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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fantasy Book Critic Update

Dear Readers:

Due to matters both family-related and professional, I regret to inform you that I will no longer be dedicating the same amount of time that I have been to running Fantasy Book Critic. So, effective immediately, I will no longer be conducting author interviews or writing book reviews.

On the bright side, I plan to continue posting monthly spotlights, press releases, news and hosting giveaways if possible. Additionally, I have asked Liviu C. Suciu and David Craddock to continue writing book reviews for Fantasy Book Critic and I am taking inquiries
HERE from anyone who wishes to contribute to the blog :)

At this point, I just want to thank everyone who helped make Fantasy Book Critic into a bigger success than I ever thought possible. These include the authors who inspired me to blog about a subject that I passionately care about; the publicists who were willing to work with me; my fellow bloggers whose advice and support were invaluable; my contributing writers David Craddock and Liviu C. Suciu whose love for literature is just awe-inspiring; and most importantly, the readers. Let’s face it. Without you there would be no Fantasy Book Critic. So thanks for reading and much love & respect…



Anonymous said...

I hope this doesn't mean that you're actually going to stop reading? As that's the best part of review ;)

I've just got back from a trip away and I'm eager to see this months spotlight.

Best Wishes, Kudos, :D


Anonymous said...

That is a major shame Robert. I love reading this site every day, it's one of the first things I check daily. I'm glad to hear you will continue with the extremely valuable spotlights but the while I can do without author interviews, it's your reviews that I find the most worthwhile aspect of the site. I know that David as well as Liviu do have a very different taste in books than I do, whereas your reviews are generaally more in line with my own feelings ( such as your latest review of Steel Remains).

I guess I hope that nothing serious is going on family wise. I also hope that you will still find time to post some book reviews of your own to your blog, since they do have added value ( and a great format).


Mulluane said...

I'm saddened by this news but I must agree that family must ALWAYS come first. I wish you continued success in both your personal life and your professional. I'm glad that this blog will continue to function with less of your attention but your contributions will be missed. Its definitely one of my favorites.



Chris, The Book Swede said...

Oh, darn. I wish you good luck with matters both professional and familial :) I'm glad you'll still be here, even if it's not as often :D

I'd love to contribute reviews (if it's OK to cross-post?). I'd of course make changes to the reviews for the traditional Fantasy Book Critic format! :) No problems if you're overwhelmed with requests, though.

As Aidan would say, you're a scholar and a gentleman.

Aidan Moher said...

Best of luck, Robert.


Robert said...

Gav, no I won't stop reading :) I could never do that! I just won't have as much time to read, and when you consider how slow a reader I am to begin with--well I'll be lucky to finish one or two books a month now...

Calibander, it seems like you've been there from the beginning so I really appreciate your support and kind words :) I have to admit that writing reviews was probably my favorite aspect of the blog and I'm going to greatly miss doing them, but perhaps I'll be able to squeeze in a review here and there ;)

As far as the issues, they're not 'bad', just time-consuming...

Mullane, thanks for understanding and for the encouragement! Hopefully you'll continue to visit the blog :)

Chris, thanks! That'd be cool if you could contribute :) I'll shoot you an email...

Much appreciated Aidan :D

Aaron Wilson said...

Wow. You had one of the best, well organized, and thought-out genre book review sites.

Good luck in your next adventure!


Tia Nevitt said...

I think every blogger goes through this sooner or later. I scaled back my debut coverage back in January, when it was taking me about two hours to write up a debut showcase. I also don't do as many interviews--they are very time consuming, as you know.

Mike said...

This by far is one of my favorite blog/review site I go to. Enough that it's on my speed dial (Via Firefox)..

I am glad that you are going to maintain the upcoming book section of the blog as that is a rare treat every month. :)


Adam Whitehead said...

Good luck and hope to see you back on the scene soon!

- Adam

Patrick said...

Too bad, my friend...

You will be missed!:-)

Best of luck in all your endeavors!

Anonymous said...

rob, you were my favorite blogger in the sci-fi, fantasy sphere and the manner with which you reviewed and conducted interviews always spoke of deep interest in the field and healthy respect of the writers themselves.

Thanks for your time and efforts, its not gone unnoticed or unappreciated.

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours said...

I'll miss all the excellent reviews, but I understand how much time it takes! Best wishes, and I'll keep reading whatever you post.

Fish Monkey said...

I understand, but please know that you will be missed.

Joe said...

Best of luck Robert. I hope whatever is going on is about to get sorted out.

Harry Markov said...

Crud, so it's official now. Damn! I never had the chance to threaten to gut you, if you did. Well anyways, stay in touch or I will definitely sharpen the tools of my trade. Pens!!

So hope you have as much as you had here in whatever you are doing now and I know you will.

Best of luck.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I can add anything that hasn't already been said, but keep well Robert and I'll look forward to any posts you make, however infrequent they may be.


John Ottinger III (Grasping for the Wind) said...

My family's prayers are with you. I'm glad you made such a wise decision to focus on family for a while. Blessings on you. You have meant a lot to the greater blogging community. Hopefully we will see you return in full force in th near future. Till then, best of luck!

Angela/SciFiChick said...

Sounds like you have your priorities straight.
But we'll still miss you around here.

ediFanoB said...

I read your blog since May 2008 and I really appreciated it.



RobB said...


Things always work out for the best, and I hope this case is the same. You managed to create one of the most informative SFF blogs on the intarwebs and I'm glad to see it will be sustained in some capacity.

Rob B

Anonymous said...

Hi Robert,

Wow, i'm pretty bummed by this announcement. Your blog is one of the top 2 sites i visit every single day.

Hope everything works out for you, bro, cuz you deserve all the best, and i look forward to whatever contribution you continue to make to the FBC.

Man... :(

tell the fam "rean" said hi!

Robert said...

Thanks for the support and comments everyone! It really means a lot and I definitely hope to be back in full force one day :D

Anonymous said...

A shame, a great shame. I've only just started in the being-published game, and you gave me my first review.

All the best.

Kimberly Swan said...

Your reviews and interviews will be missed, but home life always has to come first. I'm happy to hear that you aren't leaving completely, and I hope that life gets easier. :)

Mihai A. said...

Sad news, Robert, the blogosphere loses her best reviewer :(
But understandble and I hope to see around though.
Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

You've made the right decision, Robert.

But UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope that Chris will do some contributions. I come to you for suggestions regularly.

BTW, I just finished Auralia's Colors and am proclaiming it my book of the summer. I will actually be purchasing it one of these days.

Purchasing it, not borrowing it.

I will continue to drop by and check on this blog.

All the best--

chrisd (Formerly from Write and Whine)

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