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Friday, January 7, 2022

Exclusive Cover Reveal: The Madness Of Herakles (Tapestry Of Fate #4) by Matt Larkin


Today we are super excited to host the cover reveal for Matt Larkin’s fourth volume in the Tapestry Of Fate series titled THE MADNESS OF HERAKLES.

I’ve recently been getting into this dark fantasy series that reimagines Greek mythology & characters in a secondary fantasy world and I’ll be reviewing the first three volumes in the next few months.

The ever-amazing Felix Ortiz has done the artwork & the design-typography is provided by redoubtable Shawn T. King. So check it out in all of its glory below alongwith its official blurb

Official Blurb: Redemption lies past bloody steps …

While Pandora seeks a means to escape the crushing grasp of Fate, Herakles faces equally insurmountable odds: To assuage his guilt for the murder of his family, he must undertake impossible labors.

Across the breadth of the world he hunts for beasts that would strike dread into the bravest Titan. Again and again, he casts himself into the breach, all for the desperate hope of redemption.

But will any amount of spilled monster blood wash clean the blood of his own children?

RELEASE DATE: Late Spring 2022 

Also checkout the full covers for the first three volumes in the Tapestry of Fate series, to call them gorgeous would be putting it mildly 😀



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