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Thursday, January 9, 2020

2019 Review/2020 Preview — RJ Barker

2019 Favorites

Oh gosh, I am going to be so bad at this. I should probably point out that I live in a little bubble and only tend to see what passes straight in front of, me. That said, Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Children of Ruin was an astounding book. I was truly lost in it in a way that doesn’t happen very often. Though Tade Thompson did it too with his Rosewater books. In other media I thought Russian Doll was astounding, and the sitcom Ghosts on the BBC was really gentle and lovely while being very funny. Also on the BBC was Giri/Haji which knocked me for six. Really clever storytelling and use of visuals, and I love the way it stepped outside what people would think of what a crime drama would, or should, do. It was also really generous to its characters, they were all very human and flawed and likeable. And it’s last episode was truly astounding.

I love music but I seem to have spent this year looking back musically. Though I enjoyed Marereidt by Myrkur but was a bit let down by Tool’s new outing. Cult of Luna continue to put out really interesting noisy music and I like My Name is Calla’s last record, but only discovered them when they had split up.

God of War surprised me on the PS4, some of the best storytelling I’ve ever seen in a  game and one of the few recent games I’ve actually finished. I should probably go back to Red Dead Redemption 2 but when time is limited I’m not sure I have the patience for it.

Looking Forward to in 2020

Ah, here’s where I’m lost. I have no idea what’s coming. I kind of like that though. I’d rather be surprised by something I wasn’t expecting than let down by something I’ve really been looking forward to. I just tend to amble forward in life until I bump into something that fills me with joy. It happens more often that you would think.

On the Horizon for RJ Barker

Two more books in the Tide Child series that started with The Bone Ships. I’ve been really surprised and amazed by how well it’s been received, cos I thought I’d just written something very odd but there’s a real passion out there for fantasy that steps out of the more familiar medieval England mould, which has been lovely. Next year I hope to start on something entirely new as well, I’m well on with the third Tide Child book now. Maybe write something in a different genre, cos I like to do different things.

About the Author


RJ Barker lives in Leeds with his wife, son and a collection of questionable taxidermy, odd art, scary music and more books than they have room for. He grew up reading whatever he could get his hands on, and has always been 'that one with the book in his pocket'. Having played in a rock band before deciding he was a rubbish musician, RJ returned to his first love, fiction, to find he is rather better at that. As well as his debut epic fantasy novel, AGE OF ASSASSINS, RJ has written short stories and historical scripts which have been performed across the country. He has the sort of flowing locks any cavalier would be proud of.



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