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Saturday, December 26, 2020

2020 Review / 2021 Preview - Rob J. Hayes

2020 Review / 2021 Preview 

So I’ll start by saying it’s been an odd year, and I’ll wager most people can agree with that. My reading slumped a little and I’ve even slumped in playing new games, falling back to playing the latest CoD with my friends mostly because SOCIAL INTERACTION!!! I’ve watched a ton of TV though, so I’m gonna do a favourite reads and favourite series I consumed in 2020. 

My favourite books in 2020 

I’m going to start by mentioning the Faithful and the Fallen quadrilogy by John Gwynne. See, it took me pretty much 2 full books to get into this series, but I was damned-well going to do it because the full set had been bought for me as an Xmas present. Anyways, after reading the entire series, I’m convinced they feature some of the best character development I’ve ever read. 

Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. This books is like Marmite, even more so than its predecessor, Gideon the Ninth. You will probably either love it or hate it. Well, I loved the hell out of it. Every page drips with necromantic charisma and the whole thing starts off by twisting your head into a “What the f***?” answers all the questions it poses, then leaves you thinking “What the actual f***?” 

Paternus 3: This Time is Paternusal. OK, this isn’t the actual title but I’m sure Dyrk Ashton will accept it. This is the final book in a mad fusion of EPIC and urban fantasy. There’s twists, universe bending battles, heart (both in the literal and figurative sense), and pain and joy. Dyrk pulled out all the stops for his finale and it was a hell of a finish. 

Jade War by Fonda Lee. These books. THESE BOOKS! Let us ignore the fact that the setting is this weird, unique world that is almost 1950s-esque maybe, and that it’s kinda like the Godfather or Goodfellas but with super powers. Because as cool as all that is, it doesn’t matter. What matters is Fonda Lee somehow makes the characters feel SO DAMNED REAL. You actually forget you’re reading a fiction book and feel like you’re right there alongside them. 

My favourite TV shows in 2020 

Let me start off with a long overdue one. I finally got around to watching the Star Wars: Clone Wars series this year. It has a rocky couple of first series, but settles into the swing of it and gets really damned good. I’m a big fan of the SW universe and this series does a lot that should have been in the prequel films. It might have even made them good. The series has a lot of heart, some really cool stories, and some staggeringly gorgeous scenes. 

Here’s where I mention one no one else has watched or even heard of. Suburra Blood on Rome (the series). This is an Italian crime drama on Netflix. It focuses around three characters, two from rival crime families, and the son of a cop. And it charts their rise to power. But really, what’s important is watching the friendship grow between the main characters. It’s kinda like a bromance version of Romeo and Juliet. 

My Hero Academia (anime). Early on in the year I asked Petrik Leo to recommend me an anime to watch and he did. I am now half way through watching this series a second time this year because I love it so much. It’s a cool take on super powers and super heroes with some truly unique powers. And it its core is a message of empathy and courage. 

Books I’m looking forward to in 2021 

Well I’m planning on reading John Gwynne’s follow-up trilogy, Of Blood and Bone. RJ Barker’s Bone Ships is definitely high on my list. And I’ve got books by RF Kuang and Alicia Wanstall-Burke I’m itching to get to. 

On the horizon for Rob J. Hayes 

2021 is the year of the Mortal Techniques for me. For those who don’t know, I’ve taken my stand alone NEVER DIE and have decided to write more stand alones in the same universe, collecting them under the name the Mortal Techniques novels. The second book is coming January 26th 2021 and is called PAWN’S GAMBIT and it’s kind of Clash of the Titans meets Journey to the West. The third will be releasing on the back end of 2021 and I’m currently calling it SPIRITS OF VENGEANCE, but that title may change.


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