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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Flash News: FBC's co-editor Fabio Fernandes publishes another story

Fabio Fernandes, our co-editor here at Fantasy Book Critic has just published a new story in The Nautilus Engine:

"Ganesh, in the Afternoon"

This story has a slightly different sensibility and focus than his earlier stories, but it's as enjoyable and good reading as them:

"The Arrival of the Cogsmiths (oil on canvas, by Turner, 1815)"

"The Boulton-Watt-Frankenstein Company"

published earlier this year by Everyday Weirdness

Cindy, Liviu and David congratulate Fabio on his achievement


The Reader said...

Hi Fabio

Congratulations on this short story as well & as an Indian I must say you got all the Indian things down perfectly... If you do write more stories in this universe, will def love to read them.

Congratulations once again dude.

The Reader said...

This is Mihir here.

Fabio Fernandes said...

Thank you VERY MUCH indeed, Mihir! This is the best compliment I could expect to get! I´ve never been to India before, but I followed for years the Theravada tradition of Buddhism, and I became fond of all things Indian since. Thank you very much again!

And yes, I am writing a sequel (and I have a third story sketched)! Keep your fingers crossed! :-)

Liviu said...

Since we are on the subject, what about Indian sff, anyone knows authors/novels ?

I have one The Simoqin Prophecies by Samit Basu - have not read it yet, just browsed several times, but plant to read it sometime.

And what about Brazilian sff?

Maybe we could do some posts on either topic (hint, hint :))

For myself I may try a Romanian sff post at some point, though for the newer stuff I am not that much knowledgeable but I read a bunch of older works

The Reader said...

Hi Liviu

Well the Simoquin Prophecies by Samit Basu is a a fun read, Its a fantasy take on Indian mythological events & entities. I would quite recommend it as it would be a nice introduction to Indian SFF.

Another author whom I would heavily endorse is Ashok Banker and his Ramayana series. The Ramayan is India's oldest epic & Ashok has weaved quite a fantastical tale within the epic. It is 6 books long & is already finished.


Liviu said...

Hi Mihir,

Thanks for your insights.

What about an Indian SFF (and fantastic) post for us? Whatever you think, know...

Would love to showcase various sff traditions outside the mainstream UK/US here

Fabio Fernandes said...

Mihir, thanks for the tip on Ashok Banker. I´ll buy the whole series!!

Fabio Fernandes said...

Liviu, recently I wrote a piece on Brazilian SF for a Romanian webzine. I can send it to you (the English version, the one I wrote, of course, or you can read it in Romanian here:

If you think its good, I can send you the English version and develop it further to one or more articles. What do you think?

Liviu said...

Fabio - I read the (Rom. lang.) article and liked it; thanks for the link;

An English version would sound great here and if you can expand it with some links it would be awesome.

As mentioned I will try to do something about Romanian sff - sadly while I know and read a lot of older stuff, I did not keep up with the post 1990 one, so I will try to get some help from Mihai or someone else

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