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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hawthorn Moon 2008 Sneak Preview of Gail Z. Martin’s “Dark Haven”

Official Gail Z. Martin Website
Order “
The Summoner” + “The Blood King
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s Reviews of “
The Summoner” + “The Blood King
Read Fantasy Book Critic’s
INTERVIEW with Gail Z. Martin

The effects of Jared the Usurper's reign of terror go further than anyone imagined, striking at the stability of the Winter Kingdoms. Undead forces align against Lord Jonmarc Vahanian of Dark Haven in a struggle for power between mortals and the vayash moru, while magic has become a dangerous and unpredictable force. Meanwhile, as King Martris Drayke prepares for his wedding, he must also prepare for war against rebels still loyal to Jared even as Isencroft is on the brink of civil war over the looming reality of a joint kingdom. Only one thing is certain—the Winter Kingdoms will be changed forever, and innocence will be the first casualty…

In February 2009,
Solaris Books will publish “Dark Haven”, Book Three in Gail Z. Martin’s The Chronicles of the Necromancer, following “The Summoner” (Volume I) and “The Blood King” (Volume II). In support of “Dark Haven’s” pending release, Gail Z. Martin has launched the 2008 Hawthorn Moon Sneak Preview and has asked Fantasy Book Critic to participate. So to find out more about “Dark Haven”, please visit any of the links below:

Dark Haven Excerpt I
Dark Haven Excerpt II
Audio Reading from Dark Haven
Gail Z. Martin Videoblog Message about Dark Haven
Ghost in the Machine Podcast about Dark Haven and the Winter Kingdoms
Interviews with King Martris Drayke and Lord Jonmarc Vahanian
DragonPage’s Interview with Gail Z. Martin
Book Club Discussion for The Summoner
Book Club Discussion for The Blood King
SF Signal’s Dark Haven Feature
SciFi Chick’s Hawthorn Moon Giveaway
~Request Signed Bookplates
HERE for The Summoner and The Blood King


A said...

Thanks for the contest!

books4ig at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I would like to win this one

kerri69 said...

grat book would love to own it thanks for the giveaway
kerrisixtynine at gmaildotcom

glenzilla said...

dark haven

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