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Thursday, January 7, 2016

"Fallout: Lois Lane 1" by Gwenda Bond (Reviewed by Cindy Hannikman)

Visit Gwenda Bond's Official Website Here

OVERVIEW: Lois Lane is starting a new life in Metropolis. An Army brat, Lois has lived all over—and seen all kinds of things. (Some of them defy explanation, like the near-disaster she witnessed in Kansas in the middle of one night.) But now her family is putting down roots in the big city, and Lois is determined to fit in. Stay quiet. Fly straight. As soon as she steps into her new high school, though, she can see it won’t be that easy. A group known as the Warheads is making life miserable for another girl at school. They’re messing with her mind, somehow, via the high-tech immersive videogame they all play. Not cool. Armed with her wit and her new snazzy job as a reporter, Lois has her sights set on solving this mystery. But sometimes it’s all a bit much. Thank goodness for her maybe-more-than-a friend, a guy she knows only by his screenname, SmallvilleGuy.

FORMAT: Fallout: Lois Lane 1 is the first in a proposed YA series that is inspired by the Superman comics. The novel contains a mix of mystery, action, and science fiction.

Fallout stands at 304 pages. It was published May 1, 2015 by Switch Press.

ANALYSIS: Not every book has to be intense or super serious to be good. Fallout, the first novel in the Lois Lane YA series by Gwenda Bond, is an example of this type of book. It is fast paced, filled with mystery, unique, and packed with loveable characters.

Before going further, it is important to note that this is a story about Lois Lane. Superman/Clark Kent is a subtle background character, but ultimately this is Lois Lane's time to shine. Most of the appearances by Superman (it isn't really said to be Superman, but it is a character that goes by the online screenname of SmallvilleGuy, so one can assume) happen through brief interactions on the computer or even for a few moments in a virtual reality game.

Those looking for more Superman and Lois Lane interactions will be disappointed, but if you take the book for what it is worth – a Lois Lane story. You won't be disappointed. But don't give up hope. There are hints that there could be more Superman/Lois Lane interactions in the future, as more books are brought into the series.

The two biggest highlights of Fallout happen to be the mystery surrounding the novel and Lois Lane's relationships with her fellow classmates and friends. The mystery was appropriate for the novel. It had a very Metropolis feel to it, which made it not only believable, but fun to read. Most of the mystery surrounds a virtual reality game, which might not be enjoyable to some readers. Personally, I found the virtual reality game parts believable and easy to follow, but some individuals who aren't familiar with this concept or who really don't like video games may not find it enjoyable.

Lois Lane's relationships with her classmates and friends are another huge plus for this novel. It was amazing to see how Lois Lane developed friendships with a wide variety of classmates. Fallout starts with Lois Lane being the new kid in town, and it was a real joy to see how she integrated herself not only into the Daily Planet, but into the day-to-day lives of her classmates. It was also a joy to see her as a strong protagonist that is working to help out her friends in need. 

Overall, Fallout was an enjoyable, fun read. The mystery aspect kept me involved and I really felt a connection to the characters – in particular Lois Lane. I am not 100% certain die-hard fans of Superman will fall in love with it – after all these are beloved characters and while I feel it does it justice, I am sure there is plenty for people to find fault with. But I think it is a great novel for those who are looking for something a little different or for those who want to take a peek into a new side of Lois Lane. I am eagerly awaiting the second novel in this series.


Ashana Lian said...

I didn't even know this novel existed! How interesting. YA is going up in the world, it seems. XD

Cindy said...

I was really surprised at how good it was. There are some really great YA books coming out, which I'm extremely excited about!

Paul Kepper said...

My daughter will LOVE this. Then of course I will read it, nothing wrong with well written YA. I am reading Robert Gryn's series Suns of End, I think it's fantastic. Might not be something I would let my 13 yo read, but my 16 yo would love it!

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