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Thursday, March 31, 2022

SPFBO Finalist review: Shadows of Ivory by T.L. Greylock and Bryce O'Connor

Book links: AmazonGoodreads

AUTHOR INFO: T L Greylock is the author of THE GODFORGED CHRONICLES series and THE SONG OF THE ASH TREE trilogy.

She can only wink her left eye, jumped out of an airplane at 13,000 feet while strapped to a Navy SEAL, had a dog named Agamemnon and a cat named Odysseus, and has been swimming with stingrays in the Caribbean.

P.S. One of the above statements is false. Can you guess which?

Publication Date: August 4, 2020 Publisher: Wraithmarked Creative Page Count: 500 Cover art: Tatiana Anor Formats: ebook, paperback, audiobook

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

SPFBO Finalist Interview: T.L. Greylock the author of Shadows of Ivory (The Godforged Chronicles Book 1)

Read FBC's interview with T.L.
Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

AUTHOR INFO: T L Greylock is the author of THE GODFORGED CHRONICLES series and THE SONG OF THE ASH TREE trilogy.

She can only wink her left eye, jumped out of an airplane at 13,000 feet while strapped to a Navy SEAL, had a dog named Agamemnon and a cat named Odysseus, and has been swimming with stingrays in the Caribbean.

P.S. One of the above statements is false. Can you guess which?

Publication Date: August 4, 2020 Publisher: Wraithmarked Creative Page Count: 500 Cover art: Tatiana Anor Formats: ebook, paperback, audiobook

Monday, March 28, 2022

Book review: Boy's Life by Robert McCammon

Book links: AmazonGoodreads

AUTHOR INFO: Robert Rick McCammon was a full-time horror writer for many years. Among his many popular novels were the classics Boy's Life and Swan Song. After taking a hiatus for his family, he returned to writing with an interest in historical fiction.

McCammon resides in Birmingham, Alabama. He is currently working on the eighth Matthew Corbett novel, The King of Shadows.

First published: 1991 Length: 624 pages Awards: Winner of the 1991 Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a Novel, and 1992 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Graphic Novel review: Rachel Rising by Terry Moore


Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

Official Author Info: Terry Moore is an American cartoonist, known for the series Strangers in Paradise, Rachel Rising, and the founding of Homage Comics.

Publisher: Abstract Studio Length: 42 issues collected in omnibus edition or seven volumes Art: Terry Moore

Thursday, March 24, 2022

FBC Video Interview Series: Authors & Their Favourite Books, Krystle Matar chats about David Gemmell’s STORMRIDER. (interviewed by Mihir Wanchoo)


Hello everyone, this is the ATFB series, Authors & Their Favourite Books.  This series is inspired by hearing about authors talk about what books inspired them to become wordsmiths in their own right.
Today we have with us Krystle Matar who has chosen David Gemmell’s STORMRIDER. We chatted about why Krsytle loves this book (and why we both love David Gemmell so much). What made David Gemmell such a special writer. Plus Krystle talks about how David Gemmell and Anthony Ryan helped her journey to become a fantasy author.... 
Therefore, it is my sincere hope that you enjoy this conversation and please feel free to let us know what you think either in the comments below or comments on the Youtube video.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The City of Dusk by Tara Sim - Review


Official Author Website
Buy The City of Dusk HERE

OFFICIAL AUTHOR BIO: Tara Sim is the author of the upcoming CITY OF DUSK (Orbit), as well as the SCAVENGE THE STARS duology (Little, Brown) and the TIMEKEEPER trilogy (Sky Pony Press). She can often be found in the wilds of the Bay Area, California.

When she’s not writing about magic, murder, and mayhem, Tara spends her time drinking tea, wrangling cats, and lurking in bookstores.

FORMAT/INFO: The City of Dusk was published by Orbit Books on March 22nd, 2022. It is 543 pages. It is told in third person POV from multiple characters, including Taesia, Nikolas, Risha, and Angelica. It is available in ebook, paperback, and audiobook formats.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

FBC Video Interview Series: Authors & Their Favourite Books, Virginia McClain chats about Rebecca Roanhorse’s BLACK SUN. (interviewed by Mihir Wanchoo)


Hello everyone, this is the ATFB series, Authors & Their Favourite Books.  This series is inspired by hearing about authors talk about what books inspired them to become wordsmiths in their own right.
Today we have with us Virginia McClain who has chosen Rebecca Roanhorse’s BLACK SUN. We chatted about why Virginia loves this book (after liking her debut UF series) & why she’s so excited about the sequel FEVERED STAR. Plus Virginia chats about her successful Kickstarter for The Alchemy Of Sorrow anthology and more.... 
Therefore, it is my sincere hope that you enjoy this conversation and please feel free to let us know what you think either in the comments below or comments on the Youtube video.

Monday, March 21, 2022

Book review: The Circus Infinite by Khan Wong

Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

AUTHOR INFO: After a childhood and early adulthood spent searching for UFOs and attempting to activate psychic powers, Khan eventually moved out west where he built a career in the nonprofit arts, went to a lot of raves and punk shows alike, and eventually got involved with Burning Man culture and the west coast’s underground circus scene. He has played cello in an earnest folk rock duo, published poetry, been an internationally known hula hoop teacher and performer, and created performances incorporating storytelling, dance theater, and circus arts.

Publisher : ‎ Angry Robot (March 8, 2022) Page count: 436 p

SPFBO Finalist review: The Mortal Blade by Christopher Mitchell

Book links: Amazon, Goodreads
FBC's Interview with Christoper

AUTHOR INFO: Christopher Mitchell is the author of the epic fantasy series the Magelands. Christopher’s first memory is of Elvis dying. His gran told him it was because he’d eaten too many cakes, and Christopher believed her. She also told him that there were fairies at the bottom of her garden, and he believed that too. He counts himself very fortunate to have a supportive wife and four beautiful children. He loves deserts, which is too bad as he lives in Scotland, but the mountains, glens and lochs more than make up for it. His other love is Greek Tragedy, especially Euripides, and he also reads history, science, fantasy, and pretty much anything about the Beatles…

Visit him at

Publication Date: August 28, 2020 Publisher: Brigdomin Books Ltd Page Count: 496 Cover: Miblart

Sunday, March 20, 2022

SPFBO Finalist Interview: Christopher Mitchell, the author of The Mortal Blade

AUTHOR INFO: Christopher Mitchell is the author of the epic fantasy series the Magelands. Christopher’s first memory is of Elvis dying. His gran told him it was because he’d eaten too many cakes, and Christopher believed her. She also told him that there were fairies at the bottom of her garden, and he believed that too. He counts himself very fortunate to have a supportive wife and four beautiful children. He loves deserts, which is too bad as he lives in Scotland, but the mountains, glens and lochs more than make up for it. His other love is Greek Tragedy, especially Euripides, and he also reads history, science, fantasy, and pretty much anything about the Beatles…

Visit him at

Publication Date: August 28, 2020 Publisher: Brigdomin Books Ltd Page Count: 496 Cover: Miblart

Friday, March 18, 2022

Cover Reveal: The Enchanter (Journals of Evander Tailor #1) by Tobias Begley


Today we have another exclusive cover reveal thanks to Tobias Begley and his fantasy debut. Firstly a bit about the author: “Tobias Begley is a physics graduate who decided that physics wasn't magical enough and took up writing fantasy, at least when he isn't busy with his two cats. He fell in love with fantasy at a young age, raised on a diet of mythology, Lord of the Rings, and Chronicles of Prydain. Driven by spite and far too much coffee, he took up writing to try and put out engaging fantasy stories with LGBT+ protagonists, a luxury he wishes he had growing up.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Book review: Wild Seed (Patternist #1) by Octavia E. Butler


Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

OCTAVIA E. BUTLER (1947–2006) was the renowned author of numerous ground-breaking novels, including Kindred, Wild Seed, and Parable of the Sower. Recipient of the Locus, Hugo and Nebula awards, and a PEN Lifetime Achievement Award for her body of work, in 1995 she became the first science-fiction writer to receive the MacArthur Fellowship ‘Genius Grant’. A pioneer of her genre, Octavia’s dystopian novels explore myriad themes of Black injustice, women’s rights, global warming and political disparity, and her work is taught in over two hundred colleges and universities nationwide.

Genre: Sci-fi First Published: 1980 Page count: 321 

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Exclusive Cover Reveal Q&A: Beast Mage by Derek Alan Siddoway (by Mihir Wanchoo)


Monday, March 14, 2022

Book review: Ogres by Adrian Tchaikovsky


Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Adrian Tchaikovsky was born in Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire before heading off to Reading to study psychology and zoology. For reasons unclear even to himself he subsequently ended up in law and has worked as a legal executive in both Reading and Leeds, where he now lives. Married, he is a keen live role-player and occasional amateur actor, has trained in stage-fighting, and keeps no exotic or dangerous pets of any kind, possibly excepting his son. Catch up with Adrian at for further information about both himself and the insect-kinden, together with bonus material including short stories and artwork. Author Website:

Publisher: Solaris (March 15, 2022) Length: 144 pages Cover art: Sam Gretton

Saturday, March 12, 2022



Official Author Information
Order Draconis over  HERE
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of The Great Hearts
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of The Great Hearts II: A Game Of Gods
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of The Great Hearts III: Shadowstrike  Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of Draconis (Draconis Descendent saga #1)
David Oliver is an indie author who writes some of the best fantasy-action-adventure hybrid stories out there. His Great Hearts series is an immense favourite of mine and recently he’s started a brand new epic fantasy as well. 
I really enjoyed Draconis a lot and you all can read here, why I refer to it as “Jurassic Park on magical steroids”.  So today We at Fantasy Book Critic along with the author are ecstatic to be giving away one hardback edition of Draconis!!!

To enter, please send an email to "" with your Name, Mailing Address, and the subject: Draconis

Giveaway will end on Friday (03/26/22) 12:01 PM and is open to participants WORLDWIDE! 

Thank you for entering and Good Luck! 


 1) Open To Anyone WORLDWIDE
 2) Only One Entry Per Household (Multiple Entries Will Be Disqualified)
 3) Must Enter Valid Email Address, Mailing Address + Name
 4) No Purchase Necessary
 5) Giveaway will end on Friday (03/26/22) 12:01 PM
 6) Winner Will Be Randomly Selected and Notified By Email
 7) Personal Information Will Only Be Used In Mailing Out the Prizes To the Winner

Friday, March 11, 2022

FBC Video Interview with David Oliver (Interviewed by Mihir Wanchoo)


Official Author Information
Order Draconis over  HERE
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of The Great Hearts
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of The Great Hearts II: A Game Of Gods
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of The Great Hearts III: Shadowstrike Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of Draconis (Draconis Descendent saga #1)

OFFICIAL AUTHOR INFORMATION: David A. Oliver was born in the British Isles and currently lives in England with his lovely partner. David was introduced to fantasy at quite a young age thanks to the Redwall books by Brian Jacques. After an extended, multi-year fantasy binge David decided to write a book and The Great Hearts is his debut novel. A fantasy novel that takes the reader on a whirlwind adventure featuring monsters and mayhem. He hopes any new reader enjoys it as much as he liked writing it!

I hope you all enjoy this chat with David and please checkout all of his books as they are full of action, magic, adventure and yet are a bit different. I can't wait to read the sequel(s) to Draconis and the remainder of The Great Hearts books!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

FBC Video Interview Series: Authors & Their Favourite Books, Rachel Aaron chats about T. Kingfisher’s CLOCKWORK BOYS (interviewed by Mihir Wanchoo)


Hello everyone, this is the ATFB series, Authors & Their Favourite Books.  This series is inspired by hearing about authors talk about what books inspired them to become wordsmiths in their own right.
Today we have with us Rachel Aaron who has chosen T. Kingfisher’s CLOCKWORK BOYS. We chatted about how Rachel came across Ursula Vernon’s adult pseudonym, why she loves this book (inspite of its idiosyncracies) & what she thought of the sequel. Plus Rachel reveals the title of her upcoming, new book and what genre it is set in.... 
Therefore, it is my sincere hope that you enjoy this conversation and please feel free to let us know what you think either in the comments below or comments on the Youtube video.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Interview with Trudie Skies, the author of The Thirteenth Hour

Book links: AmazonGoodreads

AUTHOR INFO: Trudie Skies has been living inside fantasy worlds ever since she discovered that reality doesn’t quite live up to the hype. Through the magic of books, she wishes to share these worlds of hope and heroes with other weary souls. Living in North East England, Trudie spends most of her free time daydreaming about clouds, devouring whatever fantasy books or video games she can get her hands on, and chasing after her troublesome dogs, who would like to reassure you they are very good boys.

You can chat with Trudie on Twitter @TrudieSkies

Publication Date: October 13, 2021 Publisher: Trudie Skies Page Count: 535 Cover design: 

Monday, March 7, 2022

SPFBO Finalist review: The Iron Crown (Dragon Spirits #1) by L.L. MacRae

Read FBC's interview with L.L MacRae
Book links: AmazonGoodreads

AUTHOR INFO: Lauren is a fantasy author of character-driven stories and epic adventure. She lives in a tiny village in the UK, has a degree in Psychology, and was a professional copywriter before going full-time as an author - swapping corporate copy for magic and dragons! For signed paperbacks, visit

Publication Date: May 28, 2021 Publisher: L.L. MacRae Page Count: 587 Cover design: Pen Astridge Cover: Psycat Studios

Sunday, March 6, 2022

SPFBO Finalist Interview: L.L. MacRae, the author of The Iron Crown

AUTHOR INFO: Lauren is a fantasy author of character-driven stories and epic adventure. She lives in a tiny village in the UK, has a degree in Psychology, and was a professional copywriter before going full-time as an author - swapping corporate copy for magic and dragons! For signed paperbacks, visit

Publication Date: May 28, 2021 Publisher: L.L. MacRae Page Count: 587 Cover: Psycat Studios

Friday, March 4, 2022

Azura Ghost by Essa Hansen - Review

Official Author Website
Links to buy the book HERE
Fantasy Book Critic's review of Nophek Gloss HERE
Additional Fantasy Book Critic review of Azura Ghost HERE

OFFICIAL AUTHOR BIO: Essa Hansen grew up in beautifully wild areas of California, from the coastal foothills to the Sierra Nevada mountains around Yosemite, before migrating north to the Canadian Rocky Mountains. She has ranched bison and sheep, trained horses, practiced Japanese swordsmanship, and is a licensed falconer. She lives with her cat in the San Francisco Bay Area.

As a sound designer for SF and fantasy films, her credits can be found on IMDB.

Format/Info: Azura Ghost was published on February 1st, 2022 by Orbit Books. It is 475 pages long split over 50 chapters. It is told in third person from Caiden and Leta's POVs. It is available in ebook and paperback formats.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Fantasy Book Critic Video Interview Series: Authors & Their Favourite Books, M.D. Presley chats about Neil Gaiman's Sandman (interviewed by Mihir Wanchoo)


Hello everyone, this is the ATFB series, Authors & Their Favourite Books.  This series is motivated by authors talking about what books inspired them to become wordsmiths in their own right.
Today we have with us M.D. Presley who has chosen Neil Gaiman’s  entire SANDMAN run. We chatted about how M.D. first got introduced to the Sandman comic, how he got to spend s singular conference with Neil Gaiman and more ... 
So it's my sincere hope that you enjoy this conversation and please feel free to let us know what you think either in the comments below or comments on the Youtube video.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Draconis: The Draconis Descendant Saga #1 by David Oliver (reviewed by Mihir Wanchoo)


Official Author Information
Order Draconis over  HERE
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of The Great Hearts
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of The Great Hearts II: A Game Of Gods
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of The Great Hearts III: Shadowstrike
OFFICIAL AUTHOR INFORMATION: David A. Oliver was born in the British Isles and currently lives in England with his lovely partner. David was introduced to fantasy at quite a young age thanks to the Redwall books by Brian Jacques. After an extended, multi-year fantasy binge David decided to write a book and The Great Hearts is his debut novel. A fantasy novel that takes the reader on a whirlwind adventure featuring monsters and mayhem. He hopes any new reader enjoys it as much as he liked writing it!
Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Book review: The Thirteenth Hour by Trudie Skies

Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

AUTHOR INFO: Trudie Skies has been living inside fantasy worlds ever since she discovered that reality doesn’t quite live up to the hype. Through the magic of books, she wishes to share these worlds of hope and heroes with other weary souls. Living in North East England, Trudie spends most of her free time daydreaming about clouds, devouring whatever fantasy books or video games she can get her hands on, and chasing after her troublesome dogs, who would like to reassure you they are very good boys.

You can chat with Trudie on Twitter @TrudieSkies

Publication Date: October 13, 2021 Publisher: Trudie Skies Page Count: 535 Cover design: 

FBC's Must Reads

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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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 Click Here To Order “Barnaby The Wanderer” by Raymond St. Elmo
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