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Monday, December 4, 2017

Blog Update from Cindy

Hi Fellow Blog Readers,

I have been meaning to do a quick blog update, but I always forget.

You have probably noticed I have been a bit silent at Fantasy Book Critic. Unfortunately, an unforeseen and very lengthy family emergency came up. Without going into too many details, my dad has been in the hospital for 70+ days many of which were in the ICU. I didn't expect it to be as time consuming and emotionally draining as it turned out to be. While I did a lot of reading, I was unable to review at the time.

Things have slowed down a bit and I'm ready to get back to reviewing.

So, first I want to apologize if I agreed to review any book, run a guest blog, or do a contest for you. I will be slowly catching up over the next few weeks. It will take a little bit of time, but if I agreed to review anything for you or post a guest blog, I will get it up. Don't hesitate to message me at the blog email to remind me.

The second thing I want to do is thank you for being a loyal reader. Thanks for sticking it out. I have a lot of wonderful books I can't wait to share with you.

With that said, happy reading!
Thank you all so much


Terry W. Ervin II said...

I hope your father is well on the road back to health.

Annemieke | A Dance with Books said...

Sorry to hear about your father. I hope things are going better with him now.

Fee Roberts said...

Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope he's getting better.

Anonymous said...

Family always comes first. Everything else can wait.

Charlotte said...

Sorry you and your dad had such a tough time of it. I hope things are better and stay that way!

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