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Thursday, February 12, 2009

“The Other Lands” by David Anthony Durham: Cover Art & Description

Thanks to David Anthony Durham, I and several other blogs were recently sent the cover art and description to David’s new book, “The Other Lands”, the second volume in the epic fantasy Acacia Trilogy, and in return, I just wanted to share it with you :) According to his email, David is currently putting the finishing touches on the manuscript right now, but Doubleday has already gone into production on it and it looks like the September 2009 publication date might really happen with the UK and French editions not too far behind.

As far as the cover, if the artwork looks familiar, that’s because it is as it was originally used for the German edition of “Acacia”. Personally, I love the artwork and I can’t wait till I own my own copy of the book with that cover :D Finally, here’s the description:

The apocalyptic struggle against the conquering Mein now won, Queen Corinn rules over the Acacian Empire of the Known World with a stern hand—aided by increasing mastery of the occult powers contained in the Book of Elenet. But far across the seas the mysterious inhabitants of the Other Lands seemingly control the fate of her empire—supported as it is by an underground trade in drugs and slaves. When she sends her brother Dariel on a secret mission across the hazardous Grey Slopes to investigate, it begins another cycle of world-shattering and shaping events.

In this bold and imaginative sequel,
David Anthony Durham's epic imagination continues to expand the Known World of the novel into yet undiscovered lands, drawing on a literary tradition that stretches from The Iliad to George R.R. Martin...


Anonymous said...

okay! i really liked the first book and was wondering the other day when i could get my paws on the second! :D

Unknown said...

If you are ever curious about the goings on of Mr Durham just go to his site @ Hes a really nice guy and is the most down to earth author on the net. If you have any questions pertaining to his novels he usually gets back to you very quickly.

Anonymous said...

thanks, travis!


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