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Monday, August 9, 2010

Exclusive Fantasy Book Critic Video Interview with Brent Weeks

Fantasy Book Critic had the opportunity to ask three questions to Brent Weeks author of the acclaimed NYT bestseller Night Angel trilogy and of the upcoming series debut The Black Prism. The author graciously and quite satisfyingly answered them in a video interview that continues a series started with the Grasping for the Wind video HERE.

Before I present the video here are the questions emailed by me and faithfully asked by the actual interviewer, so you can focus on Mr. Weeks' answers:

1.One of things that made Night Angel so memorable for me were the twists and turns of the story that somehow cohered into a superbly balanced whole at the end. Did you plan them from the beginning, or did some of them emerge as the story was written?

2.While The Black Prism shares quite a few traits with the Night Angel trilogy, their underlying universes seem to me quite different in the sense that the Night Angel one is a reasonably standard epic/adventure pre-modern secondary-world but the other is a considerably more original one with its combination of high fantasy color magic and modern elements like guns. Did it take longer to create the latter universe and was it planned a while ago but kept for your second series to get writing experience in a more traditional universe first?

3.A lot of the action in both the Night Angel trilogy and in The Black Prism is powered by family feuds, whether between parents and their children or between siblings. Can you comment on that?

Here are the answers. Enjoy!


Booker said...


Anonymous said...

What a great video!! I wish I had seen this earlier (stupid computer problems...). I enjoyed actually seeing him talk and answer questions rather than just reading the answers online somewhere.

I'm SO excited to get my hands on The Black Prism. Seriously, its ridiculous. I am rather intrigued to read what he can do with a brand new world and characters and all that.

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

Great intervbiew! I really like the video, but The answers to the questions are amazing. I have not read the Angel series yet, but have it on the shelf to get to. But The Black Prism sounds like an amazing story, and I might get to it before the Angel one.

Thank you!

Liviu said...

Thank you for the kind words; when I got the video several days ago I was very impressed too with Mr. Weeks answers

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