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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

50 DAYS 50 BOOKS GIVEAWAY: Win a SIGNED COPY of Joy Nash's "The Crossing"!!!

Watch “The CrossingBook Trailer HERE

For centuries they have walked among us—vampires, shape-shifters, the Celtic Sidhe, demons, and other magical beings. Their battle to reign supreme is constant, but one force holds them in check, a race of powerful warriors known as the Immortals

For ManannĂ¡n mac Lir, a musician and Celtic demigod, life had become a blur of post-gig parties, expensive whisky, and cheap sex. And then a faerie infant almost dies—a child under his protection. On the hunt for the would-be killer, Mac finds Artemis Black, a stunningly dangerous woman who’s inexplicably able to intertwine life magic with death magic. For the safety of his people, he should destroy her. But the aching vulnerability in her eyes calls to him. And the raw desire she inspires has nothing to do with a spell. Their love may be forbidden, but Mac and Artemis can’t go back once they’ve made The Crossing

In support of the September 30, 2008 publication of “The Crossing”—the sixth volume in the
Immortals paranormal romance series also written by authors Jennifer Ashley and Robin T. PoppJoy Nash and Dorchester Publishing are hosting the “50 Days 50 Books Giveaway” (Details HERE)!!! Basically, between August 12th and September 30th, 50 different websites will be offering a chance to win a SIGNED COPY of Joy Nash’sThe Crossing” :) I thought this was a really cool idea, so Fantasy Book Critic joined the fun on Tuesday, August 19, 2008. The giveaway on this site is over now, but readers are more than welcome to enter the other giveaways that will be running through September 30th and you can find a full list of the participating websites HERE. Thanks to everyone who entered and much love & respect...


Anonymous said...

I think you've got your entry dates wrong.

Robert said...

No, that's right. It's just a one-day giveaway :)

louiseb130 said...

Looks like a good read

Joy Nash said...

Good luck to all who enter the contest to win an autographed copy of my upcoming book Immortals: The Crossing.

The Crossing hits bookstores on Sept 30. It's a trip to Hell and back guaranteed to put you in the mood for Halloween!

All the best,

Jackie B. said...

Looks like a great book. I would love to win a copy!

Miz Vickik said...

Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great book. I would love to win. Thanks

Niki said...

I love to read!

LMcLendon said...

Still confused?

Unknown said...

Sounds like a good book.

masmola said...

Sounds like a great read

ky2here said...

This looks fun. I'd love to win this. Perfect end of summer read.

Dina said...

So easy to enter, thanks. :)

Christian Bee said...

Please choose me.. I love to read


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