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Saturday, September 15, 2012

GUEST POST: News Update & Contest by M. R. Mathias

It’s me, M. R. Mathias again. Sup?

I have a few things going on that I wanted to share with everyone including a new book, new cover art, and a contest.

Firstly, the new book: The Legend of Vanx Malic (Available HERE and at Smashwords) is a continuing “serial” type of fantasy affair. After I finished writing The Wardstone Trilogy, I still had several months to go before I would be released from prison. I did not want to lapse in my religious routine of penning three thousand words a day, so I didn’t. Book One of The Legend of Vanx MalicThrough the Wildwood, is a fun and intense tale that introduces a few of the series’ main characters. I have over a thousand pages worth of Vanx Malic and his curious group of companions sitting here in longhand. I will be publishing them in eBook format, about three hundred pages at a time, over the next year and a half. The first installment will available in a few days, if it’s not already. There will be a paperback(s) eventually, but for now this will be ebook only. A five-chapter preview can be found HERE.

The cover art for these stories is just fantastic. Anton Kokarev is amazing. He is custom creating art for each of The Legend of Vanx Malic releases (see above), AND doing all new custom covers for my Dragoneer Saga books. He also did some of the wicked looking images for D. P. Prior’s Nameless Dwarf series. You can check out more of Anton’s art here:

More news . . . some of you know that I am diabetic. My eyes are always getting worse and I am starting to rest them more and more. Partly because of this my two fantasy series, as well as my horror/thriller, are being made into audio books. The first of each should be available by Christmas. HERE is the complete MP3 download of Crimzon and Clover One: Orphaned Dragon, Lucky Girl, from the narrator’s website. I’m mesmerized by Christine Padovan’s voice and pleased that she has agreed to narrate the entire Dragoneer Saga.

Now to the contest:

I want to thank FBC fans for helping make The Wardstone Trilogy a hit this summer and I can’t think of a better way than to give away ONE SIGNED TRILOGY SET. That makes one lucky winner happy, but we need more. The old paperback edition cover (see below) of The Sword and the Dragon, with the “Prison Cut” edit, is no longer for sale. Since there are only about a thousand of the “Prison Cut” paperbacks in existence, it may become a collector’s item. Only time will tell on that note. So I just want to give away TWO SIGNED “Prison Cut” editions to the 2nd and 3rd place winners of the contest! Additionally, all three winners will receive an eBook copy of The Legend of Vanx Malic – Through the Wildwood via Smashwords coupon.

One last thing: Through a long and terrible series of chemo treatments, my mother just beat cancer. I would like to donate $100 in the winner’s name to the cancer related charity of their choice.

To FBC, and all of those who helped us through the last half year with prayers, kindness, and supportive posts, it will NEVER be forgotten.

That’s it fantasy fans, good luck, and good reading,


To enter, please send an email to with your Name, Mailing Address (Street Addresses Only), and the subject: WARDSTONE. Giveaway has Ended! Thank you for entering and Good Luck!


1) Open To Anyone
2) Only One Entry Per Household (Multiple Entries Will Be Disqualified)
3) Must Enter Valid Email Address, Name + Mailing Address (Street Addresses Only)
4) No Purchase Necessary
5) Giveaway Has Ended
6) Winner Will Be Randomly Selected and Notified By Email
7) Personal Information Will Only Be Used In Mailing Out the Prizes to the Winner


D.P. Prior said...

Fantastic giveaway. It's exciting to hear Anton Kokarev is working on covers for the rest of the Vanx Malic seres, as well as new covers for the Dragoneers. Great artist!

Anonymous said...

I read the Wardstone books and am wondering why Mathias isn't published yet? His trilogy is as good as any I have read. I started the Wildwood book (about half way through now) and its like reading a layered cake. Each chapter cleverly adds a little more to the plot. I'm hooked. This author is pretty darn good.

Mihir said...

Hi Derek

Anton Kokarev is a great talent, I liked his work on your books as well.


M. R. Mathias said...

Anton is great. But Sandara, who did two of the Wardstone covers is great too.

Out of all those covers though, the "Prison Cut" cover has sold more books, and that one was made in exchange for a copy of The Royal Dragoneers, and The Sword and the Dragon. About $40. Thats why the "prison Cut" will be onsale as an eBook forever. The cover is simply, "Iconic."

The art is nice, but inside any book is where the adventure begins. :-) Anton is awesome though. You should see the early renderings of The Royal Dragoneers new cover!

To Anonymous, I'm not published because a publisher hasn't offered me a suitable amount of money.

Anonymous said...

Pretty epic cover art!

Antonakis said...

Amazing giveaway! I'm currently unemployed and money is tight but if I win I will add something to that money going to the cancer charity.

Anonymous said...

It's good that your mother made it through, Mathias. I follow you on twitter and fb and saw your posts about her. I saw her ring the "I Beat Cancer" bell video too. I see a lot of stuff online about a lot of authors, but everytime I see your name abroad you are either arguing with a dolt or helping a charity. Keep up the good work.

PS You dont need a publisher and the dolts dont have a clue.

Anonymous said...

I'm always excited to see a new book by M. R. Mathias. I, along with his many other fans, have found him to be a fresh & exciting new voice in the fantasy genre. I would also beg to point out that he **is** published - great authors are no longer confined to traditional publishing houses ;-) Wonderful news to hear that your mother has become a cancer survivor :-) Keep writing Mr. Mathias for as long as you are able & then start dictating 'k :-)

derekprior said...

Thanks, Mihir. Anton's artwork was exactly what I was looking for. His blue Nameless Dwarf picture is iconic and I can't thank him enough for creating that. I even have the image on a coffee cup!

M. R. Mathias said...

I'm about to go out in the Gulf of Mexico fishing so you wont hear from me for a few days.

I love that brawny "Bad-Ass" blue dwarf cover too, Derek. That is what sold me on Anton's great work. I was just keeping things in perspective, making sure all the credit got mentioned... but my point was, I can't buy more of Anton's art if no one buys the books.

He did a great job of portraying my imagination there. I was worried that the haulkatten wouldn't come out like I see it in my head. Anton nailed it.

Ms. Alley, your trilogy is pretty damn good too. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the free audio book and the chance to win the others.

M. R. Mathias said...

I just learned that it is hard to negotiate Ms. Padovan's website to find the FREE audio book. Here is the direct link for those who are interested.

Thanks Anon...

M. R. Mathias said...

I just wanted to let you guys know that the "Prison Cut" version of The Sword and the Dragon eBook is on sale for just .99 until the contest is over! Happy Halloween!

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing

fresh news

Dancing Bear said...

Read them while incarcerated,Great writing
effort,was looking for a sequel,I wanted the story to go onπŸ«ΆπŸ‘πŸ§‍♂️πŸͺ„

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