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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Interview with D.W. Ross, the author of Cold From North


Author Info: D.W. Ross is an author who took the boredom of lockdown 2020 to another level by deciding to write a book despite having no experience in doing anything of the sort before – to say he never thought he would get this far is an understatement. One book has become a series, and now there is no stopping his creative mind as he plots books daily that he will absolutely never get to writing. Cold From The North was his first novel, with follow up The Darkest Dusk due out in 2021 with the closing novel of the Onyxborn Chronicles coming in early 2022. When not writing, he can be found watching pro wrestling, reading fantasy, dystopian and thriller novels, gaming, lifting weights and eating chicken wings. D.W. lives in Scotland with his wife.

Book Information: Cold from the North by D.W. Ross, Series: Onyxborn Chronicle (#1), Published: November 14, 2020, Genre: Epic Fantasy, Pages: 470 (Print Length), CW: Violence, Gore

The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne Review

Order The Shadow of the Gods HERE
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Grievar's Blood by Alexander Darwin (reviewed by Mihir Wanchoo & Lukasz Przywoski)

Official author website

Order Grievar's Blood over here: USA/UK
Order The Combat Codes over here: USA/UK
Read Fantasy Book Critic's interview with Alexander Darwin

Monday, April 26, 2021

Interview with Ryan Howse, the author of Red in Tooth and Claw

Author Info: Ryan Howse is the author of The Steel Discord, The Alchemy Dirge, and Red in Tooth and Claw. He lives in Saskatchewan, Canada, with his wife, children, and cats.

Book Information: Red in Tooth and Claw by Ryan Howse, Published: June 1, 2020, Genre: Horror Fantasy, Pages: 151 (Print Length), CW: Injured and dead animals (wilderness survivalism), Disease, Claustrophobia
Friday, April 23, 2021

The Last Watch by J. S. Dewes (reviewed by Caitlin Grieve)

Order the book HERE
Read the first chapter over HERE & chapter two HERE
Thursday, April 22, 2021

Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells (reviewed by Caitlin Grieve)

Pre-order Fugitive Telemetry over HERE
Read Caitlin's review of Network Effect
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Interview with Michael J. Fletcher & Clayton Snyder, the authors of Norylska Groans

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Skullsworn by Brian Staveley review

Order Skullswon over HERE

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: BRIAN STAVELEY is the author of the Chronicles of the Unhewn Throne series, starting with The Emperor's Blades. He has taught literature, religion, history, and philosophy, all subjects that influence his writing, and holds an MA in Creative Writing from Boston University. He works as an editor for Antilever Press, and has published poetry and essays, both in print and on-line. He lives in Vermont, and divides his time between running trails, splitting wood, writing, and baby wrangling.

FORMAT: Publisher - Tor Books Publication date - April 25, 2017 Print length - 449 pages Cover by Richard Anderson
Monday, April 19, 2021

Exclusive Cover Reveal Q&A: The Horns Of The Hunter by Frank Dorrian (by Mihir Wanchoo)


Official Author Website
Preorder Horns Of The Hunter over HERE 
Thursday, April 15, 2021

SPFBO Finalist: The Lost War by Justin Lee Anderson review

Order The Lost War over HERE

About Justin: Justin was a professional writer and editor for 15 years before his debut novel, Carpet Diem, was published in 2015. He wrote restaurant and theatre reviews, edited magazines about football and trucks, published books about fishing and golf, wrote business articles and animation scripts, and spent four years as the writer, editor and photographer for an Edinburgh guide book.

Justin now writes full-time and is a partner in his own publishing company. He also writes scripts with his wife Juliet, who he met through the BBC Last Laugh scriptwriting competition.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Man Of Steel: A Retrospective Review (by Debdip Chakraborty)

(Poster credit: Leonardo Paciarotti)

By the time, this article sees the light of the day, the viewers probably would have watched the much acclaimed, a tad controversial, and much demanded Zack Snyder’s Justice League.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

SPFBO: Interview with Justin Lee Anderson

Order The Lost War over HERE(USA) or HERE(UK)

About Justin: Justin was a professional writer and editor for 15 years before his debut novel, Carpet Diem, was published in 2015. He wrote restaurant and theatre reviews, edited magazines about football and trucks, published books about fishing and golf, wrote business articles and animation scripts, and spent four years as the writer, editor and photographer for an Edinburgh guide book.

Justin now writes full-time and is a partner in his own publishing company. He also writes scripts with his wife Juliet, who he met through the BBC Last Laugh scriptwriting competition.

The Helm of Midnight by Marina J. Lostetter review

Official Author Website

Order The Helm of Midnight over HERE (USA) or HERE(UK)
Monday, April 12, 2021

Exclusive Cover Reveal Q&A: Whispers Of Ruin & Echoes Of Chaos by J.D.L. Rosell

Official Author Website
Preorder Whispers Of Ruin over HERE (on sale for $0.99 currently)
Preorder Echoes Of Chaos over HERE (on sale for $0.99 currently)
Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Girl and The Mountain by Mark Lawrence review


Order The Girl and The Mountain over HERE
Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy (reviewed by Łukasz Przywóski)

Order Migrations over HERE (USA) or HERE(UK)

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Charlotte has been writing novels since she was fourteen. She spends most of her time imagining far distant lands full of intrigue and danger. Her first series 'The Strangers of Paragor' is an epic fantasy adventure for kids, and was published when she was seventeen. She has since gone on to write two new series for adults - 'The Chronicles of Kaya' and 'The Cure'. Both are full of sweeping romance, courageous heroes and dystopian struggles. She has a masters degree in screenwriting from the Australian Film Television and Radio School, and won the Australian Writer's Guild Award for Best Unproduced Screenplay in 2013.

Monday, April 5, 2021

Hummingbird Salamander Review

Official Author Website
Order Hummingbird Salamander over HERE(USA) or HERE(UK)

Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Big Score by K.J. Parker review

Order The Big Score over HERE
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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