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Saturday, April 17, 2010

"Shadows of Myth and Legend" by E.J. Stevens (Reviewed by Cindy Hannikman)

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Order Shadows of Myth And Legend from Amazon Here

To continue with the theme of National Poetry month I thought I'd feature Shadows of Myth and Legend by E.J. Stevens. I ran across E.J. by chance on goodreads. While poetry can be beautiful and moving, Stevens writing is describes as dark poetry. It really intrigued me and I wanted to see what this all had in store.

Shadows of Myth and Legend is a 70 page collection of dark poems that involve some of the creatures of myth and legends. These creatures range from vampires, demons, dark fairies and the like.

The first thing that stands out about this collection of poetry is the amount of talent that E.J. Stevens has. This isn't some slapped together version of poems put into a book for people to enjoy. Instead there is an immense collection of very dark poems. Each poem brings about a picture from some of the creatures of legends and although it doesn't describe every movement of these creatures I could vividly imagine the darkness that trailed behind all these creatures.

These poems aren't going to make someone scream or stay up all night. Instead there is a bit of a dark cloud feeling to these poems. There isn't white puffy clouds and skipping involved in these poems. The thing that stood out the most about all these poems really was the talent that Stevens has. These poems actually made sense and didn't try to confuse or impress the reader with complex words and sing songy flow.

Shadows of Myth and Legend is perfect for any fan of dark creatures that are from legends and fairy tales and will make a great collection of poems for the dark poetry lover. Even if one isn't a dark poetry fan it's worth it to see what that style is all about.


E.J. Stevens said...

Thank you Cindy for the lovely review!


Unknown said...

Still on the fence for Left Hand of God. Not sure if it deserves to be on the list.

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