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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Announcements: Tor Anthologies Winner, Ex-Purgatory by Peter Clines, Dirty Magic by Jaye Wells and Most Anticipated 2014 books

Congratulations to Chris Miller, who was randomly selected to win a SET of the following titles:
- Twenty-First Century Science Fiction
- Year’s Best SF 18
- Dangerous Women

Many congratulation Chris and we hope you enjoy these titles.

Next Monday I’ll be reviewing Ex-Purgatory by Peter Clines, this is the 4th book in the series and over on the author's site, they have a cool promo running if you pre-order his newest:

 "Preorder EX-PURGATORY at your favorite retailer, and we'll send you a free bookplate signed by Peter Clines. By pre-ordering you will also be eligible to participate in a video chat with the author via Spreecast (you will be contacted via email with event details at a later time)."

So for all those interested, head over to his site & fill out the form.

Also Orbit Books is releasing a brand new book from Jaye Wells which is also the start of a new series called Prospero's War. I’ll be reviewing Dirty Magic in the week of it’s release and Orbit is also running a pretty cool contest for pre-orders of Dirty Magic:

  "All pre-orders will be eligible to receive a free, signed bookplate and one lucky winner will receive this stunning necklace made by RockLove Jewelry, which was featured on the cover of DIRTY MAGIC."

That’s some cool looking stuff and so fill out the form and best of luck.

As the new year begins, there have been various lists about the most anticipated SFF titles  and in that regard, I have found these two lists by Dominick Swennen and Abhinav Jain to be the best ones out there. So give them a look and see which new titles catch your fancy.

 Dominick's list can be found over at his blog Fantastical Imaginations and is neatly compiled in to four parts:
 - Part I
 - Part II
 - Part III
 - Part IV

Lastly check out Abhinav's list on his blog, which is combined into one magnificent post of covers, blurbs and anticipatory goodness.

 My heartfelt thanks and admiration to these two gentlemen for their hard work and time and most importantly their love for books. 


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