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Friday, March 18, 2022

Cover Reveal: The Enchanter (Journals of Evander Tailor #1) by Tobias Begley


Today we have another exclusive cover reveal thanks to Tobias Begley and his fantasy debut. Firstly a bit about the author: “Tobias Begley is a physics graduate who decided that physics wasn't magical enough and took up writing fantasy, at least when he isn't busy with his two cats. He fell in love with fantasy at a young age, raised on a diet of mythology, Lord of the Rings, and Chronicles of Prydain. Driven by spite and far too much coffee, he took up writing to try and put out engaging fantasy stories with LGBT+ protagonists, a luxury he wishes he had growing up.”

Checkout the magnificent cover and blurb below

Cover artist: Luminita Pham
Design & Typography: Shawn T. King
Order the book over HERE

Official Book Blurb: Evan never thought he was going to be special. As the adopted son of a tailor, he had always expected to manage the shop after his father passed. But when his Aura awakens, he finds himself entering Yesgol Academy of Magic, a place filled with the children of elite mages and nobles, all of whom have had magical education from the time they could walk. Among such prestigious company, Evan will have to learn fast or be left in the dust and in debt.

At Yesgol, he studies the arts of enchanting and divination, but all is not as it seems. As Evan pushes forwards his skills as a mage to catch up with his peers, he finds himself entangled with a secret society for the reformation of magic, deals with the occasional extraplanar horror appearing in the shadows of the school, and catches the eye of a charming young noble who's been excommunicated from his family.  

Also here’s what the author said about the cover and how it got to be in its final form:
In regards to the cover, it features Evan (The main character), and Osheen (A noble excommunicated from his family) on the left and right respectively, standing in front of Yesgol Academy of Magic. Evan has his cloak and dagger, two enchanted objects that he creates in his training, while Osheen is relying on a flame spell building in his hand, each one relying on their unique skillsets as a Witch and a Sorcerer."
"While the general layout has been the plan from the beginning, I have to thank Bryce O'Connor for the recommendation to add the windows in the tree, as well as the ropes hanging down, which really gives it a sense of life and vibrancy that would otherwise have been absent. In my initial ideas, I had wanted to include both of their familiars, a silver owl and a red phoenix, but we eventually decided that would look too messy, which I am glad for, as I think the design is colorful and bright without being overwhelming. The art was done by the wonderful Luminita Pham, who was great to work with. Typography was done by Shawn T. King, who added an astonishing level of professional quality to the cover that really exceeded my expectations.”



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