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Sunday, October 6, 2013

NEWS: The Shadowdance Series Cover Art Process by Orbit books

Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of A Dance Of Cloaks

Orbit Books are known to create amazing covers for their authors. With their acquisition of the Shadowdance series by David Dalglish, Lauren Panepinto and the rest of the Orbit art department have decided to showcase all the amazing efforts that they have undertaken to create these amazing covers.

So here's the entire list of the posts from Orbit:
1) Acquisition
2) Cover Briefing Meeting 
3) Cover Meeting 1: Directions
4) Shoot Planning I: Photographer & Illustrator
5) Shoot Planning II: Cover Model
6) Shoot Planning III: Trampoline?
7) Shoot Planning IV: Costume & Props
8) Photo Shoot Day
9) Rough Cuts
10) Design Roughs
11) Final Retouched Illustrations
12) Final Cover Designs
13) Final Books (and a special treat)

Go read these posts and finally here's a very cool video of how a professional ninja played a crucial part in these covers:

NOTE: Video and pictures courtesy of Orbit Books.


M. R. Mathias said...

Hi, David. I love your writing style and I hope your books do real good out in the world beyond Amazon. In fact I know they will.

As for these covers. They look just like the characters in the Marvel Comic book series "Cloak and Dagger," just with a different face and cgi gear.


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