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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Self Published Fantasy Blog-Off Round One Winners

So as of Tuesday (1st September 2015), we have ten winners from round 1 of the Self Published Fantasy Blog Off. Mark Lawrence has put up the scores each book has received from their respective bloggers and now each book will be read, reviewed and rated by the remaining nine bloggers to decide an eventual winner.

Here’s the list of the 2nd round SPFBO candidates:
- A Soul for Trouble by Crista McHugh (Speculative Book Review finalist)
- City of Burning Shadows by Barbara Webb (Bibliotropic finalist)
- What Remains of Heroes by David Benem (Fantasy Book Review finalist)
- Shattered Sands by W. G. Saraband (Beauty In Ruins finalist)
- Under a Colder Sun by Greg James (Fantasy Book Critic finalist)
- Blood Rush by Ben Galley (Bookworm Blues finalist)
- The Weight of a Crown by Tavish Kaeden (Lynn's Book Blog finalist)
- The Thief Who Pulled on Trouble's Braids by Michael McClung (Elitist Book Reviews finalist)
- Priest by Matthew Colville (Fantasy Faction finalist)
- Sins of Sovereignty by Plague Jack (The Fictional Hangout finalist)

Dylan Moonfire was kind enough to list all the books & reviews/mentions on this page for those interested to see how each and every title faired.

Lastly congratulations to all the Round 2 finalists and my commiserations to all those whose titles didn't make it through.  I’ll look forward to reviewing all the titles listed above and also next week, there'll be an interview with a few of the authors about their side of this SPFBO process.

NOTE: Cover collage courtesy of Mark Lawrence.


J P Ashman said...

Love this competition. Can't wait to see who is crowned champion of SPFBO.

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