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Monday, June 1, 2015

THE INDIE DAY GIVEAWAY V: Win ONE of THREE KINDLES featuring M.R. Mathias and his Favorite Independent Authors!!!

Order “Trigon DazeHERE
Read FBC’s Review of “The Sword & the Dragon”

Hey guys, it is me again, M. R. Mathias aka @DahgMahn to announce the 2015 Indie Kindy Giveaway!

This year, to celebrate Independence Day, and independent authors, we are giving away  ONE KINDLE FIRE HDX 8.9” Tablet (8.9" HDX Display, Wi-Fi, 16 GB) and TWO KINDLES (New Touchscreen Display, Exclusive Kindle Software, Wi-Fi)!!!

All of them will be loaded with the indie ebooks you see featured below, plus The Legend of Vanx Malic Series Books I through V. That is THREE KINDLES up for grabs in the name of independence, and as always, FBC is giving them away on the 4th of July.

Let's just get right to 2015’s featured books.

***A NOTE: I  have a publishing contract now, with the biggest bookseller on the planet. So am I still indie?  Ask the folks on all of the fantasy forums to figure it out, and then let me know what they say.

Trigon Daze, the fifth installment in The Legend of Vanx Malic is our sponsor this year, but I want to mention this one, while I still have the floor. Das Schwert und der Drache, which made it into the Top 40 of all books, and is still on a bestseller’s list or two in the German store, I think. I’ll also mention The Legend of Vanx Malic, Book Six – Paragon Dracus, because it just became available for pre-order HERE and I think the cover art (image above)by T-Rex Studios is really cool.

Moving on, the first independent novel, we are featuring is: Blade Of The Broken: Book I of the Runeblade Trilogy by Jake Scholl. Jake is a Facebook friend that had read a few of my books, made a few comments, and then asked for advice. Then he wrote his own novel(s.) I wrote quite a few of my books from a prison cell, and I had it easy compared to Jake.  His blog, called The Writer on Wheels, is worth a look.  If you buy one indie book this summer, make it this one. Jake is awesome, and he is one of the most inspiring people I have met online.

The second book, or series of books I want to point out is the Andy Smithson series by L. R. W. Lee. Book one, Blast of the Dragon’s Fury is free and the series is growing rapidly. These are for YA readers, but I know that most adult fantasy readers are also closet YA fantasy readers.  She is adding a copy of all four books for each of the prize kindles. That’s right, book four of the Andy Smithson series, Resurrection of the Phoenix's Grace, just launched!

Next we have The Darkslayer: Wrath of the Royals by Craig Halloran. Just strap on your helmet and dive in. The series starter is free so you don’t have to win the contest to get book one, but if you do win, you get the whole series, and maybe The Supernatural Bounty Hunter Files: Smoke Rising, book one of another of Craig’s series.

Farther Than We Dreamed Book 1 - Clay by Noah K Mullette-Gillman  is next. Noah has been writing a while, and has his own style. If you like hard sci-fi then pick this one up and enjoy. Of course he is offering a copy for each of the winning kindles. “Farther than we Dreamed,” I like that, Noah.

I will list  a few more authors that I wanted to feature, but didn’t have room for. Of Course, Prior, Rathbone, and Bielawski.(Sounds like a bad law firm, but they are MUST READ indie fantasy and sci-fi.)

There are a few “GREAT” YA fantasy authors in the group I am about to list, but these are not all just fantasy authors, or for YAs. And if you win, there will be a book or two from each of them loaded on your Indie Kindy prize. In no particular order: 

To sweeten the pot even more, I will add The Complete Wardstone Trilogy, the entire Dragoneer Saga and my new YA trilogy, Master Zarvin’s Action and Adventure Series to the prize kindles.

That’s it. #amwriting Paragon Dracus. Enter to win one of the three heavily loaded “2015 Indie Kindy” kindle prizes, check out some indie fantasy this summer, but no matter what you do, pick up The Legend of Vanx Malic – Trigon Daze, and the rest of the series. I think book one is still just a buck. When you've finished reading them, or any book, please, plaster your thoughts across the internet. I’m doing my best to get Paragon Dracus out before summer is over! Happy Independence Day and good luck!!!

M R Mathias, aka @DahgMahn


To enter, please send an email to with your Name, Mailing Address (Street Addresses Only), and the subject: INDIE KINDY. Giveaway has ended. Thank you for entering and Good Luck!


1) Open To Anyone Worldwide
2) Only One Entry Per Household (Multiple Entries Will Be Disqualified)
3) Must Enter Valid Email Address, Name + Mailing Address (Street Addresses Only)
4) No Purchase Necessary
5) Giveaway Has Ended!
6) Winners Will Be Randomly Selected and Notified By Email
7) Personal Information Will Only Be Used In Mailing Out the Prizes to the Winner


Unknown said...

Sent an email! ☺ Thanks for the chance to win! Fingers crossed!

Tara W said...

I recently read The Legend of Vanx Malic and The Darkslayer. I enjoyed them both.

Ouran_Otaku said...

This is an amazing giveaway! I'm so excited! :)

superdee9 said...

Excellent prizes - shared this awesome contest on my page on

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway! :D

Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance:]

Unknown said...

thank you

blyskalp said...

Great sweeps keep up the good work.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I have sent an email and do hope I am one of the lucky winners.

richelle leffler said...

ty emailed

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