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Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Great Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off Second Update (by Mihir Wanchoo)

Previously I had spoken as to how I planned to do mini-reviews of 4-5 books at a time. However changes on my family front have precipitated a change in my reviewing pattern. With time being a constraint. I'm going to take a page from Ria's (Bibliotropic) method and make a shortlist.

With that in mind, I read about 4-6 chapters from all the remaining 23 books and chose the following 6 titles. Within this list I have also added one book that I had previously discarded because it was better than the rest. So here are the six books that made the cut:

 1)  Blood and Masks by Alex Ziebart
 2)  Sorcerous Crimes Division: Devil Bone by Scott Warren
 3)  Shade City by Domino Finn
 4)  Century of Sand by Christopher Ruz
 5)  Under A Colder Sun by Greg James
 6)  The Kitsune Stratagem by David Tatum

 I'll be reviewing each book properly and the first book will be reviewed in the latter half of June. Hopefully by the end of August, I'll be able to pick one among these six and submit as my official selection. 


Robert Mullin said...

Sorry to hear about the crunch to your schedule and whatever family stresses you are experiencing. Still grateful to have been considered, and interested in seeing how this all plays out.

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