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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Book review: The Enlightenment Project by Lynn Hightower

Book links: Amazon, Goodreads

AUTHOR INFO: The author of numerous thrillers, including the Sonora Blair and Lena Padget detective series, Lynn Hightower’s internationally bestselling novels have been included in the New York Times List of Notable Books, the London Times’ bestseller lists, the WH Smith Fresh Talent Awards, and the Shamus award. Lynn teaches Master Novel classes in the UCLA Extension Writing Program and works as a Manuscript Consultant/Writing Coach for novelists.

Publisher: Severn House (March 1, 2022) Page count: 256 p Formats: ebook, paperback, audiobook

The Enlightenment Project has a great premise. Noah, a successful neurosurgeon, is researching the effects of spirituality on the brain. Unfortunately, his research opens the door to dark forces. The Enlightenment Project combines fiction with cutting-edge science. For some scientists, demonic possession is a psychiatric disorder that can be cured through the collaboration of psychiatrists and exorcists.

Noah has a good life, a loving wife, adopted sons, and a faithful dog. But he also has a dark secret that only Father Perry knows. As a child, Noah was possessed. The priest saved him through a precise ritual. The two became friends. 

When Noah begins to work on the titular Enlightenment Project, strange phenomena occur. Shadows move around him, and patients know secrets from his past. There's also a man who begins to haunt his family. Noah must face the looming darkness and supernatural threats to protect his loved ones.

The Enlightment Project has an unsettling tone, and it's tense. It doesn't lack quiet moments - at its core, it's a story about human connections. With its short chapters and focused narrative, it's a fast-paced and exciting book. I could imagine the book working well as a movie - the scene-setting, the very personal stakes, the drama, all would work well on the big screen.

While the story can easily be categorized as a supernatural thriller, it's also an insightful tale of childhood trauma and the secrets we all keep (and that keep our loved ones from knowing the real us). Noah's secrets nearly destroy his marriage, but he fights for it.

I enjoyed Huightower's writing style - it's simple, honest, and to the point. Because I've listened to the audiobook, I want to give a shout-out to the narrator Danny Deferrari who did a fabulous job. 

In all, I recommend The Enlightenment Project to fans of supernatural thrillers with personal stakes and interesting takes on demonic possession.



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