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Saturday, October 27, 2018

Spotlight On Three Upcoming SFF Titles (by Mihir Wanchoo)

As we get to the end of the year, we are getting to see some coveted releases showcase their spectacular covers. In the month of November, we’ll have three releases that I was eagerly awaiting. Of these three books I’ve read two and they have managed to overcome my high expectations and I can’t wait to read the third.

Pre-order Minimum Wage Magic over HERE

First up is the striking cover for Rachel Aaron's Minimum Wage Magic by Tia Rambaran. Focusing on the main protagonist, Opal, this book is the first sequel series that Rachel has ever written. It gets us back to the world of Heartstrikers and is set in the DFZ twenty years after the climatic events of Last Dragon Standing.

Official Book Blurb: Making a living is hard. In a lawless city where gods are real, dragons are traffic hazards, and buildings move around on their own, it can feel downright impossible.

Good thing freelance mage Opal Yong-ae has never let little things like impossibility stop her. She’s found a way to put her overpriced magical art history degree to use as a Cleaner: a contract municipal employee who empties out abandoned apartments and resells the unusual treasures she finds inside for a profit. It’s not a pretty job, or a safe one--there’s a reason she wears bite-proof gloves--but when you’re neck-deep in debt to a very magical, very nasty individual, you can’t be picky about where the money comes from.

But even Opal’s low standards are put to the test when the only thing of value in her latest apartment is the body of the previous tenant. Dealing with the dead isn’t technically part of her job, but this mage died hiding a secret that could be worth a lot of money, and Opal’s the only one who knows. With debts she can’t pay due at the end of the week, this could be the big break she’s been waiting for, but in a city of runaway magic where getting in over your head generally means losing it, the cost of chasing this opportunity might be more than Opal can survive.


Pre-order The Prince Of Cats over HERE

The next book is The Prince Of Cats by D. E. Olesen. I got intrigued because of the book’s Arabian settings and the book’s humour along with the characterization is what set this one apart for me. The cover is by Shen Fei and it gives of a Prince of Persia vibe while ironically not being about Persia. The Fantasy Inn did the cover reveal and check it out below

Official Book Blurb: To stay alive, Jawad must succeed where all others have failed: he must catch the Prince of Cats. More legend than man, the Prince is draped in rumours. He can steal the silver teeth from your mouth in the blink of a smile. He is a ghost to walls and vaults, he laughs at locks, and Jawad must capture him before powerful people lose their patience and send the young rogue to the scaffold.

Ever the opportunist, Jawad begins his hunt while carrying out his own schemes. He pits the factions of the city against each other, lining his own pockets in the process and using the Prince as a scapegoat. This is made easy as nobody knows when or where the Prince will strike, or even why.

As plots collide, Jawad finds himself pressured from all sides. Aristocrats, cutthroats, and the Prince himself is breathing down his neck. Unless Jawad wants a knife in his back or an appointment with the executioner, he must answer three questions: Who is the Prince of Cats, what is his true purpose, and how can he be stopped?


Next up is Bring The Fire by Craig Schaefer, the trilogy is a highly anticipated one and promises a lot of reveals regrind a whole lot of Craig’s books. James T. Egan knocked this one out of the park as has been the case with all of his previous work and yet this one takes the cake.

Craig revealed the cover a few days ago however the blurb is yet to be released. We can surmise though that the this book will bring to an end to Nessa and Marie’s sojourn for their curse. All will be revealed about the nature of the Schaefer-verse, the absence of heaven, and the nature of the Kings. Plus a lot more details here and there, this book promises to be one hell of a climax.

Craig Schaefer hasn't disappointed with his past eighteen books so you can see why my expectations are so sky high. Bring The Fire promises to bring Prometheus' gift in spades, I can't wait to see who all survive it.



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