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Monday, October 31, 2011

"Song For A Naming Day" by Sarah Ash (by Mihir Wanchoo)

Read Sarah Ash's interview with Fantasy Book Critic
Read Suvudu article about Lord of Snow and Shadows

Sarah Ash is one of my favorite writers and when I first read her Tears of Artamon trilogy, I was amazed as to how intricately plotted it was and with great characterization along with loads of political intrigue. The series was also followed by a duology which further expanded the events of the trilogy as well focusing on other characters from the trilogy.

Things are further detailed in the article I have written about the world of Artamon, however I along with many others have been pining for a sequel series to this wonderful series. Sarah recently was able to write a small short story focusing on Lady Kiukiu and Lord Gavril of Azkhendir. It particularly focuses on what has happened after the events detailed in the books and resolves a particular question many fans had raised in regards to Kiukiu’s actions in the Children of the Serpent Gate. Sarah first published the story in the “Anniversaries” collection which was published last year to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the The Write Fantastic.

The Write Fantastic is a group of UK fantasy writers who came together since 2005 to maintain and increase fantasy readership through libraries, literary festivals, reader's circles, writers' groups and bookshop events. More information can be found about the book here.

Since then Sarah has decided to go ahead and post the story in its entirety on her website. The story is called “Song For a Naming Day”. The story has artwork provided by Marcelle Natisin who is equally a big fan of Sarah. So hopefully this will be the first of many such collaborative efforts ahead.

Just a small reminder for all readers, the story features certain spoilers for the previous books so be warned and for those who can’t wait to read the story, go over here and enjoy!


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