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Saturday, August 8, 2015

Self Published Fantasy Blog Off: Round 1 Final Update (by Mihir Wanchoo)

So after reading all the six titles that were selected. I was able to select a winner for round 1 of the SFPBO. I wish to thank Mark Lawrence and all the authors for conceptualizing this contest and for their participation.

I wasn’t quite able to review the books entirely to my plan as we had a recent addition to our family. But all things considered, I’m hoping to review my winning pick next week. And so without further adieu, here are my top 3 choices:

1) Under A Colder Sun by Greg James

So the title that will be going forward into SPFBO round 2 is Greg JamesUnder A Colder Sun. Many congratulations to Greg James and my thanks to all the other authors for entering this contest and thereby giving me the chance to consider their works.


Bibliotropic said...

Congrats to Greg James! I look forward to reading "Under A Colder Sun" in Round 2!

Anonymous said...

Many many congrats on the recent addition to your family. Safe to assume a very lucky individual gets to grow up seriously surrounded by books

Ruzkin said...

Congratulations to Greg James! I'm gutted that my novel Century of Sand came so close, but there's always next time. Would love to see what Mihir thought of my book, if he ever gets the chance to write a mini review!

The Reader said...

Hi Chris,

That was my original plan to do mini-reviews for your book as well as Scott's. However with a two-month old, it's just a tad difficult to stick to my plans :)

I'll still try to review it and if I do, I'll definitely let you know.


Scott Warren said...

Congratulations to Greg James! I'm sad that my book didn't make the cut, but pleased that it made it this far.

And congratulations on your newborn as well!

Greg James said...

Thank you all and to Fantasy Book Critic. I've just come back off holiday to this news and it has improved my Friday no end. Thanks for the support.

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