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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Winners of The Ten Thousand, David Weber, The Dangerous Days of Daniel X & The Tower of Shadows Giveaways!!! Plus, Misc. News...

Congratulations to Julie Keilty (Connecticut), Vicki Kennedy (Texas), Christopher Harner (California), Jillian Sorenson (California), Daniel Morrell (Massachusetts), Heidi Kukta (Utah), Karen Irby (Maryland), Jessica Davidson (Virginia), Robi Rund (Illinois), and Maureen Morra (Florida) who were all randomly selected to win a COPY of Paul Kearney’s new book, “The Ten Thousand”, thanks to Solaris Books!!! “The Ten Thousand” is scheduled for publication August 26, 2008 and will be reviewed by Fantasy Book Critic in the near future. In the meantime, you can read reviews of “The Ten ThousandHERE or check out an interview with Paul Kearney HERE courtesy of A Dribble of Ink.

Congratulations also to Frank Blados (New York) and Zinab Al-Mahdi (Canada) who were both randomly selected to win a SET of
David Weber’s Safehold series including copies of “Off Armageddon Reef” (Paperback) and “By Schism Rent Asunder”, thanks to Tor Books!!! “By Schism Rent Asunder” is officially out today and was reviewed by Fantasy Book Critic’s contributing writer, Liviu C. Suciu, HERE.

Congratulations also to Susan Tremayne (Ohio), Shawna Fox (Wyoming), Rachael Sanders (Texas), Carolyne Mayfield (Pennsylvania), and Lisa Davis (South Carolina) who were all randomly selected to win a COPY of “The Dangerous Days of Daniel X” by
James Patterson + Michael Ledwidge, thanks to Hachette Book Group USA!!! Like “By Schism Rent Asunder”, “The Dangerous Days of Daniel X” is officially out today and was reviewed by Fantasy Book Critic HERE.

Finally, congratulations to Susan Smith (Kansas), Ron Grande (Vermont), and Melissa Painter (Louisiana) who were all randomly selected to win a SIGNED COPY of the Paperback Version of
Drew Bowling’s debut novel, “The Tower of Shadows”, courtesy of Del Rey and the author himself!!! For more information, check out Fantasy Book Critic’s review of “The Tower of ShadowsHERE and A Dribble of Ink’s interview with Drew Bowling HERE. And keep an eye out for the sequel, “The Sea of Dreams”!


PRESS RELEASE: New York, NY—July 22, 2008
Dorchester Publishing and Circle of Seven Productions have teamed up to present a contest offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for amateur and professional filmmakers who also love books. Participants will create book trailers based on their favorite novel in the SHOMI series of modern-day fantasy fiction. The best trailer—as selected by internationally bestselling author Stephen King—will be shown at a movie premiere in New York City as well as a theater in the winner's home market.

The contest will provide a creative outlet for the filmmakers' visions while ultimately allowing the winner to showcase his or her talents before a potential audience of tens of millions of people through
Circle of Seven's distribution relationships. “We're thrilled to offer filmmakers a means to broadcast their gifts,” said Brooke Borneman, Director of Sales and Marketing for Dorchester, “and hope that the contest gives the winner a platform that will propel his or her film career to new heights.”

Book trailers—which are similar in style, content, and technique to movie trailers—are a powerful and increasingly popular method for communicating why a particular novel or series of novels is a 'must read.' A memorable short film can visually highlight a book's most compelling elements and draw viewers into the story and the author's universe, making a prospective reader want to know more.

A groundbreaking line of speculative fiction that combines the best elements of the fantasy, thriller, science fiction, cyberpunk, and romance genres, the
SHOMI imprint has been hailed by reviewers for its genre-blending, high-velocity action-adventure stories and emotional impact.

SHOMI books have received comparisons to films ranging from Underworld and Resident Evil to Blade Runner and The Matrix,” explained Borneman. “The cinematic quality of the books and the sheer physicality of the storytelling are what make the SHOMI universe a natural for filmmakers to explore.”

For more information on
SHOMI and complete rules for the contest, including submission guidelines and deadlines, please visit


Stephen King is the internationally bestselling author of over forty books and the recipient of the 2003 National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters. He lives in Maine and Florida with his wife, novelist Tabitha King. For more information, please visit

Dorchester Publishing has been publishing mass-market books since 1971, making it the oldest independent mass-market publisher in America. In addition to building the careers of New York Times bestselling authors such as Christine Feehan, C. L. Wilson, and Marjorie M. Liu, Dorchester distributes the award-winning Hard Case Crime line of pulp mysteries and the Cosmos line of SF/Fantasy novels. Dorchester novels are available wherever books are sold and online at

Circle of Seven Productions created the Book Trailer market in 2002 and is the leader of book trailer production in the United States. Circle of Seven Productions encompasses a network of experienced, professional production partners who have won awards, created commercials for high profile companies and created music videos for well known celebrities. For details regarding their video distribution platform, please visit

Moving on,
Gryphonwood Press has a couple of exciting things happening. First, they are currently accepting submissions for a themed anthology called “You Don't Know What You've Got: Tales of Loss and Dispossession”. As the title indicates, the theme is centered around the subject of loss. Submissions should be at least 5,000 words. Deadline is August 31, 2008. Click HERE for more details. And secondly, Gryphonwood has started a fantastic new forum HERE for lovers of speculative fiction and much more :) Suggestions for forum categories are welcome and may be sent to

Lastly, this Saturday, July 26th,
Shira Lipkin is holding a blogathon on her LiveJournal Page where she will be posting every half hour for 24 hours to raise money for the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center. “This is my sixth year blogathonning, and I write spontaneous short fiction every year. It usually tends to have an urban fantasy bent (as in fantasy in a city, not paranormal romance), but this year, I'm taking a distinctly SF angle on it. For 24 hours, I'll be in character as a xenoarchaeologist, trying to make sense of precollapse Earth... with the help of over fifty artists who donated “artifacts” to this project, including a few SF/F authors themselves. All artifacts are being auctioned, with a story card.” The blogathon will occur HERE, while the auctions can be found HERE.


Shira Lipkin is the writer of cult proto-comic Shayara and experimental web-based short-short story system Wind Tunnel Dreams, among other things. She's a geek of many stripes, a freelance writer and editor, and a prolific and well-read blogger. Interests include raising kids in fandom, cyberfunded creativity, cyberpunk, golden-age SF, neuroscience, quantum theory, and long walks on the beach.

I lied. I actually have one more bit of news. Over at
SF Crowsnest, Stephen Hunt (The Court of the Air, The Kingdom Beyond the Waves) has started a new blog HERE for reviews, news, pop culture, personal bits, etc., and I’ve been asked to contribute :) For now, I’ve just reproduced a few pieces that have appeared on Fantasy Book Critic, but in the future I might start posting stuff that I feel doesn’t belong on Fantasy Book Critic, so keep an eye out for it. Besides, you may never know who might show up on the SF Crowsnest Blog, like say Joe Abercrombie ;)



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