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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Cover Reveal: Moths by Jane Hennigan


For readers of Vox and The Handmaid’s Tale, Moths follows Mary as she contemplates her life before men were driven mad by a toxin and life was upended. Unable to ever return to society, men are now kept in specially treated dust-free facilities for their safety. The world is quiet, but secrets are kept safe in whispers. Very few people remember what life was like before the change, but Mary knows. She had a family. She was happy. This is her story.

Moths by Jane Hennigan
14 March 2023

Forty years ago, the world changed. Toxic threads left behind by mutated moths infected every man and boy, killing them quietly in their sleep, or turning them into crazed killers. No one was safe from their psychopathic wrath and no one could reach them. All seemed hopeless.

But humanity, as it does, adapted and society moved on. Now, men are kept in specially treated dust-free facilities for their safety, and are never able to return to the outside. The world is quiet, but secrets are kept safe in whispers. Very few people remember what life was like before the change, but Mary knows. She had a family. She was happy. This is her story. 
Exploring male violence against women, homo-normativity, and gynocracy, Moths is a powerful assessment of life through the lens of a main character in her 70s.

Jane Hennigan: “I devour any and all dystopian fiction, especially feminist dystopias, so when I read an article on a type of toxic caterpillar infesting Europe, I put the two together and the idea for Moths was formed. I wanted my protagonist to be an older woman, flawed but capable, and constantly underestimated by those close to her. I put my book out there with few expectations and was stunned by the overwhelming response from so many readers. This past year, Moths has taken on a life of its own, and I’m delighted that Angry Robot has stepped in to ensure Mary’s story reaches the widest readership possible.

Mushens Entertainment Agent, Liza DeBlock: "I am absolutely delighted that Angry Robot will be publishing Jane’s engaging, harrowing, and inspiring novel, Moths. I cannot think of a better partnership to bring this wonderful book to readers.

Publisher, Eleanor Teasdale: "Moths is utterly, horrifyingly compelling with an older protagonist who has lived through the change in the world. It's smart, readable and a total breakout sensation. I'm so excited to introduce Moths to a whole new set of readers as well as get the magnificent sequel, Toxxic, to the fans who picked it up early on.”

Managing Editor, Gemma Creffield: “I have been looking for a book that shook me as much as The Power for a long time, so I was so pleased to come across Moths. Jane's duology fits the bill entirely!”



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