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Friday, June 29, 2012

Ready Player One Contest and New Artamon Extract News (by Mihir Wanchoo)

In the U.S.A., to celebrate the release of the Ready Player One trade paperback, author Ernest Cline is holding a contest inspired by the plot of his novel. He has hidden an "Easter egg" in the text of both the hardcover and paperback editions of Ready Player One.

If readers can find this hidden clue, it will lead them to the first of three increasingly difficult video game challenges. The first video game challenge is an Atari 2600 game that contains another Easter Egg that will lead you to the Second Challenge. Completing the Second Challenge will lead you to the Third and Final Challenge.

The first person to complete all three of these challenges will win the grand prize, a 1981 DeLorean automobile, complete with a Flux Capacitor! Ernest Cline will be driving this DeLorean across the U.S. on his book tour this June, so contestants will have a chance to see the grand prize in person at each of his book signings. For more info on the contest rules check out this blogpost.

Sarah Ash has been a favorite of mine since I started reading fantasy and her Tears of Artamon trilogy along with the Alchymist's Legacy duology remain my perennial favorites. Recently she has started releasing chapter excerpts of the sixth Artamon book tentatively titled "Drakomancer".

 According to an earlier blog post of hers, "Drakomancer" was previously titled "A Shiver of Silver", and is set in Francia (or, to be accurate, a little kingdom of Francia called Sapaudie) and in Allegonde at least a hundred and twenty years or so before Lord of Snow and Shadows takes place. The first chapter along with the second chapter can be read over HERE.

 The author has said that she will most probably be posting one chapter from this book every month depending on the reader interest. This is an unfinished story and most likely will be finished upon the dictates of the readers. So feel free to send the author an email or three if you are a fan of the Artamon world (like me)and want to know more...

 Note: DeLorean photo courtesy of Ernest Cline, "They were Seven" picture courtesy of Marcelle Natisin. Contest Announcement via Philippa Cotton.


Unknown said...

I need to get my hands on RPO; even more so for the DeLorean. I might bite the bullet and try the audio version narrated by Wil Wheaton.

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