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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Living End by Craig Schaefer (Reviewed by Mihir Wanchoo)

Official Author Website
Order The Living End HERE
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The Long Way Down
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The White Gold Score
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Redemption Song
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Winter's Reach
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The Instruments Of Control
Read Fantasy Book Critic's Interview with Craig Schaefer

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Craig Schaefer was born in Chicago and wanted to be a writer since a very young age. His writing was inspired by Elmore Leonard, Richard Stark, Clive Barker & H. P. Lovecraft. After reaching his 40th birthday he decided to give in to his passion and since then has released twelve novels in the last three years. He currently lives in Joliet, Illinois and loves visiting museums and libraries for inspiration.

OFFICIAL BOOK BLURB: As the FBI closes in on the Las Vegas underworld, Daniel Faust -- grifter, thief, and sorcerer -- isn't the only one feeling the heat. Half-demon racket boss Nicky Agnelli is fighting to hang onto his empire, leaving a trail of dead informants in his wake, while Daniel's ex-girlfriend Jennifer rallies her forces on the street and aims her sights at Nicky's crown.

Meanwhile, homeless people are vanishing by the dozens. Daniel has bigger problems to worry about, but a plea from an old friend sends him on a search for answers. What he finds is a conspiracy twenty years in the making, involving a power-hungry senator, occult experiments, murderous British mercenaries...and Lauren Carmichael, Daniel's nemesis.

From a gunfight in the Arizona badlands to unearthing buried secrets in a New York laboratory, the hunt is on. With Lauren's deadly plan revealed and time running out, Daniel and his crew will stop at nothing to take her down. She's got the law in her pocket and a hired army at her back. He's got black magic, bullets, and the art of the con. It's high noon in Vegas and when the dust settles, only one side will be left standing.

May the best villain win.

FORMAT/INFO: The Living End is 381 pages long divided over forty-five chapters and a prologue and an epilogue. Narration is in the first-person, via Daniel Faust solely and different third-person narratives for the prologue and epilogue. This is the third book in The Daniel Faust series.

August 27, 2014 marked the North American paperback and e-book publication of The Living End and it was self-published by the author. Cover art and design is by James T. Egan of Bookfly Design.

CLASSIFICATION: Featuring a cast of anti-heroes and with a magician con-man as the protagonist, the Daniel Faust series is Richard Stark's Parker crossed with The Dresden Files and set in Las Vegas.

OVERVIEW/ANALYSIS: The Living End is the third volume in the Daniel Faust series and brings to a close to the first arc of the series (Lauren Carmichael trilogy). This book like its predecessors has a host of plot threads that are set into play. In reviewing this book, I'll have to discuss some plot points from the previous titles so be warned those who detest even mild spoilers or haven't read the previous titles.

The previous titles have had Faust clash with both Lauren Carmichael and Harmony Black, due to his meddling, they both have felt repercussions in their plans. So they both are trying to get back at him albeit in completely different ways. Lauren has her sights set on her grand plan that Daniel disrupted so bitterly in The Long Way Down. She also has her personal psychopath Meadow Brand who hates Faust for reasons that are cosmetic but are important to her nonetheless. Lauren's new plan that's set into motion, is the culmination of her efforts from the past two decades.

Harmony on the other hand is a law-abiding officer who is simply doing her job and is the Ahab to Faust's Moby. She might not be as vehement as Ahab was but she's dedicated to putting behind bars, folks who operate on the other side of the law. Daniel is set in her sights because of the events in Redemption Song due to which an honest man's life was upended and ruined. She begrudges his cavalier attitude and wants an end to his nefarious activities. Due to the actions of both these ladies, the law is coming down hard on the gangs in Las Vegas and it has Nicky Angelli in its sights because of his position as the Cosa Nostra head. This sets off a survival mechanism in many players' minds and foremost is Jennifer whose drug enterprise has been taking some serious hits due to all the legal issues.

All of these plot threads are set into motion and there's a lot more happening which will bring to a close the first arc in this highly absorbing series. I very much enjoyed this book as it's action packed (even much more than Redemption Song) and it builds up on the events from the last two books, bringing to a successful conclusion all of the stories that have been set up. In this aspect, Craig Schaefer really shows off his storytelling & plotting skills as the readers get the big payoff that has been in the making from the first book. I like it when authors really plot things well and it seems that Craig Schaefer really has all of his ducks in a row. There's also minor things introduced in the book which I believe will fuel the next arc. This is highly indicated in the epilogue which has been the case in all the books so far.

It was fun to read Daniel fight against both Harmony and Lauren, though they both are on different ends of the moral spectrum. Harmony Black is such a terrific character and even though she's an antagonist to Faust (from a plot perspective), you have to admire her tenacity and moral strength. I'm glad she's got her own spinoff series as I can't wait to read about the world & Faust from her POV. Daniel Faust as always is the solo narrator and he's back to his amoral self. This book though is a bit better now that his relationship with Caitlin is strengthened. He also wants to bring to an end to Lauren Carmichael for her murderous actions but to truly end her, he needs to find out her history and her source of powers. All of this is very fascinatingly revealed in this volume and I hope the author further explores some of the concepts, worlds & history that he introduces within.

This book is one of the most action-packed ones of the series. The climax deals with some pretty major sequences and also has some tinges of horror to it. I loved how the author really dug into the main antagonist's past as well as show some fascinating world-building bits. After reading the next couple of books, I realize how crucial these bits are and how much they go into the overall picture. Another plus point of this series is the gorgeous cover art and this book has one that specifically ties into one crucial plot point and adds to the creepiness factor. As far as any drawbacks, I didn't find any besides major ones.  This book draws on a lot of threads from the past two books and while giving them a resounding climax, it also makes sure that the epilogue lays the groundwork for the forthcoming sequels.

CONCLUSION: All in all this book is a superb read and brings to a throughly solid conclusion to the Lauren Carmichael arc of the Daniel Faust series and it just highlights how well plotted and written this series is (so far). In this regards, it fares much better than the Dresden Files if you directly compare the first 3 books. This series is shaping up to a fascinating read and each book just seems to up the ante. Craig Schaefer is rapidly becoming my favorite author and so far he hasn't disappointed me in the least. The Living End has a fantastic conclusion and is a book that will resonate with its readers for its dark storyline, action-packed plot & a morally loose protagonist who will do his best to accomplish what he thinks is right.
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

BOOK RELEASE DAY BLITZ: Death's Mistress: Sister of Darkness by Terry Goodkind

It is book release day for Terry Goodkind's new series – The Nicci Chronicles. To celebrate the release of this book, Fantasy Book Critic is taking part in a book release day blitz! You can get to learn about this new, fun story and enter for a chance to win your very own copy of this novel! It sounds like a win-win. 

Death's Mistress: Sister of Darkness is released January 24, 2017 by Tor Books. For purchasing information and to read some advance reviews click here

Ready to learn more about Death's Mistress: Sister of Darkness? Read ahead!

Link to the giveaway can be found here!


Death's Mistress: Sister of Darkness will launch The Nicci Chronicles, Terry Goodkind's entirely new series with a cast of characters centered on one of his best-loved characters in the now-concluded Sword of Truth.

One-time lieutenant of the evil Emperor Jagang, known as “Death’s Mistress” and the “Slave Queen”, the deadly Nicci captured Richard Rahl in order to convince him that the Imperial Order stood for the greater good. But it was Richard who converted Nicci instead, and for years thereafter she served Richard and Kahlan as one of their closest friends—and one of their most lethal defenders.

Now, with the reign of Richard and Kahlan finally stabilized, Nicci has set out on her own for new adventures. One of her jobs will be to keep her travelling companion, the unworldly prophet Nathan, out of trouble. But her real task will be to scout the far reaches of Richard Rahl’s realm. This will take her and Nathan to visit the mysterious witch-woman Red, to tangle with the street life of the port city of Tanimura, to fight lethal battles on the high seas, and ultimately to a vast magical confrontation far from home…with the future of life itself, in the Old World and the New, at stake.

Full of life and story, this is a sweeping, engaging tale in the grand Goodkind manner.

Terry Goodkind is the author of the worldwide bestsellers making up the Sword of Truth, and the #1 New York Times bestseller The Omen Machine. He lives in Henderson, Nevada.
Saturday, January 21, 2017

Redemption Song by Craig Schaefer (Reviewed by Mihir Wanchoo)

Official Author Website
Order Redemption Song HERE
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The Long Way Down
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The White Gold Score
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Winter's Reach
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The Instruments Of Control
Read Fantasy Book Critic's Interview with Craig Schaefer

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Craig Schaefer was born in Chicago and wanted to be a writer since a very young age. His writing was inspired by Elmore Leonard, Richard Stark, Clive Barker & H. P. Lovecraft. After reaching his 40th birthday he decided to give in to his passion and since then has released twelve novels in the last three years. He currently lives in Joliet, Illinois and loves visiting museums and libraries for inspiration.

OFFICIAL BOOK BLURB: Daniel Faust, Las Vegas sorcerer and career criminal, has never pulled the trigger on an innocent man. When the infernal Prince Sitri challenges him to do just that, though, he can't walk away. His lover, Caitlin, is Sitri's right hand...and if Daniel refuses the job, he'll never see her again.

While Daniel works to unravel Sitri's twisted game, putting his principles and his life on the line, Caitlin has problems of her own. A pack of renegade halfbloods are in town, armed to the teeth and aiming to go to war with hell itself. Their leader is a bad memory from Caitlin's past, one she thought dead and buried centuries ago, and he's got revenge on his mind.

As if that isn't bad enough, the fallout from Daniel's last job descends in the form of an FBI task force, aimed at putting him and everyone he cares about behind bars. The feds have a magician of their own, one who knows all of Daniel's dirty little secrets. Throw in a mythical road map to hell and the ghost of a 15th-century serial killer, and the stage is set for a deadly collision.

Sitri's games are never what they seem. Everything is connected. If Daniel and Caitlin can't solve the puzzle in time, the consequences will tear them apart forever.

FORMAT/INFO: Redemption Song is 380 pages long divided over forty-four chapters and a prologue and an epilogue. Narration is in the first-person, via Daniel Faust solely and third-person narratives for the prologue and epilogue. This is the second book in The Daniel Faust series.

June 13, 2014 marked the North American paperback and e-book publication of Redemption Song and it was self-published by the author. Cover art and design is by James T. Egan of Bookfly Design.

CLASSIFICATION: Featuring a cast of anti-heroes and with a magician con-man as the protagonist, the Daniel Faust series is Richard Stark's Parker crossed with The Dresden Files and set in Las Vegas.

ANALYSIS: Redemption Song is the sequel to The Long Way Down and the second volume in the Daniel Faust series. It's set close to a month after the events of the first book and about a week or so after the events of The White Gold Score. The book can be read by as a standalone but keep in mind, it references quite a few events from its predecessor and builds up on a couple of plot threads so it won't be ideal to read it before The Long Way Down. In this review, there will be mild spoilers for some minor aspects of the characters cast so fair warning for those who want an absolutely unspoiled read.

The plot of this book builds up from the events of the last book, as Daniel Faust and Jennifer are suckered into a trap. The retribution comes in form of the FBI namely Harmony Black, an FBI agent who also is on the same paranormal threshold as Faust. Forced to defend his ways and his tracks, Faust gets further waylaid when Prince Sitri, Caitlin's boss and lord of the Court of Jade Tears mandates Faust to finish a task or never be able to meet Caitlin EVER again. Trapped between the FBI and Hell (literately), he also has to contend with a cambion (half-human, half-demon hybrids) crisis as a renegade group has come to town to do the impossible.

These are the troika of plot points that power the story, sure there's a lot more going on and much that I'm being vague about as it's essential to prevent spoilers. This book is a solid improvement on The Long Way Down as not only does the reader know a bit more than the first time around, but the author really gets to develop the world, gives the backstory about  many of the characters, their history, & much more without it becoming like an infodump. I loved how the author keeps the tension high-strung throughout and every time Faust feels that he's one-upped his circumstances, there's one more wrinkle to keep him on the back foot. There's a lot more backstabbing and double betrayals in this one and all of it seem very organic.

This is what I loved about this story, it's a thriller while being an urban fantasy and the author does his best to introduce some humour from time to time. He also introduces some minor characters who are very intriguing and one such person is Baron Naavarasi who is delightful (to read about) with her intrigue and deadliness. I look to learn more about her and her machinations. There's also a nice plot twist with regards to French history and even though it focusses on a genuinely detestable individual, I liked how the author picked up an obscure character who added so much to the story. The book's pace is such that the reader will be constantly on tenterhooks to see what happens with Sitri, Harmony Black and the main cambion plot.

The character cast is very wonderfully expanded and all of this is done without losing any sheen on Faust. In this aspect, Craig Schaefer manages to comfortably rub shoulders with Jim Butcher. However the one crucial difference between them is that Craig's world is resplendently mired in grey & shades of black with some splashes of white. This is very much shown vividly towards the end of the book (when our main protagonist does something incredibly stupid or smart, I'll let you decide).

I loved this aspect of the storyline as it very much mirrors the real world and the author also gives us (the readers) some background about the nature of magic, the world, Hell and its courts, Cambions (what are they, why are they the way they are, etc). There's a lot of worldbuilding very wonderfully encapsulated between dialogue snippets and plot revelations. The author also shows the growing relationship between Caitlin & Daniel and it seems to glide smoothly from The White Gold Score. I liked how the author switches gender tropes and makes Caitlin the one with all the power cards. Daniel though is not without powers of his own and it's his mental fortitude that makes stand out as a character and a player to be reckoned with.

CONCLUSION: All of the above factors made this book a solid read for me and also cemented this series in my mind. I have to say this book just stops short of being a 5-star book because of some plot threads being left open to be finished in the next book. I don't think this will be a major disappointment for most folks but it might rankle some. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed this book and after finishing immediately jumped onto the next as was the author's plan all along.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Mihir's Top Reads of 2016

It does seem a bit weird to be posting these lists in January since almost everyone does them in December. I feel that our readers will forgive this idiosyncrasy of mine as I feel the start of the new year is a good time to reflect on the past one. Similar to last year I wasn’t able to review many of the titles I read but I did enjoy them a lot. The main reasoning for choosing these titles is the varied milieu of the plots, excellence in prose, characterization and the overall enjoyment they provided. And so without further ado, here are my 2016 top reads ...

Top Ten Reads for 2016:

1) The Killing Floor Blues by Craig Schaefer - The Killing Floor Blues is a book published in 2015, but I only managed to read it last year. This book IMHO is a perfect amalgamation of the urban fantasy and thriller genres. Think Prison Break mixed with a tad bit of Gladiator as well as a crime thriller. The Killing Floor Blues was an exhilarating read which catapulted it to the top of my list.

2) Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft Senlin Ascends was a surprising gem unearthed by SPFBO 2016. This weird mix of fantasy, steampunk and a lot more was the closest contender for the top spot. A fantastic read and one which made me a fan of Josiah Bancroft instantaneously

3) Dark Matter by Blake CrouchI’m a Blake Crouch fan since I happened upon his visceral gut punch of a story that was RUN. This book kind of broke new ground for him as it was a SF book and it had his trademark thriller twists. All in all a story that you MUST read and get yourself acquainted with one of the best thriller writers out there.

4) City Of Blades by Rob J. Bennett City Of Blades was the sequel to City Of Stairs which was my top choice for 2014. This sequel while focusing on a couple of different characters managed to further explore the complex backstory of the world while giving the readers a solid storyline that explores what is happening within. Can't wait to read how the author decides to end the story in City Of Miracles.

5) The Wheel Of Osheim by Mark LawrenceWhat do I say about Mark Lawrence, he’s been spectacularly gracing my lists since his debut and every year manages to give us a book that pushes the bar set by his previous titles. TWOO is not only the ending to his trilogy but also serves as a perfect capstone to the world introduced in his debut.

6) No Good Dragon Goes Unpunished by Rachel Aaron This series has been a personal favorite of mine and Rachel Aaron definitely knows how to mix things up. The 3rd book upends the series mightily and makes sure that this series remains a top favorite of mine.

7) Magic Binds by Ilona Andrews  This is the penultimate volume of the series and this volume managed to make the series ender an absolute ravishing option. With its breakneck pace and multiple plot twists (plus an option for a new Curran short story/novella) I can’t wait to see how it all ends in to 2017.

8) Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo  Crooked Kingdom is the sequel to Six Of Crows and one of the books that I was anticipating highly in 2016. This book doesn’t disappoint with its mix of high octane action, betrayals and a climax that left me hoping that the characters in this book get another book.

9) The Last Mortal Bond by Brian Staveley – The conclusion to The Chronicles Of The Unhewn Throne is an epic doorstopper of a book as well an epic conclusion to a trilogy. Brian Staveley’s debut was one which had its shining points but also had its faults. The sequel though was better but it didn’t make my year end lists, TLMB though is a stunner of a conclusion and makes me very very excited for Skullsworn (the standalone sequel).

10) Brotherhood Of The Wheel by R. S. Belcher – I’m a fan of R. S. Belcher after reading his Golgotha series. This new series of his manages to combine urban fantasy, cosmic horror, & highway mythology in a fascinating way. It intrigued me enough and also ties into his Nightwise books. This new volume introduced an intriguing cast of characters and I loved how the author managed to tie in a lot of mythology of the US highways and served a good horror story.

10) Those Below by Daniel Polansky  This duology is a very different take than what Dan Polansky has written previously but also deals with the usual epic fantasy tropes of humans, elves, & war. I loved how the author deliberately went against what convention dictated and ended the story in a gruesome yet appropriate manner. Those Below is a fantastic capstone to this two book series and I hope more readers check this out.

Honorable Mentions:
 - Wall Of Storms by Ken Liu
 - Saint’s Blood by Sebastien de Castell
 - The Guns Of The Empire by Django Wexler

Top Ten Debut Novels for 2016:

1) Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft – Senlin Ascends is a 2013 debut that left me astounded with its ingenuity. Josiah Bancroft has written a mesmerizing story that defies genre and yet makes itself standout with the prose and characterization. Definitely a book that should be on everyone's reading lists.

2) The Wolf Road by Beth Lewis If not for Senlin Ascends, The Wolf Road would be my top-rated debut for 2016. This book combines a terrific protagonist, characterization and a dystopian setting to craft a story that is raw, dark and ultimately a story that will have the reader wanting more. More debuts should aspire to be such…

3) The Summer Dragon by Todd Lockwood This book was a surprise, most readers are well versed with Todd Lockwood due to his artistic talent. With this book, he proved that his talents run with the pen as well as the pencil. Combining traditional fantasy tropes with dragons, The Summer Dragon is a wonderful debut that manages to impress older as well as newer fantasy fans and for that reason it figures so high on my list.

4) The Forgetting Moon by Brian Lee Durfee I nearly missed this title but thanks to a smashing review by Rob over at SFFWorld brought it to my attention. This book is a humdinger of a debut, it focusses on a lot of cool epic fantasy staples like gods, large character cast, and an extensive magic system. I’ve become a fan of Brian Lee Durfee because of the twists that he inserted and the story he envisioned.

5) All The Birds In The Sky by Charlie Jane Anders ATBITS is a strange but deeply, engaging book. On one hand it deals with the paranormal and on the other it also deals with the growth of a child into an adult and all that it encompasses. This book while being a mishmash of genres is definitely one worth your time.

6) The Last Days of Jack Sparks by Jason Arnopp This was an interesting title, it combined horror as well as an autobiographical style by the protagonist. This book managed to combine dark comedy along with a ghost story and yet make it seem like a proper horror story.

7) Paternus by Dyrk Ashton – Dyrk Ashton’s debut is another hard one to classify. I got to read via the 2016 edition of SPFBO. This book while being urban fantasy is more like epic fantasy set in our world and kudos to the author for writing a story that takes into account most of the world’s mythologies and makes sense in a very convoluted way. Look out for my review soon and this book will be a top contender for the 2016 SPFBO title.

8) Hope and Red by Jon Skovron  Hope And Red is an interesting sword and sorcery debut that focusses on different settings rather than the usual medieval ones. I liked how the author managed to give a us a proper story showcasing the main characters’ growth from their childhood to their eventual adult avatars. Lastly technically this isn't a debut book for the author but it is his debut for adult oriented stories as all of his previous work has been YA related.

9) The Long Way Down by Craig Schaefer – The Long Way Down is an interesting debut, it introduced the readers to the world of Daniel Faust and while it had its foibles, it was still a debut that made itself noticed. This book does end on a big climax and sets up the world and series nicely.

10) The Star Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi  The Star Touched Queen is an intriguing debut and what caught my eye was that it dug deep into Indian mythology. I had previously read Roshani's short story The Vishkanya’s Choice and enjoyed it. With this book, Roshani gives us a story that while being a love story is also about a character discovering her world, is much more than what her horoscope prescribes.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

GUEST POST: The Island of Misfit Toys by Michael J. Sullivan

Michael J Sullivan is a favorite guest at Fantasy Book Critic. In celebration of the cover reveal for The Age of Swords which occurred on December 14, 2016 right here at Fantasy Book Critic, Michael J Sullivan has decided to stop by and talk about where he finds the inspiration for some of his stories.

If you missed the cover reveal of Age of Swords: Book Two of the Legends of the First Empire, you can see the cover which was created by Marc Simonetti right HERE!

Without further ado, we welcome Michael J. Sullivan. 


The Island of Misfit Toys by Michael J. Sullivan 


People often ask me where I get my story ideas. My usual flippant answer is, “His name
is Eddie. He hangs out in New York’s Central Park, and if you pass him an envelope of cash, he’ll provide you the idea for your next novel.” I also point out that you don’t want to stiff Eddie, or his next tip will be a huge flop.

I should note that coming up with ideas has never been an issue for me. If anything, I have the opposite problem. I currently have twenty-two stories (many with full outlines) just waiting to be written. I just can’t get to them fast enough. In the time it took me to write the six books of the Legends of the First Empire, ten new books went onto the queue. All in all, a good problem to have.

Earlier today I was trying to answer a question a reader emailed me about the origin of Legends of the First Empire. Certainly part of the inspiration came from wanting to explore the truths of myths and how reality varies greatly than the white-washed histories recorded by “the victors.” But it also reminded me, particularly because now is the holiday season, that one of the biggest influence was Rudolf’s Christmas Special and specifically the Island of Misfit Toys.

For those not familiar with my writing, I must say I have a soft spot for duos: Frodo and Sam, Butch and Sundance, and Sam and Al from Quantum Leap. I think having two protagonists provides the opportunity to play one off the other. I delight in contrasting Hadrian’s optimistic viewpoints against Royce’s cynicism. I also enjoy getting fan mail explaining why x is more realistic than y, especially since I know such reactions are a kind of a Rorschach test, telling more about the reader than any intentions on my part.

For Legends of the First Empire, I went into that project knowing I wanted an ensemble cast. Having a wider set of characters is new ground for me; even Hollow World (my time-travelling sci-fi thriller) has a duo (Ellis Rogers and Pax). But I like a challenge, wouldn’t be in this business if I didn’t. What I wasn’t prepared for was just how attached I would become to so many extremely different people. In fact, some that were meant to be minor players turned out to take on larger roles. The flip side to that is I was able to play a bit with people’s expectations. I knew traditional fantasy readers would single out certain characters to be “the heroes,” and I could use that knowledge against them.

Another inspiration was to feature ordinary people doing things that were anything but extraordinary. Even typing that now, I realize that decision could make for a boring series. The saving grace, though, is that because of the times they lived in, their actions would have a significant impact on the shape of the future. While it’s fun to write skilled rogues like Royce and Hadrian who, admittedly have “a particular set of skills; skills they have acquired over a very long career.” It’s also fun, maybe even more enjoyable, when someone who is “broken” and commonplace can make a huge impact.

One of the reasons the misfit nature of the characters in Legends of the First Empire is on my mind (besides today’s email), is I just finished the final edit of the second book before sending it off to the copyeditors. Age of Swords is releasing on June 20th from Del Rey. Because I like a fast-paced story without a lot of stage-setting to drag down the action, I wasn’t able to give full justice to some of my misfit toys in the first book Age of Myth (released this June). In this latest installment, we get a much larger dose of Brin, Roan, Moya, and Gifford—four characters that we didn’t see much in the first book but whom I love, and I hope you will too.

Like Santa, winter is my busy time. In addition to going over the edits on Age of Swords, I’m writing a fourth Riyria Chronicle. I rarely have time for pleasure reading until the spring thaw arrives. Which leaves me with a question I’d like to pose to people reading this post. What is your favorite book with “misfit toys?” I’d love to have a nice stack of books to dig into when the snow melts and I have time to curl up with a book that isn’t one of my own. So please add yours to the comment section, and, like Santa, I’ll be making my own list.

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