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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Mihir's Top Reads of 2017

As has been the pattern with these lists of mine, January seems to be the best time for posting these. I hope our readers will forgive this idiosyncrasy of mine as I feel the start of the new year is a good time to reflect on the past one. The main reasoning for choosing these titles is the varied milieu of the plots, excellence in prose, characterization and the overall enjoyment they provided. This year was the year of debuts & there were so many terrific ones. And so without further ado, here are my 2017 top reads ...

Top 10 Books of 2017:

1] The Fifth Empire Of Man by Rob J. Hayes & All Systems Red by Martha Wells - Both these titles just were fantastic reads and I couldn’t really find anything to nitpick about them. With All Systems Red, Martha Wells managed to give us a character who transcended humanity but not its quirks and within this novella we read about an AI who is deadpan and deadly at the same time. Cant’ wait to read the sequels featuring Murderbot.

With TFEOM, Rob J. Hayes was able to cap of his pirate duology in the most bloody, exhilarating & twisted way. He also set up the First Earth saga and I can’t wait to read the standalone CITY OF KINGS that will be released in 2018.

2] Red Sister by Mark Lawrence - Mark Lawrence has consistently graced my top 10 list since he made his debut. This book is his best yet as it seamlessly combines SF and fantasy with a protagonist who left readers wanting more of her. For me Grey Sister can’t come soon enough.

3] Skullsworn by Brian Staveley - Brian Staveley’s debut trilogy was one which had its fans and detractors but the ending was certainly epic to say the least. With Skullsworn, he managed to combine the epic ness of his debut and focussed on a character who’s clearly an anti-hero(ine). This book gave us a diabolical plot with a love story and it was a brilliant effort by the author.

4] Tyrant’s Throne by Sebastien de Castell - Sebastien Castell’s books are a lot of fun and they have been a great example of great S&S. With this volume, he caps off a wonderful series that manages to combine humor, great characters and swashbuckling action in to a heady mix that will leave you with a smile. Series finales don’t get much better than that.

5] The Child Finder by Rene Denfeld - Rene Denfeld wowed us with her debut and now she returns with another story that is suitably dark but yet poignant. The Child Finder is another mix of darkness and superb characters that seem to the author’s strengths. This one didn’t make me teary eyed like her the debut but it’s no less strikingly dark & spectacular.

6] Double Or Nothing by Craig Schaefer - Craig Schaefer’s books are becoming a staple diet for me and with Double Or Nothing, he proves that he’s now the true master of the urban fantasy/crime noir genre. Double On Nothing was a stunner with its plot set up and the twists that it provided. Revealing a lot more about the main backstory while keeping readers enthralled, this book was certainly a revelation.

7] The Legion Of Flame by Anthony Ryan - The Legion Of Flame is a sequel that is better in every department than its predecessor. More action, extensive world-building and characters who shine brighter. This volume ups the ante after the revelations of the climax of The Waking Fire and sets up a story that will conclude emphatically in The Empire Of Ashes in summer 2018.

8] The Alice Network by Kate Quinn - This historical thriller featured female spies based on a real-life true spy network. Combining timelines from WWI & WWII, this wonderful thriller gave us heroic characters to root for and a story that will leave you hooked. This is a book that SHOULD be made into a movie or TV series.

9] A Dragon Of A Different Color by Rachel Aaron - What can I say about this series that I haven’t spoken about before. This penultimate volume reveals further secrets, has one of the most emotionally captivating scenes featuring dragons (that I’ve ever read) and ends on a note that makes the final volume a must read. All in all, a typical Rachel Aaron book that also consistently has been featured in my lists since I started compiling them.

10] The Seven by Peter Newman - I’ve been enamored by Peter Newman’s debut book which featured a crazy mix of demons, fantasy, and SF. The sequel was a solid sophomore effort and this volume is basically the best book of all three. It answers all questions, brings in all characters introduced so far and brings all the plot threads to a completely satisfying conclusion that other debut authors should be envious of.

There were a few other titles which should have been on the list but because I had to limit it to eleven, narrowly missed the cut. The three titles mentioned below were also magnificent in their own genres and deserve a shout out to say the least:

Artemis by Andy Weir

The Fourth Monkey by J. D. Barker

City of Miracles by Robert J. Bennett

Top 10 debuts of 2017:

1] The Nine by Tracy Townsend & The Bear And The Nightingale by Katherine Arden - This might be a shocker but i believe both these titles have something in common. They both take the time to develop the world so the reader can experience a fully immersive experience. The characterization is rich and while Katherine Arden needs no accolades from the likes of me, I believe she’s going to be a powerhouse to watch out for.

Tracy Townsend's debut was a unique one which amalgamated urban fantasy, SF, weird fantasy & epic fantasy in a intriguing manner. Tracy's writing style makes this book such a standout one & if she continues the remaining volumes in the same way, this series will be one of my alltime favorite ones.

2] Kings Of The Wyld by Nicholas Eames & The Crimson Queen by Alec Hutson - Both these books featured epic fantasy but with the author’s own twists on the genre. Both debuts were immensely enjoyable and just had the right amount of action, humor and wonderful characters to make them standout perfectly.

3] Blackwing by Ed McDonald & The Woven Ring by M.D. Presley - Blackwing is an interesting debut that mixes epic and post- apocalyptic grimdark fantasy. Ed McDonald’s writing is certainly strong enough to stand on its own but with the world-building just made this debut achieve a higher pedestal.

Another wonderful effort whose sequel remains high on my to-read list for 2018. MD Presley is an equally talented author who deserves many accolades and hid debut featured a world that's seared onto my mind. The world building & the dark characterization especially cemented it for me & I can't wait to see where the author takes the saga.

4] Age Of Assassins by R. J. Barker - Orbit had some aces this year and RJ Barker’s debut just gave us readers a wonderful mix of a fantasy and thriller genres. With a protagonist who’s endearing and tough as they come, RJ’s debut showcased its uniqueness amongst the assassin sub-genre of fantasy. Plus the dark humor of the book made me a fan through and through.

5] An Alchemy of Masques And Mirrors by Curtis Craddock - AAOMAM was an underrated debut which would have slipped by my radar, had it not been for Mogsy's wonderful review spotlighting it. This clever book manages to combine genres and also give us brilliant characters. I loved this title & were it not the amazing titles above this book would be in the top 2. Curtis Craddock is a special writer & I can wait to see how his sophomore effort turns out to be.

6] IQ by Joe Ide - This was a dark but deceptively charming mystery thriller about a loner with a Sherlockian IQ and his drive for justice. Joe Ide has created a protagonist who will most definitely be compared to Arthur Conan Doyle's best literary product but will be his own man (exactly as he wants to be).

7] Godblind by Anna Stephens - Godblind is a title that were it not for a certain sequence, would be a simple epic fantasy title. Anna Stephens highlights her brilliant imagination with this book & specifically that sequence. Macabre & twisted Godblind is certainly a book that's good & different all the same.

8] Winter Tide by Ruthanna Emrys - Winter Tide is a dark mixture of X-files, Lovecraftian horror set in the early parts of the twentieth century. It's Ruthanna's prose which makes it a wonderful horror title & yet managed to showcase the humanity of its characters.

9] The Tethered Mage by Melissa Caruso - The Tethered Mage is a book that seems YA but is far, far from it. Highlighting some crucial themes about identity, individuality, & patriotism, Melissa Caruso wives a dark story that won me over and I'm excited for its sequel as well.

10] Court Of Broken Knives by Anna Smith Spark & The City Of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty - These 2 titles round up the list and both were wonderfully imagined books. Anna Smith Spark's debut was the more difficult to like and enjoy but that doesn't detract anything from its uniqueness. The City Of Brass featured some wonderful worldbuilding & while the love story wasn't all that great. The overall story made it a debut to remember.

Monday, January 29, 2018

"The Ghost Line" by Andrew Neil Gray and J.S. Herbison (Reviewed by Cindy Hannikman)

OVERVIEW: The Ghost Line is a haunting science fiction story about the Titanic of the stars by debut authors Andrew Neil Gray and J. S. Herbison that Lawrence M. Schoen calls "a delicious rush of the future and the past."

The Martian Queen was the Titanic of the stars before it was decommissioned, set to drift back and forth between Earth and Mars on the off-chance that reclaiming it ever became profitable for the owners. For Saga and her husband Michel the cruise ship represents a massive payday. Hacking and stealing the ship could earn them enough to settle down, have children, and pay for the treatments to save Saga's mother's life.

But the Martian Queen is much more than their employer has told them. In the twenty years since it was abandoned, something strange and dangerous has come to reside in the decadent vessel. Saga feels herself being drawn into a spider's web, and must navigate the traps and lures of an awakening intelligence if she wants to go home again.

FORMAT: The Ghost Line is a novella published by Tor. It stands at 144 pages and was published July 11, 2017. It is a mix of mystery, sci-fi, space exploration.

ANALYSIS: I have to admit, I am really enjoying these novellas that is publishing. For the most part, they provide a very solid story that is entertaining and captivating without requiring me to read a doorstopper novel. Considering's past with publishing amazing novellas, I thought I would give The Ghost Line a try even though it isn't a story or genre I would normally read.

The Ghost Line is a combination of the Titanic mixed with a space opera adventure and strange, ghost-like mystery. It might sound like a strange mix of genres, but it works. Our main character love exploring abandoned futuristic space ship. There is even a web series that broadcasts the hunts live to the galaxy. The Ghost Line tells the story as our main character explores an abandoned vessel ship that is the space version of a cruise ship that has more than meets the eye. Think of it almost like a space, sci-fi horror story involving a haunted house but instead of a haunted house it is a haunted ship.   

One of my biggest concerns with space opera novels is that it will be 'science heavy' and it will read like a textbook. The Ghost Line didn't have the feel to it. There were some scientific explanations but it didn't feel like a snooze fest or really intimidate me. It was fairly easy to understand and fit into the novella.  

Everything just seemed to fit with The Ghost Line. The pacing was perfect. It didn't move too fast and feel rushed, but it has a slower pace that gave the entire read a very mysterious vibe. There were times I really felt like I was aboard the ship exploring with all of the characters in the novella.

While I did enjoy The Ghost Line, it did have a few drawbacks. In many ways, I felt the novella was too short. I am not sure if there will be any follow up novellas or short stories, but I felt another 30 to 40 pages could have turned this into a solid read.

Given the shorter length, it leads to my other drawback – the main plotline reveal. While reading I almost felt as if the mystery aspect went on too long. That left little time for the main reveal at the end. It still is a wonderful read, but it felt a bit off balance. Again, just a few more pages added to it probably would have given it a more well-rounded feel.

The Ghost Line is just another novella to add to my ever-growing list of favorites from I would love to read any follow up stories that may come up or even other adventures. I certainly recommend this book to anyone looking for a creepy – yet not scary book – that has a very sci-fi/futuristic twist to it.
Monday, January 15, 2018

Interview with John Hornor Jacobs (Interviewed by Mihir Wanchoo)

Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The Twelve-Fingered Boy

John Hornor Jacobs is a man of many talents, combining a background in advertising, a love for the written word along with a deep fascination for southern culture in all of its glory, charm and crazy. He has written several different books in several genres. Recently with the release of Infernal Machines (Book III of The Incorruptibles series) John was kind enough to join us for a chat about the series and its underlying themes as well as his future works.

Q] Welcome back to Fantasy Book Critic, it’s been a while since your last release. How are things with you?
JHJ: All is well. It’s the New Year and I’ve managed to live through 2017. I’ve been very busy this past year, though not as focused on writing as I should be. I am a partner at an advertising agency, where I act as the senior art director, and we’ve had an extraordinarily busy year. So, my day job has taken up a lot of my time. But, I did manage to see one book to print, write two novelettes and two short stories and see them all published. One in Playboy Magazine!

Q] Once you started plotting this trilogy, how much of the entire journey was planned and how much of it evolved organically? Was the ending planned from the very beginning?
JHJ: At the time my agent sold the whole series, I had written The Incorruptibles, and was confident I could continue telling stories in that world, but I only had some loose ideas of what might occur next. During the edit-for-submission phase for The Incorruptibles I realized there were some issues, I hadn’t address in the telling of that tale, especially regarding the true nature of some of the characters and especially the secrets and mystery surrounding the vaettir. So, no, I didn't plan it from the beginning but I had an inkling about the rest. Like standing in the foyer of a house you haven’t been in before but still having a pretty good idea about the layout of the house because, well, houses, like books, set up some expectations. Kitchen there, and of course bedrooms upstairs. Where’s the shitter? Right. Of course it’s there. The pain points in writing are opening the wrong doors when figuring out the layout of the house.

Anyway, I planned The Incorruptibles and figured out the other two books as I went along. I always have some scenes between characters in mind, and a notion as to their arc’s resolution, but nothing cast in stone. The most outlining I do is usually a Roman outline where I’ll go, I. In which Shoe and Fisk go to Passasuego to find Beleth, and so forth, just so I keep the plot straight in my mind. I think when my agent sold The Incorruptibles series, I had the first book in the can, and a paragraph for each of the other two.

When I start a book I need a title – yeah, I’m weird like that, but you know how they say snowflakes grow? Crystallizing around a bit of particulate matter in the air? That’s kind of my relationship with titles. I have to have one in my mind to really get work done on a project. When the project is complete, I’m cool with changing the title, but during the writing, in my mind, the title is fixed.

Q] Now talking about your POV characters, all of them are flawed to a degree. But they are also products of their circumstances. What would you say about them: are they truly heroes or circumstantial ones?

JHJ: I don’t think there are any “true” heroes. All heroes are circumstantial. “True” heroes in fiction occur in either comics or those sorts of fantasies that use prophecies, chosen ones, and that sort of rot as plot devices. I don’t. However, I will say my characters are usually exceptional in some way otherwise, how could I ask a reader to spend the length of a book with them? That’s part of the unspoken contract between authors and readers, at least in genre. Outside of genre, especially in literary work, authors write about “normal, everyday” people to try and understand some aspect of the human condition and that’s great, but most fiction works on the premise that if we’re going to train the lens of our attention on a character, they should merit our focus.

Conversely, by focusing on a character, they become special. At least depending on the author’s raw talent, craftsmanship, and voice. We’ve all read those books about subject and people who you’d think of as humdrum and become enthralled by entering their world. I think readers, on the whole and whatever the genre, want to feel like a veil is pulled away and a new reality is on view, be it thaumaturgy or taxidermy. On the author side, how could I spend months upon months writing about my characters if they were not exceptional? I need to be fascinated and engaged by my characters just as much as my intended audience because I spend a very long time with them.

Q] I want to ask you about your characters and not just the main POV ones but even the ones that only make secondary appearances. What goes through your mind when you create them? How do you make them so complex, tragic & exciting to read about? 

JHJ: I don’t always have a firm grasp on a character but sometimes I need the character to perform an action – give some information, offer some resistance - to move the plot along and during the writing of the character I realize not just what that secondary character is doing but why he or she is in story. As in an existential question regarding that character’s reason for being beyond just helping me as a writer.

For example, in Foreign Devils there’s the priceps of the collegium of engineers in Passasuego - a woman named Sapientia - whom I needed as an authority, and to help with some of the manhunt issues of Shoe and Fisk searching for Beleth. However, by the time we reach the end of Infernal Machines, she’s become a major character and somewhat of an unrequited love interest of Shoe’s. Why did I do that? Some of it is because you don’t want to spend “screen time” with a character that never returns – every scene has a purpose – and sometimes characters just grow because authors reason inductively rather than deductively and the character just feels right.

It’s been said before (and by me many times) but writing stories is like dredging the depths of your own psyche. Sometimes you’ll be surprised by what you haul up from those dark waters. It can be an old tire. Or it can be a mermaid.

Q] Most fantasy trilogies often focus on the fantastic, you however chose to highlight that aspect but in quite a different way for example your elves are scary, huge and quite alien. The concept of demons is utilized in a much more industrial way and not to mention the ancient empire analogues. What I wanted to ask you was what specifically went into the world building cauldron for these exciting things?

JHJ: I was called some unpleasant things regarding my depiction of the elves in The Incorruptibles because they (and Shoe’s race, the dvergar) were very loose stand-ins for indigenous peoples. But I wanted to create an indigenous people with their natures and response to a colonizing power writ large: the dwarves subjugated, the elves vicious and frightening. I thought that would offer an interesting dynamic, and during the course of the series I could play with, and subvert, those racial expectations. I am pleased with how Shoe, and the dvergar people change, as well as how by the end of the series, how the reader might view the vaettir.

As for the world-building, I really wanted to write about some of the things I loved and the inciting event that drove me to write The Incorruptibles was thinking about spaghetti westerns, and then realizing they were filmed in Italy, and then thinking, what if the western was Roman influenced? And then, I started playing with other ideas (like infernal combustion) and it just grew from there. One of things I see again and again in the reviews I receive is that the world’s premise is hard to explain, shouldn’t work, but it does. And I’m fine with that.

Q] The books start out pretty low key with regards to magic however with each book, the magic quotient is slowly raised. The first book gave us some huge revelations about the nature of the world, second one shone a particular focus on magic. Was this a planned move or do you believe in the Joe Abercrombie approach of keeping magic to minimalistic levels in your books and slowly raising the stakes?

JHJ: I’d be lying if I said that George R. R. Martin wasn’t an influence. A Game of Thrones, and the “low magic” aesthetic he espouses was and remains effective because seeing only a bit of the magical naturally poses a question, “If there’s this small amount of the wondrous in this world, surely, there must be more to be revealed.” That’s a pretty interesting frisson you’re giving the readers at the start. Also, it sets your book in a world not too dissimilar from our own, if one discounts the technological level. I’ve read (or tried to read) fantasy novels that have immediate and intricate magic systems they have to explain, people are flying around, buildings are levitating, there are demons strolling around, etc. and all that just doesn’t work for me. But that’s just my personal preference. Folks love it, it seems, judging by some of these author’s book sales.

Another thing I tend to do is look at any magic, like I have with the summoning of dæmons, and say, “Okay, we know how fantasy usually treats this, but how would people really use it?” I feel, at heart, pragmatism trumps magical. Say, if you have a sorcerer that could enchant things to levitate, yes, you might have a world full of skyships charting courses through the clouds, but more than likely, you’d just have a bunch of wheel-less hovering wagons, and a war between the wheelwright’s guild and local city’s journeymen enchanters who’re ruining the wheelwright trade.

Q] Let’s talk about the covers since Gollancz is so apt at creating magnificent cover art. Your Incorruptibles trilogy covers are on the stark but striking side, did you have input about them?

JHJ: Of all my books, these are my favorite covers (though my young adult series is a close second). They asked my feedback during the design phase, and I loved that, because I’ve had publishers just say, “Here’s your cover” with no input from me. They really knocked it out of the park.

I will add, I’m probably the worst author in the world to design a cover for since that is what I do for a living and I’m a local, regional, and national Addy Award winner and have had my work featured in many advertising journals, including Lürzer’s ARCHIVE.

Q] What are you writing currently and what can your fans expect to read next from you? 

JHJ: Currently, I’m writing a historical novel set in Arkansas. It’s the story of a jazz musician who goes to fight in WWII contrasted story of the man who creates the first large mechanized farm town in the south (who also happens to be a serial killer). It’s been going slow, I’m about sixty thousand words into it. Why is it going slow? Two main reasons – I’ve been trying to focus on the literary quality of my prose, to find my style, and the book could be considered my attempt to write something “literary” if that makes any sense. I wanted to write a story without any of the trappings of genre, and just focus on the human experience. In some ways, I’ve discovered that whatever genre you write in – fantasy, horror, sf, mystery, crime – a lot of conflict is baked in the story from the outset. But if you eschew that, then you’re left with just history and people. I imagine smarter people with me will take exception to that statement, but there it is.

And, when writing historical fiction, there’s not a paragraph that goes by that doesn’t require some sort of research. I don’t want to reveal the title of the work because it’s just a great title and I don’t want anyone to steal it (this has happened to me). But also, I’m not certain if it will get published (it’s a very different sort of book) and if it does get published, I’m not sure if it will be under my name.

But since the book is going slow, I needed to complete something, so I began writing a novella in late November, and I’m going to be done with it soon and hope it will see print in the future. It’s not a sequel to Southern Gods (still my most popular book) but it does occur in the same universe. It’s called The Sea Dreams It Is The Sky and if I could describe it, it would be to say it’s cosmic horror if it had been written by Roberto Bolaño.

Q] You have mentioned this wonderful quote in a previous interview: “Examine conflict, in yourself and others. Examine your fellow humans, figure out why they act as they do. Listen to the way people talk. All in all, become a student of humanity, in all its terrible glory.” 

Considering what goes down in Foreign Devils & Infernal Machines, this quote seems very, very prophetic. What do would you say viv-a-vis the trilogy climax? Can you expound on what you meant in general with that quote?

JHJ: I said that? Well, look at me. I am so very smart.

Humans, as a species, are very much like a person who takes too many selfies. Our favorite subject matter is ourselves. We can’t even interact with the natural world without anthropomorphizing everything. Also, we’re really monstrous. It’s true. Yet, we tell stories many times to convince ourselves that we’re not living on a planet teeming with the hominid monsters, each full of their own desires and drives. We tell stories to convince ourselves we’re not monsters, that we’re actually good. Our that the universe that shat us out isn’t absolutely indifferent to us. That we’re special. That we’re exceptional. Hey, it looks like we’ve come full-circle, back to the first question!

Anywho, fiction is driven by conflict, and humans, being monstrous, are always offering us new ways to be in conflict. So, study them, study yourself. So that not only can you make a better attempt to ascertain truth about the human condition, but also so you can lie in fiction about it convincingly.

Q] Nowadays it’s pretty common to see novels adapted into different formats such as movies, comics, videogames, animation and TV. How would you like for this trilogy to be adapted (if budget was not constrained and it was entirely your choice)? 

JHJ: I appreciate the question, but I try not to think about stuff like that. No one has optioned any of my books, and at this point I doubt they will. My books are problematic, for a variety of reasons. So, if anyone does choose to adapt one of my books, all I want is to get paid handsomely for the honor and maybe visit the set. Beyond that, I have no thoughts or expectations.

Q] Lastly, do you have any words of wisdom for your readers or anything else you’d like to say about your upcoming works? 

JHJ: I hope you enjoy my books, if you read them. I hope I have something in print this year for you to read. Failing that, keep an eye out for me in 2019.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Sworn To The Night by Craig Schaefer (Reviewed by Mihir Wanchoo)

Order Sworn To The Night HERE
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The Long Way Down 
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The White Gold Score 
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Redemption Song 
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The Living End 
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of A Plain-Dealing Villain
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The Killing Floor Blues
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The Castle Doctrine
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Double Or Nothing
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Winter's Reach 
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of The Instruments Of Control 
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Harmony Black
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Red Knight Falling
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Glass Predator
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Cold Spectrum

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Craig Schaefer was born in Chicago and wanted to be a writer since a very young age. His writing was inspired by Elmore Leonard, Richard Stark, Clive Barker & H. P. Lovecraft. After reaching his 40th birthday he decided to give in to his passion and since then has released twelve novels in the last three years. He currently lives in Joliet, Illinois and loves visiting museums and libraries for inspiration. 

OFFICIAL BOOK BLURB: Marie Reinhart is an NYPD detective on the trail of a serial killer. When she sleeps, though, she dreams of other lives; she dreams of being a knight, in strange wars and strange worlds. On the other side of the city, Nessa Roth is a college professor trapped in a loveless marriage, an unwilling prop in a political dynasty. She's also a fledgling witch, weaving poppets and tiny spells behind closed doors.

When Marie's case draws her into Nessa's path, sparks fly. What comes next is more than a furtive whirlwind affair; it's the first pebbles of an avalanche. Nessa and Marie are the victims of a curse that has pursued them across countless lifetimes; a doom designed to trap them in a twisted living fairy tale, with their romance fated to end in misery and death.

They aren't going out without a fight. As they race to uncover the truth, forces are in motion across the country. In Las Vegas, a professional thief is sent on a deadly heist. In a Detroit back alley, witches gather under the guidance of a mysterious woman in red. Just outside New York, an abandoned zoo becomes the hunting-ground for servants of a savage and alien king. The occult underground is taking sides and forming lines of battle. Time is running out, and Nessa and Marie have one chance to save themselves, break the curse, and demand justice.

This time, they're writing their own ending.

FORMAT/INFO: Sworn To The Night is 428 pages long divided over sixty-four chapters with a prologue, three interludes. Narration is in the third-person, via Nessa Roth, Marie Reinhart, Carolyn Saunders, Daniel Faust, Harmony Black, Mourner Of the Red Rocks, Dora, Richard Roth, Alton Roth, Calypso, and a few others . This is the first volume of the Wisdom's Grave trilogy.

January 2, 2018 marks the North American e-book publication of Sworn To The Night and it was self-published by the author. Cover art and design is by James T. Egan of Bookfly Design. 

OVERVIEW/ANALYSIS: Sworn To The Night (STTN) is the culmination of a lot of threads and characters, chief among them as two whom we previously meet in The Revanche Cycle books by the author. The true inclinations about this whole "story" were first mentioned in the Revanche Cycle (book III) and then later gloriously expanded in The Castle Doctrine (Daniel Faust book 6). If that might seem confusing, then dear reader then welcome to the universe(s) of Craig Schaefer wherein everything is connected and only now (after 15 books, 1 novella & 3 short stories) are we getting to see where the connecting threads lie.

STTN is the first book of the Wisdom's Grave trilogy but it is a book in the making from 2014 (wherein Craig first wrote the Revanche Cycle). It is a book that can be read as a standalone story but for readers who have read and enjoyed any or all of the author's previous works (the Daniel Faust books, the Harmony Black volumes, & The Revanche Cycle) will love it the most. The story begins in the future or present (depending on how you want to look at it) wherein we encounter famed fantasy hack Carolyn Saunders (first introduced in The Castle Doctrine) get picked up by an unknown group and is forced to recant the story of "the Witch & the Knight". Carolyn mentions that it's a fairy tale and a fairly grim one at that but nevertheless accedes to her captor's wishes.

We are then brought back to the past or present (depending on again your perspective) wherein we meet Marie Reinhart, an NYPD detective currently hunting a missing prostitute called "Baby blue". Eagle eyed readers might remember that we first have encountered Marie and her partner Tony in Glass Predator (Harmony Black #3) but that was only a small taste. Within this book we get to meet her fully, a determined cop who's haunted by her very tragic past (Revanche Cycle readers might have a solid inkling about this) who looks out for the small guy with an obsession. Teased by her roomate and her partner for her love of the simplistic fantasy volumes (by Carolyn Saunders) that she has devoured from her teenage years, Marie is nevertheless no less focussed on her job but some in her department don't look at it the same way. We are also introduced to Nessa (Vanessa) Fieri-Roth, the timid & mentally troubled professor and wife of Richard Roth (son of senator Alton Roth who has been in the background of both Harmony Black & Daniel Faust books). Nessa has been trying to figure out her life's purpose and her skills but is stymied within her personal and professional lives by a variety of agents.

Things take an interesting turn wherein Marie makes her way to Vanessa's home and the two characters meet each other for the first time in this lifetime. This is where the metaphorical sparks begin, of course this isn't your typical love story. Hell I'm not even sure that we can it a love story, is it love if two characters are fated to be together even if for a short time? That's a fundamental question posed in this story, are these characters truly their own or are they marionettes dancing to the tune of the "cosmic story". As far as I can, the answer to the former part is a resounding yes, they are their own people and their love is something that neither of them can explain but they feel just right for each other.

This book is solidly about characters and none shine brighter than Nessa and Marie. Infact it's Nessa who truly gets to shine as we get to see her transformation from a meak mouse into the terrifying Owl we have seen and met before. Previously when we meet Nessa in the Revanche Cycle, she seemed like a onenote villain and it's to Craig's credit that she becomes a terrifying person but one that readers get attached to. In this book as well, we get to see her descent into the Owl and it's a terrifying one. Make no mistake, Nessa is no hero and she makes no qualms about it. She and Marie have been brought together and taken apart violently over and ad infinitum. We even get to see a scene play out that was previously featured in the Revanche Cycle and it was a delight to read. For newer readers it will give them a background as to what happened before and give seasoned readers a clue as to what comes next.

Marie also takes center stage in this story and she's as terrifying as ever. Mari Renault was her previous reincarnation and as the warrior suffering from PTSD and yet striving to achieve an ideal, she stole reader's hearts (including mine). She was the hero that the world didn't deserve but yet needed. The characters who met her were bemused but no less inspired. Marie is very much in Mari's mould as the "cosmic story" dictates but is still an endearing character. When we meet her, we get to see her determination, her hard-edged obsession with the law (whom she sees as her liege) and possibly her transformation. There are other characters in the play and I won't reveal them but safe to say that there are other witches in the fray and I can't wait to read more on the main one. There are also some memorable cameo appearances from Daniel Faust, Harmony Black and a couple of other minor but important characters from the other series. Lastly as is the case with other Craig Schaefer books, characterization remains a solid point and readers will have their favorites namely a NYC librarian who's funny and badass all the same.

This book doesn't feature all out action sequences like the Harmony Black series or the noir plot twists of the Daniel Faust ones. But make no mistake, this volume is no less effective than either one of them. This book is a slow burn and one wherein the consequences are the same if not worse. I loved how the author set up the story and then let it unspool and unspool it does (in quite a horrific way). As mentioned in the blurb, there's a potential serial killer hunting prostitutes but the truth is much worse. I loved how the author explored this angle and then tied it to the Network and also to elements that have bubbled up to the surface in the recent Harmony Black books. We also get a clearer look into the production of "Ink" the designer drug that has been mentioned extensively in the Daniel Faust volumes. Especially we get a solid idea about how it's tied into the mythology of the series. What I was looking for was an explanation about the phenomenon of "The Owl Lives", which isn't quite explained but this is the first volume only and there are two more to go.

This book in my view is a like an atmospheric thriller which builds up on tension, characters and plot elements which bring it to a resounding climax. This I believe is the highlight of the book and featured the author's version of a magic vs science fight. You have to read it to be enthralled and I certainly was. Lastly remember the dual timeline I mentioned in the start with Carolyn Saunders, we get a solid twist to that plotline as well.

Since I've gushing so much about this book, one might wonder what are the drawbacks to this book and yes there are a couple (YMMV with them though). Primarily the book's pace in the start is on the slow side and slowly builds up as the chapters go along. For readers of the Faust & Black books, this might be perhaps a different experience which they might not enjoy all too well. For newer readers, this will a very personal thing, some might like it some might not. The second and last thing which stuck a craw in my mind was that the final twist on the villains is very much the same with regards to what happened in the Cold Spectrum book (Harmony Black #4). Craig Schaefer is too talented an author to be repeating this twist and I feel that there will other readers for whom this might seem the same.

CONCLUSION: Sworn To The Night is a book that leaves a mark perhaps in the same way as the Owl intends to leave one on this world. STTN is a book that is like a nine course meal, it takes its time to get to the final course but leaves you sated completely and wanting more. I loved this book from cover to cover and can't wait to read the sequel tentatively titled "Desolation Boulevard".
Sunday, January 7, 2018

FBC Decennial Giveaway Winner Announcement (by Mihir Wanchoo)

So after collecting hundreds of entries from all over the world. We had a elected a fun way to select 14 entries as I chose 7 random numbers from all our entries by numbering them from the first to last and vice versa.

Then after narrowing the contest down to 14 entries, I put them in a random order and asked my wife & brother-in-law to provide 4 random numbers. Thus narrowing down the four finalists (Brazil, Canada, UK, & USA). I asked our twitter followers to give me a number between 1 & 4 and @Dsharken was the first to reply back.

So many congratulations to Lacey M. we will emailing you to confirm your address and other details. Thank you to everyone for participating and for making it such a success.

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