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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Fantasy Book Critic Tenth Anniversary Day 3 + Guest Post by Mark Lawrence & Jon Sprunk

Today on day 3 of our decennial celebrations, we have another two our favorite authors. Both of them debuted within a year of each other but their books were vastly different. The factor that was common, both their debuts were amazing and won us over entirely.

So please extend a warm welcome to Mark Lawrence & Jon Sprunk, masters of fantasy, terrific plotters and all-round good eggs:

Ten years? A decade of serving up literary judgment on the genre! Hooray for Fantasy Book Critic!

I first arrived on Fantasy Book Critic’s doorstep when they reviewed Prince of Thorns in 2011, two weeks before the book came out and said it was one of the year’s best, immediately impressing me with their promptness and accuracy! Since then they have impressed me with their consistency, quality, and durability. 

More recently, the site’s involvement with the Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off has shown flexibility, innovation, and an open-minded will to engage with whatever the future has in store for us!

Official Author website
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of Prince Of Thorns
Read Fantasy Book Critic's review of King Of Thorns
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of Prince Of Fools

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Mark Lawrence is a research scientist working on artificial intelligence. He's the founder behind the SPFBO contest and is considered the patron saint of self-published authors. He lives in England with his wife and four children.

I remember May 2010 like it was yesterday. My first book was about to be released by Pyr Books. I was so excited and terrified I had trouble sleeping. Then I caught an early review on Fantasy Book Critic. Not only was I pleased by the favorable reactions, I was gratified by the depth of the dual reviews (by Liviu Suciu and Cindy Hannikman). They really understood the genre and how my little book fit into the pantheon. To this day, that review strikes a chord in me. It was instrumental in my confidence as a new author.

Fantasy Book Critic is a crucial element of the modern fantasy landscape. Reviews by persons versed in the genre can be difficult to find, and this is what FBC delivers page after page.

I am so honored to be a small part of the FBC legacy.

Official Author Website 
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of Shadow’s Son 
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s review of Blood & Iron

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Jon Sprunk was raided in central Pennsylvania and found his passion for literature during his college years. His elevator pitch to Lou Anders is the stuff of legends and eventually lead him to get published with Pyr books. Jon Sprunk is currently in the midst of his new fantasy series of which the third book will be released next year.

NOTE: Author pictures courtesy of the authors themselves.


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