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Friday, August 26, 2016

BLOG TOUR AND GIVEAWAY: The Gate of Futures Past by Julie E. Czerneda

Julie E. Czerneda visited Fantasy Book Critic when the first novel of Reunification Series was published. We are excited to announce that her second novel in the series is set to be released and we are celebrating by taking part in the blog tour, which allows our readers to take part in TWO different giveaways.

Gate to Futures Past is scheduled to be released by DAW Hardcover on September 6, 2016.

We have a giveaway that is being run on Fantasy Book Critic and then you can enter the 'blog tour' giveaway (the one offered with raffelcopter). Each provides you with a great opportunity to win some of Julie E. Czerneda's books!

Here is what you can win!

If you enter the Fantasy Book Critic giveaway (rules below), you will have the chance to win 2 books. You will win a mass market copy of A Gulf of Time and Stars and a hardcover copy of Gate of Futures Past.

The blogwide giveaway you will have the chance to win the entire Clan Chronicles. That is a total of 8 books!

Without further ado, I'd like to spotlight The Gate of Future Past. 



Second novel in the hard sci-fi Reunification series, The Gate to Futures Pastcontinues the Clan Chronicles, perfect for space opera readers looking for unique aliens and interstellar civilizations. 
Betrayed and attacked, the Clan fled the Trade Pact for Cersi, believing that world their long-lost home. With them went a lone alien, the Human named Jason Morgan, Chosen of their leader, Sira di Sarc. Tragically, their arrival upset the Balance between Cersi’s three sentient species. And so the Clan, with their newfound kin, must flee again.
Their starship, powered by the M’hir, follows a course set long ago, for Clan abilities came from an experiment their ancestors—the Hoveny—conducted on themselves. But it’s a perilous journey. The Clan must endure more than cramped conditions and inner turmoil. 
Their dead are Calling.
Sira must keep her people from answering, for if they do, they die. Morgan searches the ship for answers, afraid the Hoveny’s tech is beyond his grasp. Their only hope? To reach their destination. 
Little do Sira and Morgan realize their destination holds the gravest threat of all....


Julie E. Czerneda is a biologist and writer whose science fiction has received international acclaim, awards, and best-selling status. She is the author of the popular Species Imperative trilogy, the Web Shifters series, the Trade Pact Universe trilogy and her new Stratification novels. She was a finalist for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer. Her stand-alone novel, In the Company of Others, won Canada's Prix Aurora Award and was a finalist for the Philip K. Dick Award for Distinguished SF. Julie lives with her husband and two children in the lake country of central Ontario, under skies so clear they could take seeing the Milky Way for granted, but never do. For more about her work, visit or visit her on Facebook, Twitter, or Goodreads.


Giveaway Rules for Fantasy Book Critic Giveaway 

1. This giveaway is open to those living in the US/Canada. 

2. One winner at the end of the contest will be chosen to receive 1 copy of A Gulf of Time and Stars and 1 copy of Gate of Futures Past.

3. Contest begins on August 26, 2016 at 12:01 a.m. EST and will end September 3, 2016 at 12:01 a.m. EST. 

4. Please only one entry per person. 

5. To enter please send an email with the subject GATE OF FUTURES PAST to Please include your name, email address, and snail mail address. 

6. All entries will be deleted at the end of the contest. 

Good Luck!    


rubydog said...

Please enter me in this giveaway.

Edye Nicole said...

I love the unique worlds in science fiction.

Cindy said...

Rubydog. If you wish to enter the contest, you must follow the rules to enter. It isn't something we can do for you.

Edye. I love the unique worlds too! There are some very creative sci-fi writers out there with great imaginations.

Amy Heffernan said...

I love how ANYTHING is possible!

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