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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Winners of the Scott Sigler/Infected Giveaway! Free Reading! And a Press Release...

Congratulations to Charline Stanley (Kentucky), Karrie Millheim (Florida), Barbara Leclerc (Massachusetts), James Baker (Maryland), Serge Belozerov (Massachusetts), Sheri Mcwilliams (Michigan), Betty Mordecai (Mississippi), Jennifer Cecil (Florida), Mary Primorac (Texas), and John Rasmussen (Tennessee) who were all randomly selected to win a copy of Scott Sigler’s hardcover debut “Infected” (Reviewed HERE) thanks to Crown Publishing!!!

In news, I’m pretty slammed at the moment and have to keep this brief, so here are some links to excerpts, sample chapters and books that can be found online:

~Remember when
Elizabeth Bear posted the Prologue to her upcoming book “Ink and Steel”, Volume Three of The Promethean Age? Well you can now read Act I, Scene I from the novel HERE.
Daniel Abraham’s 2008 Hugo Award-nominated short story “The Cambist and Lord Iron: A Fairy Tale of Economics”—found in the “Logorrhea” anthology edited by John Klima—has been made available online by Bantam Spectra for free HERE. My thanks to Grasping For the Wind for the heads up!
~Moving on,
Andy Remic, author of “War Machine” (Reviewed HERE) has recently revamped his website HERE which includes an excerpt from his next Combat K novel “Biohell” to be released in November (US).
FantasyBookSpot, there's an exclusive excerpt HERE from R.A. Salvatore’s new book “The Ancient”.
~Lastly, starting today, April 29th (9:00am), and running through Tuesday, May 13th (midnight),
Del Rey is offering “Betrayal”, the first book in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force sereis, as a free downloadable PDF, audio book, and eBook HERE. I would post the entire press release that I received, but since Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist has already done so, you can read that HERE :) Also, Realms of Speculative Fiction has more links to FREE READING HERE.

Finally, here’s an interesting press release that I received and was also mentioned on
The Book Swede:

AUSTIN, TX – Technohorror author and horror industry entertainment journalist
Gabrielle S. Faust announces the release of the first novel in her apocalyptic vampire series, Eternal Vigilance, Book One: From Deep Within the Earth, by publisher Immanion Press (Stafford, UK), owned and operated by legendary fantasy author Storm Constantine.

Forward by Bram Stoker and International Horror Guild Award–winning horror writer, fiction editor of the online horror publication
Chiaroscuro, and a nationally syndicated commentator on genre film for the Public Radio Satellite System show, Movie Magazine International, Michael Marano.

Eternal Vigilance, described as “if Anne Rice went cyberpunk”, is the futuristic tale of the vampire Tynan Llywelyn. After a century of Sleep, Tynan has awoken to find the world he once knew utterly obliterated by a brutal war of epic proportions. In a new apocalyptic society, bitterly divided by magic and technology, the Tyst Empire has found that a hundred years of global domination is not enough to sate their thirst for power. They have discovered the secret of the vampire race and have designed a plan to seize their own sinister form of immortality with the help of an ancient vampiric god. The Phuree, a rebel uprising that has been engaged in a bloody war with the Tyst since the beginning of the new regime, have obtained the knowledge of Lord Cardone's plans and have allied themselves with the remaining Immortal clan. The powerful Phuree oracle, Nahalo, has had a vision that in Tynan alone lays the power to defeat the vampiric god and the dictatorship. Cast into the midst of a global war between magic and technology, mortals and vampires, in a new world he is still struggling to define, Tynan must make the harrowing decision to save the world he so bitterly detests or stand and watch as humanity is destroyed by a primordial evil beyond all imagining...

What the literary world is saying:

Eternal Vigilance is the main artery leading to the heart of all vampire stories. Not since Interview With a Vampire has there been a greater tale of the undead. My mouth became dry reading it. My pulse quickened. This book makes you thirsty for bloodlust.
Gabrielle Faust is the queen of vampire fiction.” –Eric Enck, Author of The Reckoning & Ghost of a Chance

“Like if Anne Rice had gone cyberpunk.
Gabrielle Faust is an author of immense talent, and Eternal Vigilance keeps the reader enthralled from the first page to the last.” –Sire Cédric, Author of Angemort & Dreamworld

Gabrielle Faust’s new book, Eternal Vigilance, is Haiku pumped to the max! You can smell the roses, but first, you feel the prick of the thorns, and you drink the slow, seeping blood. Lock the door, turn off the telephone, pour a glass of fine Cabernet and immerse yourself into Faust’s world…a 'world that fears silence, a culture that never breathes'. In her world, vampires are romantic, street smart, and, yes, dangerously sexy. Trust me, you will enjoy the trip." –Gary Kent, Director of L.A. Bad & Producer of The House Seven Corpses, Author of Shadows & Light: Journeys With Outlaws in Revolutionary Hollywood

Faust is currently at work on the second novel in the Eternal Vigilance series, which she hopes to have turned over to
Immanion Press by the end of the summer, 2008. She also continues to pursue her career as an author, illustrator and freelance journalist/entertainment critic for such publications as Fear Zone, Doorways Magazine, Darkened Horizons and Fatally Yours Reviews.

Eternal Vigilance, Book One: From Deep Within the Earth was officially released on April 21st.
Gabrielle S. Faust kicked off her 2008 book tour on Friday, April 25th as a selected author to participate in the Nebula Awards author signings. She is currently scheduling appearances and signings at conventions and bookstores nationwide to occur throughout the year.

Personally, I’m a big fan of
Storm Constantine’s work, I love anything that has to do with vampires, and I just can’t get enough cyberpunk. In short, Eternal Vigilance just sounds like my kind of book :)


Kimberly Swan said...

Great info! I had to grab the Star Wars .pdf now and avoid adding another post-it note to the line-up. :) Did you happen to read Logorrhea?

Harry Markov said...

OOh, so good, so many news, such delightfulness!

Robert said...

Kimberly, thanks! Unfortunately I haven't read the anthology, but I'm a big fan of Daniel's work so I had to mention that :)

Harry, you can't beat free stuff!

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