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Monday, May 23, 2011

“Demon Squad: Resurrection” by Tim Marquitz (Reviewed by Mihir Wanchoo)

Order “Demon Squad: Resurrection HERE
Read the First Chapter HERE
Read FBC’s Review of “Armageddon Bound
Read FBC’s Interview with Tim Marquitz

AUTHOR INFORMATION: Tim Marquitz is the author of Armageddon Bound, the first book in the Demon Squad series, and the Sepulchral Earth short stories. He is also an editor, a heavy metal aficionado, a Mixed Martial Arts fan, and is also a member of the Live Action Role Playing organization. When he’s not busy writing dark stories which catch his imagination he also manages to go about his day job. Tim lives in El Paso, Texas with his wonderful family.

PLOT SUMMARY: Armageddon averted, the world returns to business as usual. Unfortunately for Frank “Triggaltheron” Trigg, business as usual sucks.

His night out interrupted by a horde of kidnapping zombies, what could possibly be worse? The resurrection of the Anti-Christ, that’s what!!!

Caught in the middle of a supernatural pissing match between the Devil’s wife, a legion of undead, and an overachieving necromancer, Frank must survive long enough to stop Hell from being unleashed upon humanity . . . again...

FORMAT/INFO: Demon Squad: Resurrection is 252 pages long divided over twenty-three chapters. Narration is in the first-person, exclusively via the protagonist Frank “Triggaltheron” Trigg. Resurrection is the second book in the Demon Squad series after Armageddon Bound and can be read as a standalone novel. However, there are more than a few references to the first book, so it’s not advisable to start the series at this point. June 1, 2011 markes the Trade Paperback and e-book publication of Demon Squad: Resurrection via Damnation Books. Cover art is provided by Jessica Lucero.

ANALYSIS: Tim Marquitz’s debut novel, Armageddon Bound, introduced the world to Frank Trigg—the ex-Antichrist, Satan’s Nephew, and all-round snarkophile. I read the book with almost no expectations and was rewarded with a darkly humorous and action-packed story, which ended up being one of my favorite debuts in 2009. So when I got the chance to read the sequel, I was very excited. Of course, this time around, my expectations were much higher as I wanted to see more of the world created by Tim Marquitz and how life was treating Frank Trigg.

Tim Marquitz opens Resurrection with a zingy quote, which is one of the most hilarious ones I have ever read. The book itself is set roughly two months after the events of Armageddon Bound and finds Frank interrupted by a group of zombies just as he’s getting all cozy with a lady friend. After the zombie debacle, Frank meets with Katon—the vampiric DRAC enforcer—to try and figure out where the zombies came from. Before the night is over, Frank also receives a visit from Veronica—a succubus and his ex-wife—with a message from Balaath. Balaath wants Frank to repay his debt by killing a masked figure who’s already defeated Marcus D’anatello and Alexander PoeBalaath’s top enforcers. Faced with no other option, Frank agrees to take care of it, but not before being saddled with a companion who’s more adversarial than required. Frank’s troubles are compounded by surreptitiously revealed enemies, unknown agendas, and unanswered questions including the masked figure who is trying to resurrect the Antichrist Longinus; Satan’s ex-wife/companion who wants something from Frank; Balaath with his own dark game; and the mystery of Frank’s origins, his mother’s death, and Frank’s sire...

Despite my high expectations, Tim Marquitz does not disappoint with his sophomore effort. Not only has the author’s writing significantly improved, but the action is non-stop and the book’s humor has been jacked up led by Frank’s sarcastic monologues and witty dialogue. At the same time, Tim Marquitz delves deeper into Frank’s mysterious background, while the cover art is much more eye-pleasing. Lastly, the author seems to have learned from one of his idols—Jim Butcher—by ending Resurrection with a compelling moment that will leave readers anxiously awaiting the third Demon Squad installment.

Negatively, the juxtaposition of the magical with the mundane remains a bit over-the-top and not always explained properly, but the author has taken some pains in Resurrection to flesh out the world and its rules. The story and characters are not very well-nuanced or developed, but that is expected in a book where action and quick pacing take precedence.

CONCLUSION: With improved writing coupled with non-stop action and wildly witty character dialogue and zingy one-liners, Tim Marquitz proves that he’s no one-shot wonder in Demon Squad: Resurrection”. So if you loved Armageddon Bound, you won’t be able to keep yourself from finishing Resurrection in a single sitting! For those readers who weren’t so impressed by Tim Marquitz’s debut, definitely give the sequel a chance. You might be pleasantly surprised. For myself, Demon Squad: Resurrection” is a book that will certainly be included in my Best of 2011 list...


Bastard said...

Hey Mihir, really looking forward to this one.

The link you gave for Amazon is for Skulls though, I've yet to see where I can pre-order Resurrection. At least I haven't found it on Amazon or B&N yet.

The Reader said...

Fixed it, thanks had forgotten about it entirely.


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