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Friday, December 23, 2022

A Cup of Tea at the Mouth of Hell: (Or, an Account of Catastrophe by Stoudemire McCloud, Demon) by Luke Tarzian (Reviewed by Lena)


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OFFICIAL AUTHOR INFORMATION: Luke Tarzian was born in Bucharest, Romania. His parents made the extremely poor choice of adopting him less than six months into his life. As such, he’s resided primarily in the United States and currently lives in California with his wife and their twin daughters. Somehow, they tolerate him. Unfortunately, he can also be found online and, to the dismay of his clients, also functions as a cover artist for independent authors. Follow him on social media and be sure to sign up for his newsletter at
Order is the focal point around which existence revolves. Without order there is only chaos. And in the halls of Damnation (pronounced Dam-NAWT-ion, thank you kindly) the first sign of impending chaos is a cup of tea made without the water having first been well and properly boiled in a kettle.
Why is this relevant, o nameless narrator? you ask. Who cares about the preparatory order of tea in the fires of Hell?
Lucifer, dear reader. After all, how does one expect to properly greet the newcomers to Hell without having first had a hot cup of tea to bulwark the cold?
Behold The Morning Star, frantic on the annual Morning of Souls, the arrival of Damnation’s newest recruits.
Someone has misplaced the kettle.

FORMAT/INFO: A Cup of Tea at the Mouth of Hell: (Or, an Account of Catastrophe by Stoudemire McCloud, Demon) was released on August 27th 2022. It is 62 pages long and is available in ebook, and paperback formats.

OVERVIEW/ANALYSIS: This is one of those stories that touch the very essence of your soul as it is an exploration of trauma and grief in the most beautiful way. 
"Trauma was not a memory; it was a reaction to a memory."
It is a very simple story, it begins with Lucifer and Stoudemire trying to find Lucifer's kettle. Which you would think would be funny, instead the deepness of the pain and sorrow and rage and loneliness that threatens to swallow all. The fact that you spend so much time reliving the past only to find that it doesn't help but you can't help it. It's a part of you that doesn't sleep, that tortures you non stop. Forgiveness that doesn't come naturally but that's necessary for your own soul is the hardest thing to do when you haven't said what you needed to.
I relate so much to this novelette because of a simple reason, I've been in a very similar place not long ago. I have accepted what happened, and since this year, I've stopped letting it consume me. The pain and memories I left in a locked box inside my heart, so I could start living again.  
I think that even though it's sad to relate as I do, it's comforting to feel that you're not alone even if it means such a terrible experience, but one that will eventually make you stronger.

CONCLUSION: This wonderful story and essays will remain with me for a very long time and will be one I revisit again and again throughout the years.




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