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Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Books of 2011 So Far + Update by Liviu Suciu

After a month and a half of upheaval - moving a pretty big household 650 miles from the NYC suburbs to an university town in the Midwest - I am resuming regular posting and reviews, so to start with I will present my two lists of the best 2011 novels I have read so far.

I keep the updated 2011 English language novels reading log with links, ratings, etc on FBC HERE and the general mostly-complete 2011 reading log with all years, all languages and all kinds of books on Goodreads HERE. I do not include most rereads, in non-fiction I include only the "popular" books but not the professional ones, while a bunch of books especially in the Romanian language I have recently read or reread do not have Goodreads entries, so that reading log is only partial.

To my surprise I have not yet read one non-sff 2011 novel that blew me away and made my Top 25 list, while in the next tier of excellent, highly recommended books there are only 4 non-sff out of 21 so far. Since some of the books in the Top 25 list have been published in this hiatus period (Egan, Carey, Newton), I will start by reviewing them and then I will alternate new releases with other 2011 books from the second list that have appeared in the meantime.


Here is the cover collage for my Top 25 list so far with 12 books ranked in order as of now. The title list is available HERE and as usual the available reviews are in our continually updated Review Index page.

Ordered Title List


Here is the cover collage for the other 21 highly recommended books of 2011 with the title list HERE.

Unordered Title List


Jamie Gibbs said...

I'm glad that Newton, Tchaikovsky and Mieville are on your top list; they're on my to read pile too :D

Anonymous said...

So pleased you're back Liviu!
You've been missed :)
(Bruce from Ontario)

Liviu said...

Thank you for your kind words

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