Abercrombie Website
Order “Last Argument of KingsHERE (US) + HERE (UK-March 2008)
Read An Extract HERE
Read Reviews of “Last Argument of Kings” via Graeme’s Fantasy Book Review, The Genre Files + The Wertzone

Ignatius MacFarland: Frequenaut!” by Paul Feig. Release Date: September 1, 2008. After being teased one too many times, Ignatius MacFarland decides to build a rocket ship. But when his rocket takes a wrong turn, Ignatius ends up in another frequency run by English teacher-turned-dictator, Chester Arthur who has shared the advancements of our world with the creatures of this new frequency, convincing them that he’s a genius. It’s up to Iggy & Karen, another trapped earthling, to expose Mr. Arthur for the fraud that he is…
Paul Feig @ Wikipedia
Order “Ignatius MacFarland: Frequenaut!HERE
NOTE: Paul Feig is the creator of the critically acclaimed TV show, Freaks and Geeks, and is currently the Co-Executive Producer of NBC’s The Office. He’s also directed episodes of Arrested Development, 30 Rock, and Weeds, and is the author of the adult memoirs Kick Me and Superstud.

Flora’s Dare” by Ysabeau S. Wilce. Release Date: September 1, 2008. Flora Fyrdraaca wants to be a ranger, and for that she must master the magickal—and dangerous—language of Gramatica. But her aspirations are put to the test by her best friend’s transformation into a notorious outlaw, and the revelation that only she can rescue the city of Califa. Saving her city and her best friend is the least Flora Fyrdraaca can do—yet what she doesn’t expect are the life-altering revelations about her family and herself…
Official Ysabeau S. Wilce Website
Order “Flora’s DareHERE
NOTE:Flora’s Dare” is the sequel to Ysabeau S. Wilce’s acclaimed debut novel, “Flora Segunda”.

The Devouring” by Simon Holt. Release Date: September 1, 2008. The Vours are evil, demonic figures that inhabit human bodies during the darkest hours of the winter solstice—the Sorry Night—banishing the child’s consciousness to his or her "fearscape". After fifteen-year-old Reggie reads about them in an old journal, she assumes they are only figments of a madwoman’s imagination. But after her little brother Henry begins acting strangely, it falls to Reggie and her best friend Aaron to save him…
Order “The Devouring

Hands of Flame” by C.E. Murphy. Release Date: September 1, 2008. War has erupted among the five Old Races, and Margrit is responsible for the death that caused it. Now New York City's most unusual lawyer finds herself facing her toughest negotiation yet. And with her gargoyle lover, Alban, taken prisoner, Margrit's only allies—a dragon bitter about his fall, a vampire determined to hold his standing at any cost and a mortal detective with no idea what he's up against—have demands of their own…
Official C.E. Murphy Website
Order “Hands of FlameHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
Read Reviews via Darque Reviews
NOTE:Hands of Flame” is the third book in C.E. Murphy’s The Negotiator Trilogy after “Heart of Stone” and “House of Cards”.

The Uninvited” by Steven LaChance. Release Date: September 1, 2008. On May 18, 2001, Steven LaChance moved into his new home in Union, Missouri with his three children only to be chased from the home thirteen days later. That was only the start of the nightmare. The nightmare lasted for four more years and in the end almost cost Steven his life. Steven Lachance’sThe Uninvited,” is the complete true and terrifying firsthand account of what really happened in the Union Screaming House
Official Steven LaChance Website
Order “The UninvitedHERE
NOTE:The Uninvited” has already been optioned for film adaptation.

Suzy, Led Zeppelin and Me” by Martin Millar. Release Date: September 1, 2008 (Re-issue). Originally published in 2002, “Suzy, Led Zeppelin and Me” tells the story of Led Zeppelin coming to Glasgow, Scotland in 1972; the overactive imaginations of Martin Millar and his equally nerdy best friend Greg; Suzy, the girl whose attentions they were competing for; and how stupid Martin was for chasing Suzy. Still, anything can happen, so while Suzy may break your heart, Led Zeppelin will never let you down…
Official Martin Millar Website
Order “Suzy, Led Zeppelin and MeHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE

Otherworldly Maine” by Noreen Doyle. Release Date: September 1, 2008. In Otherworldly Maine, Noreen Doyle proves that writers from
Mark Twain to Jack L. Chalker, Stephen King, Edgar Pangborn, Elizabeth Hand, and Gardner Dozois have all found inspiration for fantasy and science fiction in Maine’s atmospheric landscape. Their stories, plus fifteen others—both reprints and originals—are all represented here, along with contributions by Thomas A. Easton, Gregory Feeley, Steve Rasnic Tem, and others…
Official Noreen Doyle Website
Order “Otherworldly MaineHERE

Impossible Encounters” by Zoran Zivkovic. Release Date: September 1, 2008. A nuanced mix of the ordinary with the surreal and the mundane with the sublime, “Impossible Encounters” is a mosaic novel that quietly twists trusted concepts. With simple yet fine prose, this story unfolds as a series of otherworldly meetings that revolve around a colorful cast of characters including a priest who receives absolution from the devil. Long before the last page, readers may find their world has been turned inside out…
Official Zoran Zivkovic Blog
Order “Impossible EncountersHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE

The Gone-Away World” by Nick Harkaway. Release Date: September 2, 2008 (US Debut). Equal parts raucous adventure, comic odyssey, geek nirvana, and cool epic; a tale of a friendship stretched beyond its limits; of love and loss; of ninjas, pirates, politics and strange places; “The Gone-Away World” by newcomer Nick Harkaway—son of
John Le Carré—is a wildly entertaining novel that combines antic humor (think Joseph Heller and Kurt Vonnegut) with a stunning futuristic vision (a la A Clockwork Orange and 1984)…
Official Gone Away World Website
Order “The Gone-Away WorldHERE (US) + HERE (UK)
Read An Excerpt
Read The Guardian’s INTERVIEW with Nick Harkaway

The Van Rijn Method” by Poul Anderson. Release Date: September 2, 2008. With “The Man Who Counts” and a passel of other tales included, “The Van Rijn Method” is the first of three volumes set to contain the complete cycle of Polesotechnic League books and stories by the transcendently-gifted science fiction master Poul Anderson—winner of seven Hugo Awards and three Nebula Awards—and starring interstellar trader and capitalist extraordinaire, Nicholas Van Rijn, the author’s most famous character…
Poul Anderson @ Wikipedia
Order “The Van Rijn MethodHERE
Read Excerpts HERE

The Scourge of God” by S.M. Stirling. Release Date: September 2, 2008. Rudi MacKenzie continues his trek across the land that was once America. His destination: Nantucket, where he hopes to learn the truth behind The Change that rendered technology across the globe inoperable. Along the way, Rudi forges ties with new allies in the war against The Prophet—who teaches that The Change was God’s punishment—and new enemies, including an officer determined to stop Rudi by any means necessary…
Official S.M. Stirling Website
Order “The Scourge of GodHERE
NOTE:The Scourge of God” is the second book in The Sunrise Lands tetralogy, which is a sequel to and set in the same world as the Dies the Fire trilogy.

The Bell at Sealey Head” by Patricia A. McKillip. Release Date: September 2, 2008. Sealey Head is a small town on the edge of the ocean, a sleepy place where everyone hears the ringing of a bell no one can see. On the outskirts of town is an impressive estate, Aislinn House, where the aged Lady Eglantyne lies dying, and where the doors sometimes open to the wild majesty of a castle full of knights & princesses… The Bell at Sealey Head is the latest novel from the World Fantasy Award-winning author of Solstice Wood
Patricia A. McKillip @ Wikipedia
Order “The Bell at Sealey HeadHERE

Inferno” by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. Release Date: September 2, 2008. After being thrown out the window of his apartment, SF writer Allen Carpentier finds himself at the gates of hell. Believing this the perfect opportunity for a book, he follows Dante's road map, determined to meet Satan himself. As Allen treks through the Nine Layers of Hell led by Benito Mussolini, he encounters countless mental and physical tortures as well as new, puzzling, and outlandish versions of sin—recast for the present day…
Official Larry Niven Website
Official Jerry Pournelle Website
Order “InfernoHERE
NOTE: Originally published in 1976, “Inferno” is a modern retelling of Dante’s classic, and was nominated for both the Hugo and Nebula Awards for Best Novel. This new printing is an updated version of the book. A sequel, “Escape From Hell”, is scheduled for publication February 3, 2009.

Riders of the Storm” by Julie E. Czerneda (In the Company of Others, Web Shifters). Release Date: September 2, 2008. On the distant world of Cersi, Om’ray Aryl Sarc and her supporters have been exiled from the rest of their people. Finding refuge in the mountains, they work to rebuild the ruined village of Sona, even as they try to discover what happened to the original Sona Clan. But Sona has a history among all three of Cersi’s races—a history that may soon threaten the future of Aryl’s newly founded clan…
Official Julie E. Czerneda Website
Order “Riders of the StormHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
NOTE:Riders of the Storm” is the second volume in Julie E. Czerneda’s Stratification series—after Reap the Wild Wind—which is set in the same universe as the Trade Pact trilogy.

Too Many Curses” by A. Lee Martinez. Release Date: September 2, 2008. The castle of the wizard, Margle the Horrendous, is filled with his collection of fallen heroes, defeated villains and a few unfortunate ordinary folk—transformed into various accursed forms. It’s the duty of Nessy, a short & sensible kobold, to tend this castle. But when Margle suddenly dies, everything begins to unravel and Nessy finds herself surrounded by monsters, curses, a door that should never be opened, and one very deadly dark wizardess…
Official A. Lee Martinez Website
Order “Too Many CursesHERE

God Emperor of Didcot” by Toby Frost. UK Release Date: September 2, 2008. When a crazed cult leader overthrows the government of Urn, Isambard Smith and his vaguely competent crew find themselves saddled with new allies: a legion of tea-obsessed nomads, an overly-civilized alien horde and a commando unit so elite that it only has five members. Only together can they defeat the self-proclaimed God Emperor of Didcot and confront the true power behind the coup: the Ghast Empire legions and Smith's old enemy…
Official Space Captain Smith Website
Order “God Emperor of DidcotHERE
NOTE:God Emperor of Didcot” is the second installment in Toby Frost’s Space Captain Smith chronicles starring Isambard Smith—a captain in the service of the British Space Empire—his android pilot Polly Carveth, and the psychopathic alien headhunter, Suruk.

The Soldier King” by Violette Malan. Release Date: September 2, 2008. Dhulyn and Parno have accepted the surrender of Prince Edmir. The Common Rule of the Mercenary Brothers states that prisoners taken by them go free and unharmed. But when the War Commander who hired them refuses to honor this agreement, the duo break their contract and escape with the prince, embarking on a path that might lead to the truth about Dhulyn’s past—or bring them to a magical trap from which there may be no escape…
Official Violette Malan Website
Order “The Soldier KingHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
NOTE:The Soldier King” is a sequel to Violette Malan’s novel, “The Sleeping God”.

Duainfey” by Sharon Lee & Steve Miller. Release Date: September 2, 2008. In a moment of girlish folly, Rebecca Beauvelley allowed a high-flying young man to take her up in his phaeton, not realizing that he was drunk. Disaster struck. The young man was killed. Rebecca survived, crippled, and with a reputation in tatters. Against all expectation, her father has found someone who will marry her. Rebecca's life seems set, and she resigned to it. Then, Altimere of the Elder Fey enters her life—and everything changes…
Official Sharon Lee & Steve Miller Website
Order “Dauinfey” HERE
Read Excerpts HERE

The Book of Lies” by Brad Meltzer. Release Date: September 2, 2008. In Chapter Four of the Bible, Cain kills Abel. In 1932, Mitchell Siegel was killed by three gunshots to his chest, which influenced his son to create Superman. What does Cain, history's greatest villain, have to do with Superman, the world's greatest hero? And what do two murders, committed thousands of years apart, have in common? This is the mystery at the heart of Brad Meltzer's (Identity Crisis) riveting and utterly intriguing new thriller…
Official Brad Meltzer Website
Official The Book of Lies Website
Order “The Book of LiesHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
Read An Interview with Brad Meltzer HERE

Sweetheart” by Chelsea Cain. Release Date: September 2, 2008 (US Debut). With Heartsick, Chelsea Cain took the crime world by storm, introducing two of the most compelling characters in decades: serial killer Gretchen Lowell and her obsessed pursuer Portland Detective Archie Sheridan. The book spent four weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and garnered rave reviews around the world. But the riveting story of Archie and Gretchen was left unfinished, and now in Sweetheart Cain picks up the tale again…
Official Chelsea Cain Website
Order “SweetheartHERE (US) + HERE (UK-July 18, 2008)
Read Fantasy Book Critic's
REVIEW of “HeartSick

The Army of the Republic” by Stuart Archer Cohen. Release Date: September 2, 2008. When peaceful public protests give way to violence, James Sands, Lando, and Emily become lost in a welter of assumed identities and conflicting loyalties. With increasing intensity, rife with secret lives and deadly compromises, all of them struggle to both redeem and destroy the people they love most. Powerful, disturbing, and unforgettable, The Army of the Republic is a brilliant novel about what it means to live in a democracy…
Order “The Army of the Republic
Watch A Video HERE

Dark Curse” by Christine Feehan. Release Date: September 2, 2008. Slave to her evil father, Lara Calladine knew only fear as a child. Only by escaping with her mysterious gifts unbroken would she survive to claim her Carpathian heritage as a Dragonseeker. Now, Lara is in search of the source of her nightmares and only Nicolas De La Cruz has the power and the will to help her. Together, they search the Carpathian landscape for the truth about their pasts—and discover a passion that neither has ever known before…
Official Christine Feehan Website
Order “Dark CurseHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
NOTE:Dark Curse” is the nineteenth volume in the Dark Series by #1 New York Times-bestselling author, Christine Feehan.

Break of Dawn” by Chris Marie Green. Release Date: September 2, 2008. After facing off against the Vampire Killer, Dawn Madison and her friends are reeling. But for Dawn, the pain is personal. She’s learned more about her parents than she ever wanted to, and her feelings for Matt & Jonah are only making things worse. To save her father, Dawn must enter the Vampire Underground where she will encounter an unthinkable betrayal, and where the question of good & evil will become a matter of life, death—and undeath…
Official Chris Marie Green Website
Order “Break of DawnHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
Read Reviews via Darque Reviews
NOTE:Break of Dawn” is the conclusion to Chris Marie Green’s Vampire Babylon trilogy after “Night Rising” and “Midnight Reign”.

Cross County” by Tim Waggoner. Release Date: September 2, 2008. When Joanne Talon was a child, she disappeared for six days without any memory of what happened. Not long after, four people were viciously murdered by Carl “the Cutter” Coulter. Now, Joanne is sheriff of Cross County and Carl is dead. But the killings begin again and Joanne must discover the copycat killer. To make matters worse, the sinister Cross family has their own reasons for wanting the murders stopped: secrets ancient, dark, and buried deep…
Official Tim Waggoner Website
Order “Cross CountyHERE

The Secret of Laurel Oaks” by Lois Ruby. Release Date: September 2, 2008. When visiting the Laurel Oaks Plantation in Louisiana, Lila discovers ghostly presences willing to communicate with her. One such spirit is Daphne, a slave girl who was blamed for the deaths of two girls and their mother in the 1840s. Daphne’s spirit senses that Lila can prove her innocence so her spirit can rest at long last. Shifting back & forth between the past and the present, the true story of what really happened that fateful night finally comes to light...
Official Lois Ruby Website
Order “The Secret of Laurel OaksHERE
NOTE: Laurel Oaks is a thinly disguised version of the legendary Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana, which is on the Smithsonian's list of the ten most haunted places in America. This novel was inspired by the author's visit to the plantation and her experiences there.

Venomous” by Christopher Krovatin. Release Date: September 2, 2008. Locke Vinetti is a high school junior. For years he's had a lousy social life because of his anger—a force he calls “the venom.” But when he meets the girl of his dreams, he knows he has to rid himself of the venom once and for all… Interspersed with comic book adventures of the fantasy anti-hero alter-ego Locke has invented for himself, Venomous is a fast-paced, funny, and ferocious read about one teenage boy's struggle with his inner demons…
Official Christopher Krovatin Myspace
Order “VenomousHERE

The Ghost Quartet” edited by Marvin Kaye. Release Date: September 2, 2008. Do you believe in ghosts? You will after reading these four original short novels from some of today’s best writers of the fantastic including Orson Scott Card, Tanith Lee, Brian Lumley and Marvin Kaye. Gathered and edited by Kaye who also brought you The Dragon Quintet, “The Ghost Quartet” is a beautiful—and frightening—collection of ghost stories that is packed with thrills and perfect for true fans of science fiction and horror…
Official Marvin Kaye Website
Order “The Ghost QuartetHERE

Imaginary Friends” by John Marco +
Martin H. Greenberg. Release Date: September 2, 2008. Friends. We’ve all had them. We’ve all needed them. And in this fun fantasy anthology, readers are given thirteen variations on what kinds of friends come in handy in times of need. From a toy Canadian Mountie who suddenly comes to life, to a boy and his dragon, to a young woman held captive in a tower and her mysterious companion, these highly imaginative tales entertainingly explore the nature of what constitutes a “real” friendship…
Official John Marco Website
Order “Imaginary FriendsHERE

Afro Samurai” by Takashi Okazaki. Release Date: September 2, 2008. It is said that he who acquires the No. 1 headband shall gain the power to rule the world. And only the No. 2 warrior may challenge No. 1. Afro Samurai has assumed the mantle of No. 2, seeking vengeance against No. 1, a gunman named Justice who brutally killed his father years ago. But assassins lurk at every corner, seeking to rob Afro Samurai of the title of No. 1. Can Afro survive long enough to exact his revenge?
Official Afro Samurai Manga
Official Afro Samurai Anime
Order “Afro SamuraiHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
NOTE: The “Afro Samurai” manga was adapted into a TV anime series which premiered on Spike TV in 2007 and featured the voices of Samuel L. Jackson, Ron Perlman (Hellboy) and Kelly Hu (X-Men 2), as well as a hip-hop soundtrack created by the Wu-Tang Clan’s Rza. An Afro Samurai videogame for the PS3 and Xbox360 is slated for release January 27, 2009. “Afro Samurai: Volume One” is Takashi Okazaki’s first published work in the US. Volume Two is scheduled for April 2009 publication. If you haven’t seen the anime, it’s bloody awesome and highly recommended!

The Sweet Scent of Blood” by Suzanne McLeod. UK Release Date: September 4, 2008. Mixing romantic plotlines with the pulse-pounding elements of horror and the supernatural, urban fantasy is one of the biggest and most popular new fiction genres led by such authors as Laurell K. Hamilton, Charlaine Harris and Kim Harrison. And now it has a new British star in Suzanne McLeod, author of “The Sweet Scent of Blood”—first volume in the series—which introduces Sidhe, Genevieve Taylor
Official Website
Official Suzanne McLeod LiveJournal
Order “The Sweet Scent of Blood” HERE
Read Reviews via My Favourite Books

Handling the Undead” by John Ajvide Lindqvist. UK Release Date: September 4, 2008. Something very peculiar is happening in Stockholm. There's a heatwave going on and people cannot turn their lights out or switch off their appliances. Then the terrible news breaks. The dead are waking up. What do they want? To come home. John Ajvide Lindqvist's second novel, “Handling the Undead”, is a haunting story about our greatest fear and about a love that defies death…
John Ajvide Lindqvist @ Wikipedia
Order “Handling the UndeadHERE
NOTE: John Ajvide Lindqvist is also the author of the Swedish bestselling vampire novel “Let the Right One In”—or Let Me In as it is known in the US—and was adapted into a Swedish film that won the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival Founders Award for Best Narrative Feature, and will be distributed in North America via Magnet Releasing. The film opens in Los Angeles and New York on October 24, 2008 followed by a wide release.

The Sacred Book of the Werewolf” by Victor Pelevin. Release Date: September 4, 2008. Victor Pelevin has established a reputation as one of the most brilliant writers at work today and has been compared to Kafka, Calvino, and Gogol. Pelevin’s new novel—his first in six years—is both a supernatural love story and a satirical portrait of modern Russia concerning the adventures of a hardworking 15-year-old Moscow prostitute who in reality is a 2000-year-old were-fox who seduces men in order to absorb their life force…
Victor Pelevin @ Wikipedia
Order “The Sacred Book of the WerewolfHERE (US) + HERE (UK)
Read Reviews via
Monsters & Critics, Strange Horizons + The Guardian

The Other Side of the Island” by Allegra Goodman. Release Date: September 4, 2008. Honor and her parents have been reassigned to live on Island 365 in the Tranquil Sea. Life is peaceful there—everyone fits into their rightful and predictable place. Except Honor. But then she meets Helix, a boy with a big heart and a keen sense for the world around them. Slowly, Honor & Helix uncover a terrible truth about the Island: Sooner or later, those who are unpredictable disappear . . . and they don’t ever come back…
Official Allegra Goodman Website
Order “The Other Side of the IslandHERE
Read Reviews via Jen Robinson’s Book Page

The Man in the Picture” by Susan Hill. Release Date: September 4, 2008 (US debut). In the apartment of Oliver's old professor in Cambridge, there is a painting on the wall, a mysterious depiction of masked revelers at the Venice carnival. One cold winter's night, the old professor decides to reveal the painting’s eerie secret: Instead of imitating life, the dark art of the Venetian scene has the macabre power to entrap it… “The Man in the Picture” is a haunting tale of loss, love, and the very basest fear of our beings…
Official Susan Hill Website
Order “The Man in the PictureHERE
Read Reviews via Madame Arcati, The Guardian + The Independent

Winterstrike” by Liz Williams. UK Release Date: September 5, 2008. Hestia Mar was sent to Caud to recover details of an ancient weapon. She realizes too late that her own government plans on using the weapon against Caud. Meanwhile in Winterstrike, a woman imprisoned by her family for consorting with a male escapes. Her sister, Essgui, follows and meets Mar in the Crater Plain. Together, they set out on a journey that leads to a group of outcast male creatures who hold the secrets to the Martian past and future...
Official Liz Williams LiveJournal
Order “WinterstrikeHERE
NOTE:Winterstrike” is the first novel in a captivating Gothic SF trilogy, which is set in the same world as “Banner of Souls”—shortlisted for the Arthur C. Clarke Award.

Orcs” by Stan Nicholls. Release Date: September 8, 2008. Combining the internationally acclaimed trilogy of Bodyguard of Lightning, Legion of Thunder, and Warriors of the Tempest, and “The Taking” short story which was shortlisted for the 2001 British Fantasy Award, “Orcs” is the story of Stryke and his band of Orcs. Fantasy's bad guys finally get their own say in this fast moving, action packed, tongue-in-cheek tale of Orc valor and human treachery. This book will change the way you feel about Orcs forever…
Official Orcs Website
Official Stan Nicholls Website
Order “OrcsHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
NOTE: With over one million copies sold worldwide, the international publishing sensation is released in the U.S. for the first time.

Anathem” by Neal Stephenson. Release Date: September 9, 2008. Since childhood, Raz has lived behind the walls of a 3,400-year-old monastery, a sanctuary for scientists, philosophers and mathematicians. There, he and his cohorts are sealed off from the “saecular” world of endless dark ages, world wars and climate change. Until the day that a higher power decides only these cloistered scholars have the abilities to avert an impending catastrophe. So, one by one, Raz and company are sent forth into the unknown…
Official Neal Stephenson Website
Order “AnathemHERE (US) + HERE (UK)
Read Reviews via
Booklist + Threat Quality Press

The Stowaway” by R.A. Salvatore & Geno Salvatore. Release Date: September 9, 2008. Nearly two decades ago, R.A. Salvatore introduced the world to Drizzt D'Urden, one of the most beloved fantasy characters of all time. Now, for the first time, Salvatore partners with his son Geno to craft a brand new story just for young readers, featuring a cameo from Drizzt! “The Stowaway” is the first installment in The Stone of Tymora trilogy and delivers all the action, intrigue, and magic you've come to expect from the Salvatore name…
Official R.A. Salvatore Website
Order “The StowawayHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE

Cybele’s Secret” by Juliet Marillier. Release Date: September 9, 2008. For Paula, accompanying her merchant father on a trading voyage to Istanbul to purchase a rare artifact—a gift from the ancient goddess, Cybele, to her followers—is a dream come true. But no sooner have they arrived when it becomes clear they may be playing at a dangerous game involving murder & cults. As time begins to run out, Paula realizes she must solve the puzzle of Cybele’s Gift before unknown but deadly enemies catch up to her…
Official Juliet Marillier Website
Order “Cybele’s SecretHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
Read Reviews via Bookwyrm Chrysalis, Strange Horizons + The Blurb

The Servants” by Michael Marshall Smith. Release Date: September 9, 2008. For eleven-year-old Mark, the world has turned as bleak and gray as the Brighton winter and only in a secret, bygone world may he find escape, and quite possibly a way to change everything… Beautiful in its simplicity, poignant and uplifting, Michael Marshall Smith’s (Spares, The Intruders) tale of a young boy’s journey through powerlessness and isolation to understanding is as realistic as it is magical, and utterly satisfying on both accounts…
Official Michael Marshall Smith Website
Order “The ServantsHERE (US) + HERE (UK)
Read Reviews via
Green Man Review, Infinity Plus + The Independent Weekly
NOTE:The Servants” was originally released as a limited edition hardcover through Earthling Publications in 2007 and via HarperCollins UK on April 1, 2008. The book has also been nominated for the 2008 British Fantasy and World Fantasy Awards for Best Novel.

Goth” by Otsuichi with artwork by Kendi Oiwa. Release Date: September 9, 2008. In this truly shocking tale of terror, two high school sociopaths become fixated on a local serial murderer. But rather than trying to prevent and solve the next murder, their obsession grows, taking them on a descent into a maniacal darkness in which the most nightmarish acts occur. Psychologically twisted and emotionally wrenching, these compelling stories found in Otsuichi's "Goth" take Japan's horror tradition to a whole new level of fear…
Otsuichi @ Wikipedia
Order “GothHERE
NOTE: The “Goth” Japanese manga is adapted from Otsuichi’s novel of the same name. Both will be published in English for the first time through Tokyopop with the novel set to drop, October 14, 2008. “Goth” has also been optioned by Fox Atomic Studios (28 Weeks Later, The Hills Have Eyes 2) for film adaptation.

Bonechiller” by Graham McNamee. Release Date: September 9, 2008. Danny’s dad takes a job at a marina on the shore of a vast, frozen lake in the middle of nowhere. It’s the worst winter in years. One night, Danny is attacked by a creature so strange and terrifying he tries to convince himself he was hallucinating. Then he learns about Native American legends of a monster that’s haunted the lake for a thousand years. And that every generation kids have disappeared into the night. Now the beast is after Danny
Order “Bonechiller
Read An Excerpt HERE

Farworld: Water Keep” by J. Scott Savage. Release Date: September 12, 2008. 13-year-old Marcus Kanenas is a survivor and a dreamer. In fact, his favorite dream is of a world where magic is as common as air, where animals tell jokes, and trees beg people to pick their fruit. He calls this place—Far World. When Marcus magically travels to Far World, he meets Kyja, a girl without magic; and Master Therapass, a master wizard who has kept a secret hidden for years—a secret that could change the fate of two worlds…
Official J. Scott Savage Blog
Order “FarworldHERE
Read Reviews via BCF Book Reviews
NOTE:Water Keep” is the first volume in a planned five-volume YA fantasy series from J. Scott Savage.

Nation” by Terry Pratchett. UK Release Date: September 11, 2008. US Release Date: September 30, 2008. The sea has taken everything: Mau’s family is gone; his world has ended; and the gods are dead. But when much is taken, something is returned… With the YA book “Nation”—the first non-Discworld novel since 1996—internationally revered storyteller Terry Pratchett presents a breathtaking adventure of survival and discovery, and of the courage required to forge new beliefs…
Official Terry Pratchett’s Website
Official UK Terry Pratchett Website
Order “NationHERE (US) + HERE (UK)
Read An Excerpt

The Folklore of Discworld” by Terry Pratchett &
Jacqueline Simpson. UK Release Date: September 11, 2008. Our world is made up of legends, myths & fairytales. It is the same on Discworld, except that creatures like vampires, trolls, witches and—maybe—gods, actually exist. In this novel, Terry Pratchett teams up with leading British folklorist Jacqueline Simpson to give an irreverent yet illuminating look at the living myths & folklore that are reflected and celebrated in the uniquely imaginative universe of Discworld
Official Terry Pratchett’s Website
Official UK Terry Pratchett Website
Order “The Folklore of DiscworldHERE

The Two Pearls of Wisdom” by Alison Goodman. UK Release Date: September 11, 2008. In the bestselling tradition of
Lian Hearn's Tales of the Otori, comes “The Two Pearls of Wisdom” by Alison Goodman (Singing the Dogstar Blues, Killing the Rabbit). Set in a wonderfully imagined, immediate world inspired by medieval China, “The Two Pearls of Wisdom” is a thrilling novel of deadly politics, sexual intrigue and dazzling swordplay set in a time where both appearances and loyalties can prove so very deceptive…
Official Alison Goodman Website
Official Alison Goodman Blog
Order “The Two Pearls of WisdomHERE
NOTE:The Two Pearls of Wisdom” will be published in the US on December 26, 2008 under the title, “Eon: Dragoneye Reborn” (Viking Juvenile).

The Regional Accounts Director of Firetop Mountain” by Alex Jenkins & Stephen Morrison. UK Release Date: September 11, 2008. Choose Your Adventure style books were incredibly successful in the 1980s with the entire Fighting Fantasy novels still in print today, twenty-five years later. “The Regional Accounts Director of Firetop Mountain” is a hilarious parody of that genre, but it is also a skillful comic account of the drudgery of modern life and a thrilling adventure populated by creatures of myth and legend…

Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded” by John Scalzi. Release Date: September 13, 2008. On September 13, 1998, John Scalzi wrote the first entry in his blog
Whatever. Ten years later, 40,000 people drop by on a daily basis to see what he's got to say about politics, writing, family, popular culture…whatever. Sometimes people send him hate mail, which he grades on originality and sends back. Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded collects some of the best and most popular Whatever entries over the history of the blog…
Official John Scalzi Website
Order “Your Hate Mail Will Be GradedHERE
NOTE: Subterranean Press is offering “Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded” in two unique hardcover editions: 1) A signed copy numbered out of 1000, and 2) A lettered, traycased edition signed by both Scalzi and Wil Wheaton which is limited to 26 copies.

Lightbreaker” by Mark Teppo. Release Date: September 15, 2008. Markham has returned to Seattle searching for Katarina, the girl who touched his soul a decade ago, literally tearing it from his body. But what he discovers upon arriving is dark magick of a most ancient and destructive kind… From newcomer Mark Teppo (Psychobabel, Heartland) comes Lightbreaker, an explosive, action-packed occult thriller combining Western magick, Hermetic traditions, and shamanism. Beyond good... beyond evil... Lightbreaker…
Official Codex of Souls Website
Official Mark Teppo Website
Order “LightbreakerHERE

Arrowhead” by Paul Kane. UK Release Date: September 15, 2008. In a Post-Apocalyptic futuristic England that has been reverted back to the Middle Ages, a Legend is Reborn… Part of
Abaddon’s Afterblight Chronicles (The Culled) “Arrowhead” is an exciting new adventure—combining the best in action, heroism and SF—from multiple British Fantasy Award nominee Paul Kane, author of The Lazarus Condition and Lionsgate/NBC’s Fear Itself episode “New Year’s Day”, directed by Darren Bousman (SAW II-IV)…
Official Paul Kane Website
Order “ArrowheadHERE
NOTE:Arrowhead” is the fifth book in Abaddon’s The Afterblight Chronicles—after The Culled, Kill or Cure, School’s Out and Dawn Over Doomsday—and will be released in the US November 2008.

Immortal Laws” by Jim Michael Hansen. Release Date: September 15, 2008. Denver homicide detective Bryson Coventry is thrust into his most bizarre & twisted case yet as he hunts the killer of a woman who was murdered with a wooden stake through her heart as if she was a vampire. The next target is beautiful young blues singer Heather Vaughn. As time runs out, both she and Coventry find them selves swept deeper and deeper into the throes of a dark mystery born of ancient and deadly obsessions…
Official Jim Michael Hansen Website
Order “Immortal LawsHERE
NOTE:Immortal Laws” is the sixth volume in Jim Michael Hansen’s Laws series after “Bangkok Laws”.

Paul of Dune” by Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson. Release Date: September 16, 2008. Frank Herbert's Dune ended with Paul Muad’Dib in control of the planet Dune. Dune Messiah picked up the story several years later after Paul’s armies had conquered the galaxy. But what happened between Dune and Dune Messiah? How did Paul create his empire and become the Messiah? Following in Frank Herbert’s footsteps, bestselling authors
Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson are answering these questions in Paul of Dune
Official Dune Website
Official Kevin J. Anderson Website
Order “Paul of DuneHERE (US) + HERE (UK-September 4, 2008)
Read An Excerpt

An Evil Guest” by Gene Wolfe. Release Date: September 16, 2008. Gene Wolfe (The Book of the New Sun) can write in whatever genre he wants—and always with superb style and profound depth. Now following his World Fantasy Award winning, “Soldier of Sidon”, and his stunning “Pirate Freedom”, Wolfe delivers “An Evil Guest”, a standalone supernatural horror novel with a 30s noir atmosphere that is described as H.P. Lovecraft meets Blade Runner. As Lovecraft said, “That is not dead which can eternal lie.”
Gene Wolfe & Wikipedia
Order “An Evil GuestHERE

Toll the Hounds” by Steven Erikson. Release Date: September 16, 2008 (US Debut). In Darujhistan, the saying goes that Love & Death shall arrive together, dancing: For Anomander Rake, the time has come to right an ancient and terrible wrong while Hood, Lord of Death, stands at the beginning of a conspiracy that will shake the cosmos…. A thrilling, harrowing novel of war, intrigue and dark, uncontrollable magic, Toll the Hounds is the new chapter in Erikson's monumental Malazan Book of the Fallen series…
Official Malazan Empire Website
Order “Toll the HoundsHERE (US) + HERE (UK-July 2008)
Read the Prologue HERE
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s INTERVIEW with Steven Erikson

Juggler of Worlds” by Larry Niven & Edward M. Lerner. Release Date: September 16, 2008. Covert agent Sigmund Ausfaller is humanity's best defense against all conspiracies real, potential and imaginary of foes both human & alien. He may finally have met his match in Nessus, representative of the secretive Puppeteers. As a paranoid, Sigmund always knew things would end horribly for him. But even he never imagined how far his investigations would take him, or that his destiny is entwined with the fates of worlds…
Official Larry Niven Website
Official Edward M. Lerner Website
Order “Juggler of WorldsHERE
NOTE:Juggler of Worlds” is a sequel to “Fleet of Worlds”, which is part of the Known Space sequence.

Misspent Youth” by Peter F. Hamilton. Release Date: September 16, 2008 (US Reprint). Readers have learned to expect the unexpected from Peter F. Hamilton (Greg Mandel, The Night’s Dawn Trilogy). Now the master of space opera focuses on near-future Earth and one most unusual family. The result is a coming-of-age tale like no other. By turns comic, erotic, and tragic, “Misspent Youth” is a profound and timely exploration of all that divides and unites fathers and sons, men and women, the young and the old…
Official Peter F. Hamilton Website
Order “Misspent YouthHERE
NOTE:Misspent Youth” was originally published in the UK in 2002 and then in the US in 2006. The book is part of the Commonwealth Saga which includes “Pandora’s Star”, “Judas Unchained” and the yet-to-be completed Void Trilogy.

The House of the Stag” by Kage Baker. Release Date: September 16, 2008. The Yendri led a tranquil pastoral life before the Riders conquered and enslaved them. A few escaped but rebellion wasn't the Yendri way. Only one possessed the necessary rage to fight back: Gard the foundling, half-demon who began a one-man guerrilla war against the Riders. This is the story of his rise to power, his vengeance, his unlikely redemption and his maturation into a loving father—as well as a lord and commander of demon armies…
Official Kage Baker Website
Order “The House of the StagHERE
Read Reviews Technoprobing
NOTE: Kage Baker, author of the popular and witty fantasy, “The Anvil of the World”, returns to that magical world for another story of love, adventure, and a fair bit of ironic humor.

The Wyrmling Horde” by David Farland. Release Date: September 16, 2008. At the end of Worldbinder, Fallion Orden, son of Gaborn, combined two alternate realities creating a strange and fantastic world. It's a world brimming with dark magic, ruled by a creature of unrelenting evil who is gathering monstrous armies from a dozen planets in a bid to conquer the universe. Only Fallion has the power to mend the worlds, but is a prisoner. Now his allies must risk everything to free him from the wyrmling horde…
Official David Farland Website
Order “The Wyrmling HordeHERE
NOTE:The Wyrmling Horde” is the seventh volume in The Runelords epic fantasy series.

The Phoenix Endangered” by Mercedes Lackey & James Mallory. Release Date: September 16, 2008. Tiercel, a budding High Mage, and Harrier, a reluctant Knight-Mage, develop greater power and learn of the evils of war when they see the devastation caused by the armies of the Wild Mage Bisochim. The desert tribespeople, led by young Shaiara, flee Bisochim’s evil, seeking a legendary oasis deep in the desert—a refuge that may hold the key to stopping Bisochim and preserving the Balance between Light & Darkness…
Official Mercedes Lackey Website
Order “The Phoenix EndangeredHERE
NOTE:The Phoenix Endangered” is the second volume in The Enduring Flame after “The Phoenix Unchained” and is set 1000 years after the events in the Obsidian Trilogy.

Cyndere’s Midnight” by Jeffrey Overstreet. Release Date: September 16, 2008. Critics hailed Jeffrey Overstreet’s first fantasy novel, Auralia’s Colors, as “exceptionally well crafted,” “beautiful,” and “masterfully told.” Now in Cyndere’s Midnight—volume two of The Auralia Thread—the power of Auralia’s colors brings together a bloodthirsty beastman and a grieving widow in a most unlikely relationship…one that not only will change their lives, but could also impact the four kingdoms of The Expanse forever...
Official Jeffrey Overstreet Website
Order “Cyndere’s MidnightHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s Review of “Auralia’s Colors

Teatro Grottesco” by Thomas Ligotti. Release Date: September 16, 2008. Thomas Ligotti (The Nightmare Factory) is one of the most original and remarkable figures in horror literature since H.P. Lovecraft. In the stories collected in “Teatro Grottesco”, Ligotti follows the literary tradition that began with Edgar Allan Poe: portraying characters that are outside of anything that might be called “normal life”, depicting strange locales far off the beaten track, and rendering a grim vision of human existence as a perpetual nightmare…
Official Thomas Ligotti Website
Order “Teatro GrottescoHERE (US) + HERE (UK-July 2008)
Read Reviews via
NOTE:Teatro Grottesco” was first published by Durtro in 2006, then by Mythos Books in 2007, and now through Virgin Books.

Banquet for the Damned” by Adam L.G. Nevill. Release Date: September 16, 2008. Few believed Professor Coldwell was in touch with an unseen world and could commune with spirits. But in Scotland’s oldest university town something has passed from darkness into light, and now the students are being haunted by night terrors and mysteriously disappearing… “Banquet for the Damned” is a chilling occult thriller, a fast-paced modern tale of diabolism and witchcraft, and homage to the great age of British ghost stories…
Official Adam L.G. Nevill Website
Order “Banquet for the DamnedHERE (US) + HERE (UK-June 2008)
Read Reviews via
BCF Book Reviews, Highlander’s Book Reviews + SF Site

Bar None” by Tim Lebbon. Release Date: September 16, 2008. Six months have passed since the end of the world, leaving a handful of survivors holed up in a Welsh manor with little to do but survive. They've made the best of things, planting food, drinking their way through the cellar's wine and ale, and reminiscing about the way life used to be. But with supplies running thin, everything is about to change... From Tim Lebbon comes “Bar None”, a novel of chilling suspense, apocalyptic beauty, and fine ales…
Official Tim Lebbon Website
Order “Bar NoneHERE

Faefever” by Karen Marie Moning. Release Date: September 16, 2008. The New York Times bestselling author of Darkfever and Bloodfever returns to Dublin’s Fae-infested shores in the third Fever volume, Faefever, a bold and sensual new novel. Hurtling us into a realm of seduction and shadows, Karen Marie Moning tells the enthralling tale of a woman who explores the limits of her mysterious powers as she enters a world of ancient sorcery—and confronts an enemy more insidious than she could ever have imagined…
Official Karen Marie Moning Website
Order “FaefeverHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE

Star Wars Order 66” by Karen Traviss. Release Date: September 16, 2008. After the fierce combat of Hard Contact, Triple Zero, and True Colors comes “Star Wars Order 66”, the spectacular culmination of New York Times bestselling author Karen Traviss’ (Legacy of the Force, Wess’Har) gripping Republic Commando series. As a battle-scarred era nears its end, a shattering power play is about to stun the entire galaxy . . . and set in motion events that will alter destinies and resound throughout history…
Official Karen Traviss Website
Order “Star Wars Order 66HERE

The Heretic Queen” by Michelle Moran. Release Date: September 16, 2008. In ancient Egypt, forgotten princess Nefertari—niece of the reviled former queen Nefertiti—must overcome her family’s past and remake history by becoming the wife of Ramesses the Great, destined to be the most powerful Pharaoh in Egypt and also the man who must confront the most famous exodus in history. Sweeping in scope and meticulous in detail, “The Heretic Queen” is a novel of passion and power, heartbreak and redemption…
Official Michelle Moran Website
Order “The Heretic QueenHERE (US) + HERE (UK-August 2008)
Read Reviews via
The Book Bag
NOTE: Michelle Moran is also the author of the historical fiction novel, “Nefertiti”.

A Giant Problem” by Holly Black, Illustrated by Tony DiTerlizzi. Release Date: September 16, 2008. Talk about out of the frying pan, into the fire! I was pretty sure that my freaky stepsister and that freaky field guide of hers would ruin my life. But now it looks like they're going to ruin all of Florida, too! Okay, maybe that's not fair. Maybe all these stupid giants would be waking up anyway, but if it wasn't for her and that book, I'd be home playing video games and this would be someone else's giant problem!
Official The Spiderwick Chronicles Website
Official Holly Black Website
Official Tony DiTerlizzi Website
Order “A Giant ProblemHERE
NOTE:A Giant Problem” is the second volume in the Beyond the Spiderwick Chronicles after “The Nixie’s Song”.

Invisible Touch” by Kelly Para. Release Date: September 16, 2008. Do you believe in fate? Kara Martinez has been trying to be “normal” ever since the accident that took her father's life when she was eleven years old, but she has been given a gift—one that often feels like a curse. For Kara can see signs, visions that are clues to a person's fate . . . if she can put together the pieces of the puzzle in time. When she sees the flash of a gun on a fellow classmate however, the stakes are raised higher than ever before…
Official Kelly Para Website
Order “Invisible TouchHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE

How To Ditch Your Fairy” by Justine Larbalestier. Release Date: September 16, 2008. Welcome to New Avalon, where everyone has an invisible personal fairy. In the case of the students at New Avalon Sports High, a fairy might just determine whether you make the team, pass a class, or find that perfect outfit. But Charlie’s is a parking fairy and she’ll do anything to ditch her fairy and get a better one… “How to Ditch Your Fairy” is a delightful story of fairies, friendships, and figuring out how to make your own magic…
Official Justine Larbalestier Website
Order “How To Ditch Your FairyHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
Read Reviews HERE

The Long Look” by Richard Parks. Release Date: September 17, 2008. Tymon the Black is the latest in a long succession of magicians to suffer under “The Long Look” curse. He gets glimpses of future horrors that will almost certainly come to pass unless he acts. When one such glimpse prods him to arrange for the murder of a would-be hero prince, he sets off a wild chain of events that could lead to a future even more terrible than the one the prince’s death was designed to prevent…
Official Richard Parks Blog
Order “The Long LookHERE

Chalice” by Robin McKinley. Release Date: September 18, 2008. As the newly appointed Chalice, Mirasol is the most important member of the Master’s Circle. It is her duty to bind the Circle, the land and its people together with their Master. But the new Master is a Priest of Fire, only drawn back into the human world by the sudden death of his brother. Mirasol wants the Master to have his chance, but her only training is as a beekeeper. Can she help settle their demesne during these troubled times?
Official Robin McKinley Website
Order “ChaliceHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE

Brisingr” by Christopher Paolini. Release Date: September 20, 2008. Following the colossal battle against the Empire’s warriors on the Burning Plains, Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, have narrowly escaped with their lives. Still, there is more at hand for the Rider and his dragon as Eragon finds himself bound by a tangle of promises he may not be able to keep. Eragon must make choices— choices that take him across the Empire and beyond . . . choices that may lead to unimagined sacrifice…
Official Christopher Paolini Website
Order “BrisingrHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
NOTE:Brisingr” is the third book in Christopher Paolini’s The Inheritance Cycle after “Eragon” and “Eldest”.

Going Under” by Justina Robson. Release Date: September 23, 2008. Lila Black is off with the faeries… Ever since the Quantum Bomb of 2015 things have been different; the dimensions have fused and suddenly our world is accessible to elves, demons, ghosts and elementals—and their worlds are open to us. Justina Robson’s new Quantum Gravity series combines her trademark themes of identity and reality, magic and technology, break-neck plots, a mischievous sense of fun, and a seriously sexy new heroine…
Official Justina Robson Website
Order “Going UnderHERE

Daylight Runner” by Oisin McGann. Release Date: September 23, 2008. Outside the huge domed city Ash Harbor, an Ice Age has transformed Earth into an Arctic desert. But inside, the Machine—protected by the Clockworkers police organization—has become the source of the city's energy and a way for industrial leaders to wield enormous power. When a rogue organization begins posting messages warning of the Machine's impending failure, civil unrest grows. At the center of this drama is Sol Wheat
Official Oisin McGann Website
Order “Daylight RunnerHERE
Read Reviews via TheHappyNappyBookseller

The Second Seige” by Henry H. Neff. Release Date: September 23, 2008. Grave forces are converging to seize control of the Book of Thoth, a hidden artifact whose pages hold the key to creating—or unraveling—the very threads of existence. Under the care and tutelage of Cooper, Rowan’s most lethal Agent, Max McDaniels and David Menlo embark on a quest to protect the book from the demon Astaroth—free after centuries of imprisonment—who would exploit its secrets with dire consequence…
Official Henry H. Neff Website
Order “The Second SiegeHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
NOTE:The Second Siege” is the second book in The Tapestry trilogy after “The Hound of Rowan”.

Untamed” by P.C. Cast & Kristin Cast. Release Date: September 23, 2008. In one week Zoey Redbird has gone from having three boyfriends to having none, and from having a close group of friends who trusted and supported her, to being an outcast. And Neferet has declared war on humans, which Zoey knows is wrong. But will anyone listen to her? Zoey's adventures at vampyre finishing school take a wild & dangerous turn as loyalties are tested, shocking intentions come to light, and an ancient evil is awakened…
Official House of Night Website
Official P.C. Cast Website
Order “Untamed” HERE
Read Reviews via Darque Reviews
NOTE:Untamed” is the fourth book in the House of Night series after Marked, Betrayed and Chosen.

The Living Dead” edited by John Joseph Adams. Release Date: September 29, 2008. From George Romero (Night of the Living Dead) to Resident Evil and World War Z, zombies have invaded popular culture, becoming the monsters that best express the fears and anxieties of the modern west. Edited by John Joseph Adams, “The Living Dead” gathers together the best zombie literature of the last three decades from many of today's most renowned authors of fantasy, speculative fiction, and horror…
Official John Joseph Adams
Order “The Living DeadHERE
NOTE: Includes contributions from Stephen King, Harlan Ellison, Robert Silverberg, George R. R. Martin, Clive Barker, Poppy Z. Brite, Neil Gaiman, Joe Hill, Laurell K. Hamilton, Joe R. Lansdale, et cetera.

The Dark Heart of the Nightside” by Simon R. Green. UK Release Date: September 29, 2008. “The Dark Heart of the Nightside” is the third omnibus mass-market paperback—after Into the Nightside and Haunting the Nightside—that collects the first six volumes in Simon R. Green’s New York Times bestselling Nightside series for UK release. Set in a seedy, supernatural shadow version of contemporary London, the Nightside series follows the exploits of private investigator John Taylor who handles the strange & the bizarre…
Simon R. Green @ Wikipedia
Order “The Dark Heart of the NightsideHERE

Walking to the Moon” by Sean McMullen. Release Date: September 29, 2008. A short story collection by the award-winning Australian author of the The Greatwinter Trilogy and The Moonworlds Saga, “Walking to the Moon” gathers together many of Sean McMullen's critically-acclaimed short fiction including a never-before-seen original story set in the world of Greatwinter, “Dragon Black”. “Walking to the Moon” also features an introduction by Jack Dann, the author of “The Man Who Melted”…
Official Sean McMullen Website
Order “Walking to the MoonHERE

The Graveyard Book” by Neil Gaiman. Release Date: September 30, 2008. Can a boy raised by ghosts, werewolves, and other cemetery denizens face the wonders and terrors of the worlds of both the living and the dead? This chilling tale is Neil Gaiman's (Sandman, American Gods) first full-length novel for middle-grade readers since the internationally bestselling and universally acclaimed Coraline. Like Coraline, this book is sure to enchant and surprise young readers as well as Neil Gaiman's legion of adult fans…
Official The Graveyard Book Website
Official Neil Gaiman Website
Official Dave McKean Website
Order “The Graveyard BookHERE (US) + HERE (UK)
NOTE:The Graveyard Book” is also available from Subterrnanean Press in two very special and unique editions: 1) Limited—500 numbered copies, bound in cloth and marbled paper, slipcased, signed by author and artist. And 2) Lettered—26 copies, signed by author and artist, hand bound in the finest materials, with an original remarque by Dave McKean in each copy, housed in a custom traycase. Order
HERE before it’s too late!

The Ghost In Love” by Jonathan Carroll. Release Date: September 30, 2008. “Jonathan Carroll has the magic. He’ll lend you his eyes, and you’ll never see the world in quite the same way ever again.” —
Neil Gaiman. The Ghost in Love is about what happens to us when we become the masters of our own fate. No excuses, no outside forces or gods to blame—the responsibility is all our own. It’s also about love, ghosts that happen to be gourmet cooks, and picnicking in the rain with yourself at twenty different ages…
Official Jonathan Carroll Website
Order “The Ghost In LoveHERE
Read Reviews HERE

Every Last Drop” by Charlie Huston. Release Date: September 30, 2008. Another blistering vampire noir, “Every Last Drop”—the fourth volume in Charlie Huston’s Joe Pitt Casebook series—drives Joe Pitt to ask the big question: Where does the powerful Clan get all that blood? The quest for answers takes Joe to a dark corner of Queens, puts him face-to-face with a mythic and savage Clan, and leaves him with a haunting vision—and a bargaining chip that redefines his place in the Vampyre universe…
Official Charlie Huston Website
Order “Every Last DropHERE (US) + HERE (UK-March 2009)
Read An Excerpt
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s Review of the First Three Joe Pitt Casebooks
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s
Interview with Charlie Huston

Half a Crown” by Jo Walton. Release Date: September 30, 2008. In 1941, the European war ended in the Farthing Peace, a rapprochement between Britain & Nazi Germany. Now, in 1960, a global peace conference is convening in London, where Britain, Germany, and Japan will oversee the final partition of the world. But the conference may be the former king’s bid to stage a coup d’état. Amidst all this, two unlikely persons will join forces to oppose the fascists: a debutante and Peter Carmichael the Watch Commander…
Official Jo Walton Website
Order “Half a CrownHERE
NOTE:Half a Crown” is the third book in the Small Change alternate history series after “Farthing” and “Ha’penny”.

The Knight of the Red Beard” by Andre Norton and Sasha Miller. Release Date: September 30, 2008. Having rebuilt the NordornLand from rubble, Ashen and Gaurin rule justly and fairly over a reinvigorated land. Beloved by their kingdom, they now turn their attention to the next generation of Nordorn royalty: heir to the throne Bjaudin, thirteen-year old Elin and eleven-year-old Mikkel. This final installment of the Cycle of Oak, Yew, Ash, and Rowan brings the series to a thrilling climax worthy of these fascinating characters…
Official Andre Norton Website
Official Sasha Miller Website
Order “The Knight of the Red BeardHERE

King of Sword & Sky” by C.L. Wilson. Release Date: September 30, 2008. Only one power could lead their people to victory—Tairen Soul… The magical tairen were dying, and none but the Fey King’s bride could save them. Rain had defied the nobles of Celieria to claim her, battled demons and Elden mages to wed her. Now, with magic, steel, and scorching flame he would risk everything to protect his kingdom, help his truemate embrace her magic and forge the unbreakable bond that alone could save her soul…
Official C.L. Wilson Website
Order “King of Sword & SkyHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
NOTE:King of Sword & Sky” is the third volume in the Tairen Soul romantic epic fantasy series after “Lord of the Fading Lands” and “Lady of Light & Shadows”.

Ex-kop” by Warren Hammond. Release Date: September 30, 2008. Booted off the police force, Juno is barely getting by and doesn’t have the money to pay the hospital bills for his wife who is in critical condition. Desperate for cash, Juno agrees to help his ex-partner, Maggie Orzo, solve a difficult case. Working with Maggie, Juno comes into contact with her new partner, Ian. Somehow Ian, a vicious serial killer, and a girl on death row are all connected. It is up to Juno & Maggie to find out how before more people die…
Official Warren Hammon Website
Order “Ex-kopHERE
NOTE:Ex-kop” is the sequel to “kop” which mixes together hardboiled crime noir with science fiction.

Necropath” by Eric Brown. Release Date: September 30, 2008. Jaded telepath, Jeff Vaughan, is employed at the Bengal Station spaceport to monitor incoming craft from the stars. There, he discovers a sinister cult that worships a mysterious alien god and will murder to silence those who oppose their beliefs. The story follows Vaughan as his mistrust of his fellow humans is overturned by his love for the Thai street-girl Sukura, while he attempts to solve the murders and save himself from the psychopath out to kill him…
Official Eric Brown Website
Order “NecropathHERE (US) + HERE (UK-October 2008)
NOTE:Necropath” is the first book in the Bengal Station Trilogy.

Extraordinary Engines: The Definitive Steampunk Anthology” edited by Nick Gevers. Release Date: September 30, 2008. From The Golden Compass to online communities like
Brass Goggles, Steampunk’s mix of retro Victoriana and modern technology is the hottest trend in SF. Edited by Nick Gevers, this collection includes brand new stories by Stephen Baxter, Eric Brown, Paul Di Filippo, Hal Duncan, Jeffrey Ford, Jay Lake, Ian R. MacLeod, Michael Moorcock, Lucius Shepard, Jeff VanderMeer and more…
Order “Extraordinary Engines
HERE (US) + HERE (UK-October 2008)

The Way of Shadows” by Brent Weeks. Release Date: September 30, 2008. For Durzo Blint, assassination is an art—and he is the city’s most accomplished artist. For Kyllar Stern, survival is essential. As a guild rat, he’s learned to judge people quickly and to take risks. Risks like apprenticing himself to Durzo Blint. But to be accepted, he must turn his back on everything he has ever known. For the perfect killer has no friends. He only has targets… Volumes II + III of the Night Angel trilogy will be released in Nov + Dec…
Official Brent Weeks Website
Order “The Way of ShadowsHERE (US) + HERE (UK-October 2008)

Bite the Bullet” by L.A. Banks (Stroke of Midnight). Release Date: September 30, 2008. Sasha Trudeau considers herself a soldier first and a werewolf second. But while her secret government-sanctioned task-force faces its greatest challenge yet, Sasha faces something much more primal: the undeniable pull of the moon—and her own desires. Soon she is thrust into a full-scale supernatural war for supremacy—and the only man left who Sasha Trudeau can turn to might be the biggest danger to her of all . . . and in more ways than one…
Official L.A. Banks Website
Official Crimson Moon Website
Order “Bite the BulletHERE
NOTE:Bite the Bullet” is the second novel in the Crimson Moon series after “Bad Blood”.

Steelflower” by Lilith Saintcrow. Release Date: September 30, 2008. Thief, assassin, and sellsword Kaia Steelflower has made a good life for herself and is saving up for retirement. Then she picks the wrong pocket and gets far more than she bargained for. Now she has a huge, furry barbarian to look after, a princeling from her homeland to fend off, and an old debt to fulfill. And for some reason, the God-Emperor’s assassins want to kill her. It’s never easy being an elvish sellsword, and this time it just might be fatal…
Official Lilith Saintcrow Website
Order “SteelflowerHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
NOTE:Steelflower” is the first book in the Steelflower Chronicles.

A Dangerous Climate” by Chelsea Quinn Yarbro. Release Date: September 30, 2008. In the heart of Czarist Russia, Peter the Great is wrestling with the city that will one day be St. Petersburg, while representatives of the European states are jockeying for power & influence. Disguised as a missing nobleman, Count Saint-Germain is on a spy mission, but when a man shows up claiming to be the Count, the vampire must figure out how to protect his title & wealth without revealing his identity or his True Nature…
Official Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Website
Order “A Dangerous ClimateHERE
NOTE:A Dangerous Climate” is the twenty-second book in Chelsea Quinn Yarbro’s Count Saint-Germain series.

Whispers of the Flesh” by Louisa Burton. Release Date: September 30, 2008. In this irresistibly seductive new book—the third in the Hidden Grotto series after “Bound In Moonlight” and “House of Dark Delights”—Louisa Burton (also writes as P.B. Ryan and Patricia Ryan) extends her most provocative invitation yet to the infamous Castle of the Hidden Grotto . . . a voluptuous sanctuary of pleasure and passion. So step into the Castle of the Hidden Grotto and lose yourself in a realm of mystery, temptation, and intoxicating sensuality…
Official Louisa Burton Website
Order “Whispers of the FleshHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE

The Rogue Hunter” by Lynsay Sands. Release Date: September 30, 2008. After a recent breakup, Samantha Willan wants to stay as far away from romance as possible. Then she meets her irresistible, but strange and mysterious new neighbor… Garrett Mortimer is a rogue hunter, tracking down a new assignment. But fun in the sun is every bloodsucker's nightmare. Worse, he can't seem to get his mind off Samantha Willan. After 800 years as a bachelor, is he ready to turn a volatile attraction into a lasting love affair?
Official Lynsay Sands Website
Order “The Rogue HunterHERE
Read An Excerpt HERE
NOTE:The Rogue Hunter” is the tenth volume in the Argeneau and Rogue Hunter series.

Dreaming Again” edited by Jack Dann. Release Date: September 30, 2008. Following the World Fantasy Award-winning “Dreaming Down-Under”, acclaimed editor Jack Dann gathers thirty-five of the best and brightest in a golden age of Australian fiction to pen fantastic new tales to shock, astound, and delight. The outstanding list of authors include
Garth Nix, Terry Dowling, Sean McMullen, Kim Wilkins, Sara Douglass, Cecilia Dart-Thornton, Trudi Canavan, John Birmingham, Margo Lanagan, Isobelle Carmody, and many others…
Official Jack Dann Website
Order “Dreaming AgainHERE
Read Reviews via The Specusphere

Dark Rain” by Tony Richards. Release Date: September 30, 2008. Ross Devries and Cassandra Mallory saw their worlds destroyed by magic and dedicated their lives to keeping supernatural catastrophe at bay. But now a being more terrible than anything they've ever encountered has just crossed over the border—a fierce, ancient god who feeds on terror & blood. A new nightmare is descending upon Raine's Landing—and for Ross, Cass, and the entire trapped population there can be no escape . . . not even in death…
Official Tony Richards Website
Order “Dark RainHERE

Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra” by Obert Skye. Release Date: September 30, 2008. The dreams of mankind are in grave danger as the Dearth, the true evil beneath the soil, rises above ground and slowly gains the strength he needs to defeat Leven Thumps. Leven, now the Want, is also gaining strength. Will he discover his new power before the Dearth finds him? Join Leven, Winter, Geth, and Clover on the most unFoogettable adventure yet! “The Wrath of Ezra” is the fourth book in the Leven Thumps Saga
Official Leven Thumps Website
Order “Leven Thumps and the Wrath of EzraHERE

The Night Children” by Kit Reed. Release Date: September 30, 2008. Inside the Castertown MegaMall, the biggest mall in the world, live the night children—runaways, abandoned kids, kids who got lost and were never found—who only come out at night, after all the shoppers are gone. When thirteen-year-old Jule Devereaux visits the mall after the mysterious disappearance of her aunt, she becomes a pawn in the deadly war between two gangs of night children: the Castertown Crazies and the Dingos
Official Kit Reed Website
Order “The Night ChildrenHERE

Revealers” by Amanda Marrone. Release Date: September 30, 2008. Jules is a Revealer witch. By day, she and her coven friends seem like typical high school seniors. By night, they have the power to make werewolves, vampires, and ghosts reveal themselves, so they can be destroyed. At the age of eighteen, the witches are initiated into the coven's inner circle, but something is not right. As her birthday approaches, Jules realizes she's got to find out what's happening before it's too late to save her friends . . . and herself…
Official Amanda Marrone Blog
Order “RevealersHERE

Water Witch” by Deborah LeBlanc (Morbid Curiosity, Grave Intent). Release Date: September 30, 2008. From an early age, Dunny knew what it meant to be an outsider because of her special abilities. So she vowed to keep her powers a secret. But now her talents may be the only hope of two missing children, feared lost in the mysterious bayous of Louisiana. But they didn’t just disappear; they were taken. And amid the ghosts and spirits of the swamp, there is a danger worse than any other, one with very special plans for the children…
Official Deborah LeBlanc Website
Order “Water WitchHERE
Watch the Book Trailer HERE (Wmv)

The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror 2008: 21st Annual Collection” edited by Kelly Link,
Gavin Grant & Ellen Datlow. Release Date: September 30, 2008. As in every year since 1988, the editors tirelessly scoured story collections, magazines, and anthologies worldwide to compile a delightful, diverse feast of tales and poems. On this anniversary, the editors have increased the size of the collection to 300,000 words of fiction, poetry, and articles for an unparalleled list of sources of fabulous works both light and dark…
Official Kelly Link Website
Official Ellen Datlow Website
Order “The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror 2008HERE
NOTE: Includes works by Billy Collins, Ted Chiang, Karen Joy Fowler, Elizabeth Hand, Glen Hirshberg, Joyce Carol Oates, and new World Fantasy Award winner M. Rickert as well as articles by Edward Bryant, Charles de Lint and Jeff VanderMeer on media, music and graphic novels.


sbp said...

Wow-simply outstanding!

Anonymous said...

I haven't even read it all yet and I'm blown away. That's hell of a lot of work. Thanks.

Kimberly Swan said...

What a list! I'll be reviewing a few more of them, but there are quite a few I hadn't seen before. Going Under sounds really good, and so does The Uninvited (in a very creepy way). :) Thanks so much for sharing this awesome list of books, even if you do add to the books I end up reviewing each month. *grin*

Anonymous said...

Hat's off to you guys, that is an incredible post! :-) Definately show's me a thing or two about blogging for SFF. :-) And thank you for putting in the link to the interview I did with Peter Brett, appreciate it. :-)

Robert said...

Thanks Sbp & Gav :)

Kimberly, yeah the Quantum Gravity books are supposed to be fun, and I'm curious about that Uninvited much of it is actually true; how much of it is gimmick... Anyway, sorry for making your list bigger ;)

Dave-Brendon, you're more than welcome for the linkage :) And you're doing a great job with your blog as well!

Jim said...

Thanks for including my book, Immortal Laws, on your list! It's in great company. Jim.

Brie said...

I absolutely love your book spotlights. Thanks for taking the time to compile and bring them to us.


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