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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

THE INDIE DAY GIVEAWAY II FOLLOWUP: M.R. Mathias Talks “The Wizard and the Warlord”, Independent Authors, Free Books, & More!

Hey guys! It’s “Indie Kindy” time again. I hope all of you have entered the contest. I wanted to take this time to tell everyone a little about me, talk a little bit about the authors I chose for the contest, introduce a few other indie writers to keep on your radar, and of course plug my new book, “The Wizard and the Warlord” (The Wardstone Trilogy Book Three), which was released in all ebook formats recently, and is this year’s sponsoring novel. The paperback version should release as scheduled on July 4th.

I know you are all going to have a GREAT Independence Day. To make it even better I am offering the newly revised Kindle edition of “The Sword and the Dragon” (The Wardstone Trilogy Book One) FREE today and on July 2nd, 3rd,  and 4th. If you don’t have a Kindle, I promise they have an app you can use to take advantage of this offering…  Now to this year’s “Indie Kindy” heroes!

First up this year is Tom Bielawski, returning soldier, and Scribe's Forge graduate. I met Tom through Facebook just before he came home from overseas. After learning about his association with Tracy Hickman I couldn’t resist. He is a true hero.

Second this year is Ty Johnston. I ran into Ty in the horror thriller section of some website or another. My alter ego writes that kind of stuff, and since Ty has some good fantasy out there too, I wanted to ad him.

Thomas Rowe Drinkard is next. He is a Veteran and fellow I.A.N. member. I read his unique take on Vampires and love the whole idea of it. V-Trooper was a fun read. It’s that simple.

Last, but definitely not least this year, is D.P Prior. Derek is the one responsible for me knowing what “POV,” and the difference between “Telling” and “Showing” is in writing. If you ever played AD&D or just like dwarves and solid fantasy, his Nameless Dwarf series is fantastic.

Now I want to point out a few more indie authors that I see trying to compete with the big dogs. Brian Rathbone’s Call of the Herald (Order HERE) is a good one. Even better, it’s FREE! Then there’s Moses Siregar, David Dalglish, Daniel Arenson, B. V. Larson, and Tracey Alley who all have a free fantasy book out for you to try. Finally, Union of Renegades: The Rys Chronicles Book I by Tracy Falbe (one of last year’s “Indie Kindy” authors) is also free.

In other genres, we have Jeff Hepple (Historical Fiction), Margaret Ann Lake (Historical Romance), Craig Hansen (YA Paranormal), J.C. Phelps (YA Action/Adventure), and Scott Nicholson (Horror). And I would be wronging readers if I didn’t mention with a GREAT BIG SHOUTOUT all the great authors of the Independent Authors Network (search #ian1 on Twitter). This is where the next great romance, suspense, or feel good novel will come from.
On a related note, William R. Potter, Founder of the Independent Author Network, had this to say about M. R. Mathias:

M.R. Mathias rose from unknown to award-winning, best-selling author at a pace most authors can only dream about. He is a prolific writer of epic fantasy novels, novellas, and short stories. Despite his busy writing, publishing, and promotional schedule Mathias continues to aid his fellow indie authors by posting about their books at Twitter and Facebook etc.

He shared his considerable knowledge of self-promotion in publishing The First Ten Steps. The book has become an important indie guide for navigating the often murky waters of using social media sites to get your eBook in front of avid readers.

Mathias has taken cross promotion to a new level in his “Indie Kindy” giveaways where he gives away a FREE Kindle Touch and or Kindle Fire loaded with independently published books. These events create a great deal of interest for the authors involved and to independently published books as a whole.

It is a pleasure working with M.R. Mathias and watching his amazing run at the top of the Amazon best seller lists.”

Now back to M.R. Mathias
That’s it! Now you have plenty of indie to get your summer fantasy fix with. So don’t forget to get The Sword and the Dragon FREE today and over the holiday. And I would be honored if some of you check out my newly completed Wardstone Trilogy. From the moment I started writing it in that Texas prison cell in ’08 until now, I have put my all into that grand epic. So I can only hope you enjoy reading the books as much as I enjoyed writing them and bringing them to fruition.

Thanks FBC for hosting. Your readers are the best.


M. R. Mathias @DahgMahn on Twitter


Anonymous said...

Sorry. We don't read self-published authors, even when they run publishing houses that publish their own works.

Liviu said...

Well, nobody forces you, though today when even fan fiction gets to sell millions of copies when packaged by a big house and splashed at the entrance of all major bookstores, the lines are quite blurry

Anonymous said...

What an amazing giveaway!

Kira Kariakin said...

I got it... thank you! I am a believer in indie.

Cassandra @ Book & Movie Dimension a Blog said...

Thank you for the download.
Looks great.

Jason Gosseck said...

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Anonymous said...

Great post, I can't wait to read The Wizard and The Warlord - I've loved the series so far and can't wait to see how you tie it all up. Thanks for the mention btw :)

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