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Monday, November 16, 2009

"Os Dias Da Peste" FBC's co-editor Fabio Fernandes first novel is published in Brazil

We are thrilled to announce that Fabio Fernandes our colleague here at FBC has just published his first novel in his native Brazil. From his official announcement HERE:

"The novel, Os Dias da Peste (In an approximate translation, In the Days of the Plague), is a post-cyber near-future story involving the birth of real AIs. This was a long time coming, and I wanted to share it with you.

The cover art is by Marcelo Tonidandel, who also painted the cover of the first Brazilian Steampunk anthology (there´s a short story of mine in there as well).

I´ll be signing the novel in a kind of micro-book tour (four events in different cities in Brazil this year, with more to come in early 2010). The first one will be later today (yep, Friday 13rd - I wouldn´t let this pass). Wish me luck!"

We hope the novel will be available in an English translation soon and in the meantime to get a flavor of Fabio's fiction do not forget to check out his online short stories indexed HERE or on the front page of our site.

Cindy, Liviu, Robert and Mihir congratulate Fabio on his major achievement and wish him luck!!


Ben said...

Congratulations Fabio!

Eric said...

Parabéns, Fábio! Esse comentário faço questão de deixar em português! :)

Fabio Fernandes said...

Thank you, Ben!

Fabio Fernandes said...

Muito obrigado, Eric! :-)

richarddiegues said...

Uma pequena errata: o ilustrador da capa o Marcelo Tonidandel.



Fabio Fernandes said...

Correção feita, Richard, obrigado!

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